International projects source: SICRIS

Network of Excellence in Machine Learning

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  02275  PhD Ivan Bratko  Computer science and informatics  Head  1992 - 1995  746 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,767 
The long-term technological goal of the ML network is to create a deep scientific understanding of computer algorithms which learn and adapt to their environment, and to produce a technology which can be embedded in many types of intelligent systems. The Network also involves the related areas of knowledge acquisition, conceptual modelling, and qualitative reasoning. The network provides an infrastructure which is crucial for coordinating research and post-graduate training activities on a European scale; additionally, it provides a very important liaison with the European IT industry, as it attempts to implement increasingly sophisticated systems. The Network builds on structures and collaborative research projects already present at the national and European level, and so plans to exploit the personal and intellectual ties which are vital for such a large-scale venture. Special efforts are being made to interact with industrial laboratories, and so speed up the transfer of research know-how from the (academic) laboratories in the network to European industry. The machine learning network (MLnet) involves the related areas of knowledge acquisition, conceptual modelling, and qualitative reasoning. The network provides an infrastructure which is crucial for coordinating research and postgraduate training activities on a European scale; additionally, it provides a very important liaison with the European information technology (IT) industry, as it attempts to implement increasingly sophisticated systems. The network builds on structures and collaborative research projects already present at the national and European level, and so plans to exploit the personal and intellectual ties which are vital for such a large scale venture. Special efforts are being made to interact with industrial laboratories, and so speed up the transfer of research know how from the (academic) laboratories in the network to European industry. MLnet is organized as a series of Technical Committees (Electronic Communication, Industrial Liaison, Research, Training and Written Communication) and a Management Board. The research has helped support the 1993 European Conference on Machine Learning, and organized a Familiarisation Workshop in Blanes in September 1993. A newsletter has been established and several issues have been produced; these carry reports on past events, and give details of future activities. The circulation stands at around 1500, and it is now also distributed electronically to reach a wider audience. Fileserver and file transfer protocol (FTP) facilities for MLnet are currently being provided. STRUCTURE MLnet is organised as a series of Technical Committees (Electronic Communication, Industrial Liaison, Research, Training and Written Communication) and a Management Board. ACTIVITIES To date MLnet has helped support the 1993 European Conference on Machine Learning (held in Vienna in April), and organised a Familiarisation Workshop in Blanes (Spain) in September 1993. A newsletter has been established and several issues have been produced; these carry reports on past events, and give details of future activities. The circulation stands at around 1500, and it is now also distributed electronically to reach a wider audience. Fileserver and FTP facilities for MLnet are currently being provided by Amsterdam and GMD respectively. Events planned include the 1994 European Conference on Machine Learning (Catania, Italy), a further Familiarisation Workshop, a Summer School and an Industrial Liaison Workshop. Further it is possible we will hold a joint workshop with one of the other NoEs. Two additional nodes (Universitaet Kaiserslautern and Universitaet Karlsruhe) have recently joined MLnet as Associate nodes, and several other applications, including some from Eastern Europe, will be considered shortly.
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