Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Supply Chain Management and IT support

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.02.02  Social sciences  Economics  Business sciences 

Code Science Field
S189  Social sciences  Organizational science 

Code Science Field
5.02  Social Sciences  Economics and Business 
Supply chain management, business analytics, knowledge management, risk management, business processes
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (9)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  28350  PhD Jure Erjavec  Economics  Researcher  2011 - 2014  161 
2.  03158  PhD Mirko Gradišar  Economics  Researcher  2011 - 2014  833 
3.  14990  PhD Aleš Groznik  Economics  Researcher  2011 - 2014  614 
4.  15478  PhD Mojca Indihar Štemberger  Economics  Researcher  2011 - 2014  639 
5.  24105  PhD Aleš Popovič  Economics  Researcher  2011 - 2014  255 
6.  21258  Peter Roblek  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2011 - 2014 
7.  33850  PhD Carlos Marques Silva  Economics  Researcher  2011 - 2014 
8.  23021  PhD Peter Trkman  Economics  Head  2011 - 2014  384 
9.  13147  PhD Tomaž Turk  Economics  Researcher  2011 - 2014  318 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0584  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB)  Ljubljana  1626922  43,672 
In the modern world competition is no longer between single organizations, but among supply chains and other interorganizational forms. Effective management of these supply networks has therefore become a potentially valuable way of securing a competitive advantage and improving organizational performance (Li, Ragu-Nathan, Ragu-Nathan, & Subba Rao, 2006; Trkman, Indihar Štemberger, Jaklič, & Groznik, 2007). However, the understanding of the why and how supply chain management affects firm performance, which areas are especially important and which are main risks of such endeavours is still incomplete.   Today’s competitive environment namely calls for organizations to focus on their core capabilities (Gupta, Woodside, Dubelaar, & Bradmore, 2009). To this end, most organizations participate in networks to satisfy their ancillary needs. Cooperation in practice is hard to achieve and is rarely conducted without problems even though the meaning of close mutual cooperation within supply chains is widely recognized. The key issues are trust, cooperation on the interorganizational process level, technological consistency, standards between companies and appropriate information and knowledge sharing and use. These issues are closely related to business analytics in supply chains. Business analytics have been touted as an ideal way to improve the decision making and consequently performance in supply networks.   The main problem is therefore how to adequately adjust processes in supply chain in order to achieve more efficient collection and usage of information (for example with the use of business analytics) and knowledge in the chain and how to measure the improvement. Such adjustments often require companies to change their business model. Furthermore, another unanswered question that remains is how to encourage, enable and measure the effect of supply chain integration with the concurrent strategic use of information technology. The key is also risk management involving both external and internal risks (Trkman & McCormack, 2009).   Based on the above the four basic research questions arise: which approaches for business process redesign are the most appropriate in different circumstances and when does business process redesign also lead to business model change, which areas of supply network management are particularly important and need to be supported by business analytics. The research will identify on which areas an organization at certain level of process maturity should focus to obtain the largest benefits. in order to answer the above questions the improvement in performance needs to be managed. The challenge is how to measure the increase in efficiency (both value and risks) of business process redesign/IS implementation and simultaneous changes in the organization and strategy. We will propose a new simulation-based method for estimating the benefits for different kinds of IT investments is it possible to develop a framework which would enable identification, classification and lowering risks that are connected to information and knowledge transfer in supply chains. Risk management needs development of new frameworks for classification and risk control since so far not enough attention has been paid to risks that emerge as a consequence of information and knowledge sharing between companies.   Research methods will consist of literature classification and review, upgrading the current theory with development of new framework for risk management and investment assessment in information technology. Case studies from Slovenian and foreign supply chains, statistical analysis (structural models) and business process simulation will also be used. The above methods are proven to be effective in supply chain management (Kotzab et al., 2005).
Significance for science
The importance of this project for the development of social science in the fields of management and supply chain IT management is remarkable. Project leader and members of the team have achieved significant breakthroughs in many areas that were covered in the project. Research in the field of business models represents an extremely important theoretical basis for this concept, while it clearly delimits it from other related concepts. Application of knowledge in the industry of cloud computing represents a precise theoretical analysis of one of the key industries. The quality and dissemination of information in the supply chain are crucial to the success of companies in the chain. In the project we analyzed the specific case of road transport industry. In addition to the case studies, we (in cooperation with foreign partners) conducted an extensive collection of data on the impact of business analytics (such as the appropriate use of information) on the performance of the various areas of SCOR model and at different stages of process maturity. However, the usual assumption, that the sharing of information and knowledge in supply chains contributes to a better business, is extremely dangerous, because this sharing can importantly jeopardize the company or a supply chain. This theme has not previously been adequately addressed in the literature. In the context of our project we therefore devoted much attention to the risks associated with knowledge sharing. Therefore we have provided a theoretical basis for this field. The theoretical basis is based on the theory of transaction costs and the knowledge theory. This theoretical basis was used to develop a conceptual framework for the identification, management and analysis of the impact of risks in the supply chain operations of each company and the chain as a whole. During the entire project an intensive presentation of research results was carried out: publications in top scientific journals, various presentations and lectures at foreign universities, and prestigious scientific conferences. Exceptional results in the duration of the project reflect the quantitative criteria: they are members posted a total of 31 SCI / SSCI indexed papers and received 2932 normalized net citations in Scopus database.
Significance for the country
Effective business logistics and supply chain management is crucial for further economic development of the Slovenian environment and integration into the international flows of goods and services. Slovenian companies need to be able to continuously change their business models and to use the information gathered to improve business processes and operations. To achieve all this it is essential that the companies use simulation methods. In addition, it is also crucial that businesses are able to manage the risks posed by participation in supply chains. The findings of the project were obtained in close collaboration with the Slovenian companies in the field of business logistics/management and IT in supply chains; a company that is one of the leaders in the field of infromatization was included in the project. This way the Slovenian companies will be even more able to participate in international supply chains. Through several consulting projects for Slovenian companies the members of the project group have transferred knowledge directly into practice. The transferred knowledge was in the fields of management, supply chain IT management, and business process management within the supply chain. As described in socioeconomic achievement, the knowledge created during the project continuously passed into practice in the framework of the conference Business Process Management, which is annually organized by the Faculty of Economics and was attended by between 100 and 200 participants from different industries. President of the Program Committee of the conference is a member of this project. Other member of this project also participated in the Program Committee. Over the course of the project there were also other more informal forms of knowledge transfer through visits to companies and guests from the industry at the Faculty of Economics. All findings of the project were transferred in the educational process, especially in the Business Logistics program at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral program in the Faculty of Economics. Therefore the students gained the latest knowledge; many master graduates of the program are already employed in the leading Slovenian companies. Lessons learned during the project were also included in other courses in the Faculty of Economics, for example, business simulations. This way the students have gained theoretical and practical knowledge in this area.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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