Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Volilna pravica oseb s posebnimi potrebami - Odprta vprašanja ureditve in izbojšanja postopkov njenega izvrševanja (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.05.00  Social sciences  Law   
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  21790  PhD Jurij Toplak  Law  Head  2010 - 2011  396 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2782  Alma Mater Europaea University  Maribor  2304821000  8,728 
Significance for science
Before this project, research of the voting rights of disabled voters has been limited to one, two or three democracies. This project was the first to deal with disabled voters in comparative perspective and first, which covered all the member states of the EU. The project connected researchers from different states. Among the project results are comparative articles, studies and conference presentations. We may expect that these works will be frequently quoted by other researchers and will motivate new academics to research voting by disabled persons. The researcher is frequently invited to conferences worldwide, which shows that his research is highly regarded. In years 2010-2012 author's works were cited in several world's leading journals, among them: - v Harvard International Law Review (high SSCI impact factor) - v Connecticut Law Review (high SSCI impact factor) - Mathematical Social Science (high SSCI impact factor) David Schleicher. What If Europe Held an Election and No One Cared?. Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 110-161, Winter 2011. Cited my work J. Toplak. European Parliament Elections and the Uniform Election Procedure. Paper presented at the IACL Congress, Athens 2006. G. M. Hayden. Abstention: The Unexpected Power of Withholding Your Vote, 43 Connecticut Law Review 585 (2010). Cited my work J. Toplak. Equal Voting Weight of All. Temple Law Review, 2009. W. Slomczynski and K. Zyczkowski. Mathematical aspects of degressive proportionality. Mathematical Social Science, vol. 63, issue 2, 2012, pp. 94-101. Cited my work J. Toplak. Equal Voting Weight of All. Temple Law Review, 2009. My book "Political Finance and Corruption in Eastern Europe" (co-edited with Daniel Smilov, Ashgate 2007) was reviewed in a book review in leading political science journal Party Politics. Three of my works were cited in a book Commentary of the Constitution of Slovenia - appendix A, 2011 (KURS - A).
Significance for the country
The project has a direct impact on disabled voters in Slovenia. Head of the project published several articles in Slovenia and the newest governmental legislation amendment proposal includes many of the ideas from these articles (for instance, introduction of postal voting, which will facilitate voting by disabled persons). The Index and ranking of the democracies according to the level of protection of the voting rights of the disabled citizens will help promoting the science in the society. It will also lead to a change in public attitude about the rights and abilities of people with disabilities, and about their ability to play a positive role in shaping a democratic society. The project raised public awareness of importance of secret ballot, of discrimination of persons with disabilities, and of the rights of the persons with disabilities. The share of accessible polling station was below two percents in 2010 and now it is over 20 percents. With adoption of the law as proposed by this project, Slovenia may well become the role-model for many other European democracies in the area of disabled voting.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2010, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2010, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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