Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Transforming Defence Policies in Contemporary Security Environment

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.06.04  Social sciences  Political science  Defence science 

Code Science Field
S170  Social sciences  Political and administrative sciences 

Code Science Field
5.06  Social Sciences  Political science 
defence policy, transformation, reform, security, security environment
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (9)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  01464  PhD Anton Bebler  Political science  Researcher  2010 - 2013  739 
2.  04856  PhD Anton Grizold  Political science  Head  2010 - 2013  534 
3.  29896  MSc Anja Kolak  Political science  Researcher  2010 - 2013  25 
4.  21509  PhD Erik Kopač  Political science  Researcher  2010 - 2013  245 
5.  05816  PhD Marjan Malešič  Political science  Researcher  2010 - 2013  539 
6.  18351  PhD Iztok Prezelj  Political science  Researcher  2010 - 2013  629 
7.  29415  PhD Janja Vuga  Political science  Researcher  2012 - 2013  206 
8.  30703  PhD Rok Zupančič  Political science  Junior researcher  2010 - 2013  242 
9.  27576  PhD Aleš Žiberna  Sociology  Researcher  2011 - 2013  176 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0582  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences  Ljubljana  1626957  41,106 
Starting points The contemporary security environment is more complex and unpredictable than ever. Recently, many non-traditional security threats have emerged. Due to their synergetic effects, non-traditional security threats are challenging the security and defence policies of countries in various ways. The effective response of modern developed states calls for the transformation of existing security and defence concepts and policies. A comprehensive approach to finding solutions to complex security issues is becoming increasingly important.   Problem identification Transforming defence policy has become a permanent function of the modern state. The problem of searching for a new defence policy identity within the framework of national security policy and international security (the EU, NATO) has been emphasised since the end of the Cold War. Adaptation to today’s complex security environment involves many dilemmas such as the question of defining the contemporary defence policy, the question of its scope and limits, the relationship between making efforts to defend the state's territory vis-a-vis performing security and defence tasks in the world's crisis areas, the problem of the role of the defence sphere in fighting international terrorism and insurgent groups, the true importance of natural, humanitarian and other disaster reliefs and, on top of that, the problem of co-ordination among various actors on the national and international level. Seeking the identity of defence policy is closely related to the non-traditional defence problems that are entering the field of defence policy. Addressing these problems by defence means has brought more legitimacy to the entire defence sector.   Research goals A lack of a conceptual and comparative reflection on these defence policy transformation processes can be observed. In this context, we establish the following research goals: to identify and analyse the factors of the contemporary security environment that affect the transformation of defence policies; to formulate a theoretical and methodological model of the transformation of defence policy and structure based on perceptional, functional, structural and financial aspects or dimensions; to analyse the transformation of defence policies on a sample of developed Euro-Atlantic countries for the period since the end of the Cold War (case studies); and to undertake a comparative analysis of the transformation of defence policies and complement the original research model. Methods In order to achieve these goals, a multi-methodological approach will be employed. It will embrace three key methods: modelling, case studies and comparative analysis. The model for studying and monitoring the transformation of defence policy in contemporary state(s) will be the result of modelling. This model will represent a methodological framework for the realisation of case studies on a selected sample of relevant countries in the Euro-Atlantic area. The acquired results will be compared with the aim to identify key similarities and differences in the processes of transforming defence policies.   Relevance The results of the project will fill some gaps identified in modern science: the factors of defence policy transformation will be dynamically defined and comprehensively analysed, contemporary defence policy will be comprehensively defined based on the practices of the analysed developed countries, the concept of security sector reform will be updated in the area of defence policy reform, a new methodological model for comparative studying, analysing and monitoring the transformation of defence policy will be formulated along with an extensive database on transformation practices. This project will also contribute to the optimisation of defence policy in today’s crisis environment.
Significance for science
The results of the project (partially) fill some missing gaps, as identified in modern science: the factors of defence policy transformation are theoretically defined and analysed; based on the practices of the analysed developed countries, it may be argued that contemporary defence policy is defined comprehensively; the concept of security sector reform is updated in the area of defence policy reform; a new methodological model for comparative studying, analysing and monitoring the transformation of defence policy is formulated, an extensive case study is presented in the form of a database of military and non-military indicators, which enables further study of changes in defence policies of modern countries. The project results also provide the starting points needed for the future work of the experts in the field of military-defence transformation. The crucial scientific contribution of the project outcomes will be the development of a new methodological model for monitoring and comparative studying of modern states' defence policies. In addition, project results provide for effective monitoring of the defence policies of modern states, which also contributes to the streamlining of these processes in practice. The research results will allow for more effective monitoring of defence policies in modern states, thus contributing to the rationalisation of such processes in practice. The application of this model allows for greater transparency of defence policy, a higher quality of the analysis of defence practices and consequently improved action on the part of modern states in managing this segment of public life. This new model will serve as the point of departure for the elaboration of comprehensive defence policy analyses of any modern state and allow for research in other problem areas such as the analysis of the relationship between states' defence and other policies.
Significance for the country
The results/outcomes of the research project “Transformation of defence policies in contemporary security environment” bear great significance for the development of Slovene defence science, defence studies and defence practice. The results of the research project are enriching the theoretical, methodological and terminological elements of the defence science. The new model for monitoring the modern states' defence policies will contribute to new scientific findings, the development of a database (quantitative military and non-military indicators) serving as the basis for further scientific studies of modern states’ defence sectors. Project results are enabling a comprehensive professional assessment of the development and transformation of defence policy in the Republic of Slovenia; further analyses may contribute to the creation of expertise platforms for the Slovenian Government in the field of defence planning and implementation of defence policy. The research project and its outcomes also contribute to the academic and expert development of research staff. At the same time, , the scientific disciplines of Defence Studies, Security Studies and other related fields of studies benefit from the project results. Lessons learned from the research project and its results are directly transferred into academic courses of defence studies and other study programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UL, and are also transferred to other scientific research organizations in Slovenia and abroad.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2010, 2011, 2012, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2010, 2011, 2012, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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