Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Physics of evolutionary processes

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.02.02  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physics  Theoretical physics 

Code Science Field
P002  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physics 

Code Science Field
1.03  Natural Sciences  Physical sciences 
Evolutionary processes, spatially extended systems, phase transitions, self-organization, coevolution, statistical physics, complex networks, physics and society, cooperation, Monte Carlo simulations, diversity, pair approximations.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (5)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  28405  PhD Marko Gosak  Physics  Researcher  2011 - 2014 
2.  23428  PhD Matjaž Perc  Physics  Head  2011 - 2014 
3.  33655  Tina Perc Benko  Interdisciplinary research  Researcher  2011 - 2014 
4.  33630  PhD Attila Szolnoki  Physics  Researcher  2011 - 2014 
5.  26467  PhD Uroš Tkalec  Physics  Researcher  2011 - 2014 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2547  University of Maribor, Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics  Maribor  5089638051 
2.  2782  ALMA MATER EUROPAEA - European Centre, Maribor  Maribor  2304821000 
Evolutionary processes are omnipresent in our life. Ranging from the unseen division of cells to the seemingly insignificant disputes between insects in the undergrowth to potentially war triggering quarrels between leaders of countries. While the study of evolutionary processes and the resolution of conflicts is traditionally tackled within sciences such as politics, law and sociology, recently physicists have made important contributions to addressing the issue as well. Through concepts such as complex networks, pattern formation, stochasticity and diversity, spatially extended systems as well as their temporal and spatial evolution, insights that are unique to a physicists approach have significantly facilitated our understanding of evolutionary processes, as well as with it related emergence, evolution, as well as potential escalation of conflicts and defection. The theoretical framework of choice for such studies is the evolutionary game theory, and in particular the prisoner's dilemma, the public goods, and the snowdrift game, but also, more fundamentally, the contact process and the voter model. The aim of the present project is to explore and push further the frontiers of what was already discovered, in particular by considering an evolutionary process not as a single process defining the final fate of a system, as was thus far predominantly the case, but rather by considering many evolutionary processes simultaneously as the defining force guiding the system towards the final state. More specifically, besides the main evolution of the two strategies within the prisoner's dilemma game, for example, a secondary evolutionary process, normally termed a coevolutionary process, can be introduced that renders the two strategies more or less likely to reproduce. In this way, we will be able to determine conditions that actually trigger conflict states, as well as present new ways of prompt defensive measures that could annihilate them in the very early stages of their development. In its simplest form, a conflict can be considered as a bistable state formed by the opposing parties. Either of the two states can be evolutionary stable or not, giving rise to stationary solutions in the form of absorbing phases, where only one of the two strategies remain, or mixed phases, where both are present in certain ratios. Conceptually identical systems have a long and fruitful history in physics, perhaps most prominent among those being the Ising model. Thus, physicists can reach back to a wealth of fundamental results, in turn enabling them to understand and analyze the socially motivated similar models better and more thoroughly than others. Methods for achieving these goals rely mostly on non-equilibrium statistical physics, but also encompass Monte Carlo simulations, k-site pair approximations and related mean field approaches, analyses of complex and social networks as well as stochastic processes. Foreseen studies are thus primarily routed in physics, but are also intimately linked to areas of science such as sociology, economics, politics as well as law, and thus, it is expected that the results will have weight also in the light of the socio-economic point of view. For example, by providing optimal conditions leading to an increased profit of a population as a whole and social welfare, or by maintaining an externally induced self-organized activity free of conflict, thereby warranting a continuous development of mechanisms assuring optimal cohabitation.
Significance for science
Evolutionary processes are omnipresent in our life. Ranging from the unseen division of cells to the seemingly insignificant disputes between insects in the undergrowth to potentially war triggering quarrels between leaders of countries. While the study of evolutionary processes and the resolution of conflicts is traditionally tackled within sciences such as politics, law and sociology, recently physicists have made important contributions to addressing the issue as well. Through concepts such as complex networks, pattern formation, stochasticity and diversity, spatially extended systems as well as their temporal and spatial evolution, insights that are unique to a physicists approach have significantly facilitated our understanding of evolutionary processes, as well as with it related emergence, evolution, as well as potential escalation of conflicts and defection. The theoretical framework of choice for such studies is the evolutionary game theory, and in particular the prisoner's dilemma, the public goods, and the snowdrift game, but also, more fundamentally, the contact process and the voter model. This project succeeded to explore and push further the frontiers of what was already discovered, in particular by considering an evolutionary process not as a single process defining the final fate of a system, as was thus far predominantly the case, but rather by considering many evolutionary processes simultaneously as the defining force guiding the system towards the final state. More specifically, besides the main evolution of the two strategies within the prisoner's dilemma game, for example, a secondary evolutionary process, normally termed a coevolutionary process, can be introduced that renders the two strategies more or less likely to reproduce. In this way, we were able to determine conditions that actually trigger conflict states, as well as present new ways of prompt defensive measures that could annihilate them in the very early stages of their development. In its simplest form, a conflict can be considered as a bistable state formed by the opposing parties. Either of the two states can be evolutionary stable or not, giving rise to stationary solutions in the form of absorbing phases, where only one of the two strategies remain, or mixed phases, where both are present in certain ratios. Conceptually identical systems have a long and fruitful history in physics, perhaps most prominent among those being the Ising model. Thus, physicists can now reach back to a wealth of fundamental results, in turn enabling them to understand and analyze the socially motivated similar models better and more thoroughly than ever before.
Significance for the country
Because the performed studies are via evolutionary game theory intimately linked with economy and sociology, the results of the project surely have weight, albeit in an indirect manner, also in the light of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Slovenia. In particular the specification of optimal conditions, in the sense of coevolutionary processes as well as interaction networks, at which cooperation and with it related social welfare is maximal, can have a positive effect on the socio-economic development of Slovenia, provided, of course, an appropriate interest and engagement of competent individuals and/or institutions is at hand. Coevolutionary processes are easily integrated into an institution or the socio-economic apparatus in general, either through praise, punishment or awards, which, if appropriately selected, can raise the productivity and output of a company. Of course more successful individuals have to be awarded more often and vice versa. Although the outlined approach appears trivial and often used, the studies performed in the framework of the project reveal precise mechanisms and optimal conditions at which these rather simple techniques have the optimal effect. One of the primary goals of this project also was to produce new and useful knowledge that can compete with related output from scientists around the World. The thus far successful execution is thus putting Slovenia on the map of leading advances in the fields of research tackled within the project. At the same time, the output of the project is now readily available to interested individuals or institutions, thus effectively fostering the propagation of this knowledge to sectors that are essentially detached from scientific advancements made within physics.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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