International projects source: SICRIS

Cliniporator: a new adaptative generator for dna electrotransfer in vivo for gene therapy

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0510  University of Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5085063 
The objective is to improve the knowledge about nutrient utilization during and after periods of malnutrition. The focus is put on optimal strategies for human nutrition, but the investigations will be performed with animals as models. It will include comparative measurements of nutrient metabolism during malnutrition and measurements of food intake regulation and nutrient utilization during recovery periods. The results will be used for establishment of comparative animal and human models of growth and reproduction and to elucidate effect of metabolic programming on substrate utilization. The emphasis will be put on combined methods of indirect calorimetry, nutrient balances, stable isotope techniques and gene expression analyses in order to provide quantitative data at the whole body level as well as at tissue level. Animal models will be implemented to nutrient requirements of humans during recovery.
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