Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Friction stir welding and processing of aluminium alloys

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.10.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Manufacturing technology 

Code Science Field
T130  Technological sciences  Production technology 

Code Science Field
2.11  Engineering and Technology  Other engineering and technologies 
friction stir welding, friction stir spot welding, superplasticity, aluminium alloys, welding of dissimilar materials
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (24)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  35329  Boris Bell    Technical associate  2012 - 2014  39 
2.  17189  Nika Breskvar    Technical associate  2011 - 2014 
3.  20140  PhD Peter Cvahte  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  165 
4.  28612  PhD Jan Černetič  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2012  35 
5.  13252  Vukašin Dragojevič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  89 
6.  24489  PhD Blaž Karpe  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  221 
7.  20441  PhD Damjan Klobčar  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2014  572 
8.  11624  PhD Borut Kosec  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  980 
9.  00050  PhD Ladislav Kosec  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  851 
10.  05571  PhD Janez Kušar  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2013  624 
11.  12316  PhD Andrej Lešnjak  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  130 
12.  33749  Primož Lipar    Technical associate  2012  30 
13.  27637  PhD Mitja Muhič  Mechanical design  Junior researcher  2011 - 2012  156 
14.  28643  Tadej Muhič  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Junior researcher  2011 - 2012  34 
15.  21523  PhD Iztok Naglič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  179 
16.  24381  PhD Aleš Nagode  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  409 
17.  12957  PhD Tomaž Pepelnjak  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2011 - 2012  439 
18.  28609  PhD Matej Pleterski  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2013  70 
19.  20857  PhD Jurij Prezelj  Energy engineering  Researcher  2012  463 
20.  18047  Vinko Rotar    Technical associate  2011 - 2012  40 
21.  22944  Edvard Slaček  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  44 
22.  00735  PhD Anton Smolej  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  276 
23.  18873  Matevž Steržaj    Technical associate  2011 
24.  02045  PhD Janez Tušek  Mechanical design  Head  2011 - 2014  1,119 
Organisations (4)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0719  IMPOL Inustry of Metal Semimanufactures d.o.o.  Slovenska Bistrica  5040736  138 
2.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  30,047 
3.  1555  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engeneering  Ljubljana  1627074  19,970 
4.  2101  TKc Technology consulting Center  Ljubljana  1689754  252 
With the increasing number of scientific research in the field of friction stir welding and processing (FSW and FSP), the importance of these technologies and their application in industry is increased. FSW allows welding of different materials, especially those who are softer than the material used for the tool. FSW allows welding of difficult to weld aluminum alloys, copper alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium and steels, as well as joining dissimilar materials together. Strength of the process is reflected in joining of dissimilar materials together, which is not possible by fusion processes due to the difference in melting temperature, in a smaller deformations of the workpieces compared to fusion welding and processing of materials with decreasing grain size. Friction stir welding is a thermo-mechanical process, where the rotation of special tool creates friction (heat) and mixing of the material. The material temperatures over the joint are different. They are the highest under the tool shoulder, where they can also reach the temperatures slightly under melting point. The joint between two material interfaces is produced by high temperature and mixing (strain) and not due to melting. This allows the joining of materials with different melting temperatures. Mechanisms of formation of the FSW weld joints have already been partially explained. During the project, we intend to explore it in depth. The scientific research plan is to research the weldability of difficult to weld aluminium alloys and dissimilar welding of aluminium alloys with magnesium alloys, copper, steel and titanium. In-depth scientific research work will focus on identifying the parameters of the FSW, the influence of tool design, forces during the FSW, stable process window parameters and weldability of aluminium alloys. Most of these materials and joints between dissimilar metals are of distinct importance for industrial use in order to reduce the weight of transport vehicles. Research on the processing of aluminium alloys will be aimed at reduction of grains size, which are prerequisites for a superplastic properties of these alloys. After successful