International projects source: SICRIS

Service Oriented Programmable smart environments for older Europeans

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  10155  PhD Vasja Vehovar  Sociology  Head  2007 - 2010 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0582  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences  Ljubljana  1626957 
SOPRANO will design and develop highly innovative, context-aware, smart services with natural and comfortable interfaces for older people at affordable cost, meeting requirements of users, family and care providers and significantly extending the time we can live independently in our homes when older. User friendliness and acceptability is top priority for the project - a zero-slope learning curve is to be achieved and interfaces are to 'vanish' into domestic settings. Large-scale viability in real homes will be demonstrated with 600 users to raise public awareness and accelerate AAL exploitation.SOPRANO extends today's EandAR methods to profoundly change the RTD process, integrating design-for-all - to combat stigma and reap economies of scale in consumer markets - and involving older users in RTD - from requirements, iterative prototyping and usability tests through to 6 month field trials. Research is expected to strongly advance global knowledge in semantic IT, RFID location, remote diagnostics, radar and integration architectures. A new AAL architecture is to support pro-active assistance based on situational analysis fed by user input and local monitoring. Responses are to follow agreed rules and seamess access provided to external professionals. Safety and security is strongly enhanced with adherence to stringent reliability standards. Multiple modalities and dialogue adaptations to cognitive ageing help meet special accessibility and usability needs.The consortium represents all stages in AAL value chains from academic research to quality integration, includes key local authority providers and is coordinated by the market leader in AAL systems provision. A top smart-homes player and advice by top user groups help rapid exploitation of innovative, accepted systems which reduce institutionalization and offer autonomy and comfort to all older Europeans.
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