Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Karakterizacija tribokorozijskih procesov (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.04.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Materials science and technology  Metallic materials 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  22315  PhD Tadeja Kosec  Chemistry  Head  2009 - 2011  345 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1502  Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute  Ljubljana  5866324000  9,996 
Significance for science
Newly developed materials can have better mechanical characteristics and/or corrrosion resistence, but suffer from intensive deterioration process under certain agressive environment(s). Complex corrosion processes are usually localized and quickly initiated, which makes it difficult to detect. In most cases, the processes are combined actions of both mechanical and electrochemical events (stress corrosion cracking and tribocorrosion). It is usually observed in materials that form stable oxide films (stainless steels and titanium alloys). It was of great importance to set the limiting operation conditions and parameters to ensure the longer lifespan of such alloys, because they are important technological and biomedical materials that are used in a wide range of applications. Namely, sudden failure of technological and medical systems can result in vast damages leading to ecological catastrophy and human deaths (victims of circumstances). The optimal methodology for estimation and characterization of tribocorosion processes will be chosen after evaluation of different electrochemical and physical methods. We expect that the collection of proposed techniques will supplement the fundamental knowledge on different stages of corrosion processes, wear, and their synergistic effect. The critical parameters will be determined at the chosen metal/electolyte systems. Tribocorrosion is a relatively new scientific research area. It is expected that our results will be published in journals of high impact factors. Collaborating with scientists and experts from the field at other research and technology institutes, we assured the results to be applied in practice. The rationale being to start the implementation of technological research to resolve problems of high industry impact. There was an intensive international collaboration with the partners (scientific communities) involved in the past and present. The conclusions were for continuous research, dialogue, and collaboration within these communities towards the selected scientific field of tribocorrosion.These experiences were impelmented in our own research field, which lead to a better research and knowledge. We aim to implement knowledge of tribocorrosion as special courses at different faculties; such as Faculty for Civil Engineering, Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Medical Faculty.
Significance for the country
An important condition to achieve quality products, leading companies are aware of the importance in choosing qood, quality materials and constructions. One basic criteria is the assurance for sustainable durability of materials at the chosen environment (combination of mechanical, physical and chemical wear) where the corrosion itself represents the critical deterioration process. Similar conditions can be found in the case of biomedical materials used in orthopaedics and dental surgeries. In vivo degradation of metallic biomaterials due to combined wear and corrosion processes results in the formation of particulate and ionic metallic debris, which can lead to failures. Thus, the tribocorrosion research represents an important scientific field due to increased number of new materials (special alloys and coatings, new cojunction systems, use of lubricants and inhibitors) and higher mechanical demands. These particular tribocorrosion studies proposed in this project are basic research studies, which are needed for further technological and biomedical research studies. There are great needs for defining tribocorossion processes as well as the developement of methodology for the testing. The reasons are to define the field of research for certain applications for automotive industry (pistons, bearings, and brakes) and biomedicine (dental screw and hip implants). There is great interest, for the implementation of the research results in some Slovenian automobile industries (HIDRIA) and the Faculty of Medicine. We will collaborate with different research groups at the Centre for Tribology and Technical Diagnostics, Institute for Metals and technologies and Department for Thin Coatings and Surfaces at Jozef Stefan Institute. Tribocorrosion is a relatively young scientific field and there are very few scientific groups in Europe that are involved in this type of research. With the help of Slovenian research Agency there we were able to present international public the Slovenian knowledge. Slovenia is very strong and recognizable in tribology as a science. Combination of tribology and tribocorrosion science thus represents the added value to general knowledge for sustainable corrosion protection of materials.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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