testing of superplastic characteristics, the study will be focused on faster and more efficient production of superplastic sheet. At the same time the modelling of superpastic alloys forming will be done in a virtual environment using the software for numerical analysis. The results of the proposed scientific research project will present the knowledge development and dissemination of results in companies’ co-financiers. They will also be relevant to other companies in the energetics, joining of materials, heat processing, forming ... The results will enable the companies co-financiers to increase the added value by developing new products and/or services, to gain competitive advantage in global markets, increasing production and number of employees and reduce negative impacts of other technologies on the environment. Project co-financiers also need an expert’s assistance and support in the form of publications and collaborations at scientific conferences, which affirms the expert side of their work.
Significance for science
The findings of research project, impotant for the field of material joining are: Development of tools for FSW/P and FSSW, which enables quality welding and processing. Developed tools enables joining of workipieces of different thickness, and quality welding at tool tilt angle of 0°. Parametric analysis of FSW and FSSW of different base materials i.e. aluminium alloys series 1xxx, 5xxx and 6xxx, casting aluminium alloy AlSi12 and Copper Cu ETP and different dissimilar welding combinations of these materials. Development of new technological process of Friction Stir Linear Spot Welding (FSLSW), which enables production of high strength welds at minimal increase of welding time. Development of tools and technologies of FSW of copper and dissimilar welding of copper and aluminium alloy. Development of tools, joint design and welding technology for welding of aluminium sandwich foams. The findings of research project, impotant for the material science, include the following The average crystal grain sizes in the stirred zone of the FSPed alloys treated at tool rotation rate (TRR) of 95 rpm, are 1.3 µm in Al–5Mg–0.2Sc–0.15Zr and 3.4 µm in Al–5Mg–0.2Sc and Al–5Mg–0.1Zr alloys. The FSP of the Al–5Mg–0.2Sc–0.15Zr alloy enhances superplastic behaviour in comparison with the conventionally rolled alloy. Elongations without failure of over 1900 % are obtained for FSPed alloy at TRR of 95 rpm, at initial strain rates ranging from 1x10-3 to 1x10-1 s-1 and temperature of 500 ?. The FSPed Al–5Mg–0.2Sc–0.15Zr alloy exhibits at initial strain rates )1x10-2 s-1 to 5 times higher elongations than the rolled one . The FSPed Al–5Mg–0.2Sc and Al–5Mg–0.1Zr alloys, processed at TRR of 95 rpm, are not superplastic at initial strain rates from 1x10-3 to 1x10-1 s-1 and 500 ? due to the abnormal grain growth
Significance for the country
The acquired new practical knowledge, information’s, skills and scientific knowledge that will allow raising the technological level of the institution, project partners and the region. Project results on the field of FSW/P will be used by project partners and entire community for the raise of the technological level, development of new products (superplastic alloys produced in industrial environment, industrial consumer goods, and services), acquisition of new customers and markets, and to strengthen existing markets. The successful transfer of knowledge in production will enable companies to higher value added, more income, employment, and creation of new businesses. During the project, two Slovenian companies used the help of project group to introduce the FSW in the manufacture of products for hybrid vehicles and trucks. These products provide a significant global market share and high value added of the product. The project results represent a significant potential for economic growth of Slovenia. Relevant scientific publications have contributed and will contribute to the strengthening of the educational system, the development of new technologies and ideas, and international cooperation. They importantly contributed to the visibility of research institutions and project partners in the international environment. Visibility is and will enable scientific research and development cooperation with foreign institutions of knowledge and networking within the framework of international projects. Connections will allow international exchange of students and staff, and improved technological expertise of individuals. They will use their enriched knowledge more easily for creation of new businesses, transfer of knowledge in the industrial sector and for the development of new products. Increased employment, value added to the product and income of companies will have a significant impact on the economic development of Slovenia and the wellbeing of its citizens. The developed technologies are friendly for the environmentally and employees, consume little energy, have a positive impact on the health status of employees, represent sustainable technologies and presents an important move towards a low carbon society.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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