Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Bio-psycho-social quality of life model

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.08.00  Medical sciences  Public health (occupational safety)   
7.01.00  Interdisciplinary research  NCKS Research programme   
4.03.00  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production   
1.03.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Biology   

Code Science Field
B680  Biomedical sciences  Public health, epidemiology 

Code Science Field
3.05  Medical and Health Sciences  Other medical sciences 
quality of life, nutrition, environment, communication, lifelong learning, personal growth, rehabilitation and recreation, care for persons with dementia and elderly people, children and adults with cronicle disease
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (19)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  14114  PhD Darja Arko  Oncology  Researcher  2009 - 2011  326 
2.  33666  PhD Vojko Berce  Microbiology and immunology  Researcher  2011  233 
3.  06996  PhD Silva Burja  Neurobiology  Researcher  2009 - 2011  161 
4.  11945  PhD Dejan Dinevski  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2009 - 2012  373 
5.  19125  PhD Jernej Dolinšek  Metabolic and hormonal disorders  Researcher  2009 - 2012  620 
6.  33622  Darja Farasin    Technical associate  2012 
7.  03457  PhD Borut Gorišek  Oncology  Researcher  2009 - 2011  254 
8.  23380  PhD Nina Gorišek Miksić  Microbiology and immunology  Technical associate  2009 - 2012  112 
9.  02053  PhD Ivan Krajnc  Microbiology and immunology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  615 
10.  25641  PhD Miljenko Križmarić  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2011 - 2012  443 
11.  15998  PhD Nataša Marčun Varda  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  488 
12.  02057  PhD Dušanka Mičetić-Turk  Human reproduction  Head  2009 - 2012  1,123 
13.  26526  PhD Miroslav Palfy  Public health (occupational safety)  Researcher  2009 - 2012  46 
14.  33855  Evelin Puklavec  Microbiology and immunology  Technical associate  2011 - 2012  15 
15.  10478  Jelka Helena Reberšek-Gorišek  Microbiology and immunology  Technical associate  2009 - 2012  405 
16.  23217  Gordana Strgar    Technical associate  2009 - 2011 
17.  29591  PhD Maja Šikić Pogačar  Human reproduction  Junior researcher  2009 - 2012  158 
18.  05338  PhD Zmago Turk  Neurobiology  Researcher  2009 - 2011  1,099 
19.  23192  MSc Darja Urlep Žužej  Medical sciences  Technical associate  2009 - 2010  188 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0334  University Medical Centre Maribor  Maribor  5054150000  23,290 
2.  2334  University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine  Maribor  5089638048  16,063 
In the past two decades the interest of studying and measuring of quality of life (health-related quality of life - HRQOL) of patients with chronicle diseases has dramatically increased. The meaning of HRQOL iwas defined by health World Health Organisation (WHO), which defines health as condition of perfect physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just as absence of illnesses and disability. HRQOL is a multidimensional concept, which includes three main aspects/wievpoints of the quality of life: - physical motive viewpoint - psychological (emotional and cognitive) viewpoint and - social viewpoint. By following the patients with chronicle diseases we ascertained that for the establishment of their health status and success of the therapy it is not sufficient just to obtain objective clinical and laboratorial parameters. It is also very important how patients experience their own difficulties of illness and the influence of illness on the quality of their lifes. In the past few years researchers developed many tests for establishment of quality of life for chronicle diseases, but just few fulfil severe methodological criterias of reliability and authenticity, efficiency, validity and sensitivity on changes (responsiveness to change). For the evaluation of quality of life two types of tests exist: - generic measures and - disease - specific measures. The first research work on the field of quality of life was performed for the evolution of treating the patients with malign and cardiovascular illnesses. Just few years latter the studies about quality of life of patients with chronicle diseases of digestive organs followed, above all the patients with reflux and ulcer illness, the patients with chronicle inflamed intestinal disease and syndrome of too excite intestine. Till now researches of quality of life of children's and youths with different diseases haven't began, because it is not possible to directly use the methodological tested tests HRQOL on the paediatric population, because of the characteristics of this population (development view, dependence on parents, searching for self image). Otherwise exists a few generic tests for measurement the HRQOL in paediatric population like RAND Health Status Measure of children, PedsQL, TACQOL, Quality of Life Profile and a few others, but none are completely reliable, each of them contain the elements for good basis for further research work on this field. In the development phase are some specific tests for some chronicle diseases in children and adolescences period. They are methodologically good prepared for asthma, epilepsy and malign diseases, but recently the Netherlander researchers made Impact-II, specific test for measurement the quality of life of children and youth with chronicle inflammation intestine disease. The only till now published Nederlands research of quality of life of children and youths (age limit 8-16 years) with celiac disease uses two generic tests (TACQOL and DUCATQOL) and six disease specific questions. Generally the results don't show differences in quality of life of children and adolescents regarding on control group, which hasn't been good accommodated (age 11-12 years). Our program research group also develops generic tests for Quality of life profile or Quality of life and specific test for chronicaly ill children, youths and adults. With this mentioned methods we think that it is possible to value quality of life and the method of nourishing and thus influenced on lift of quality of life of all aging groups, on improving health and rehabilitation pleading of all population and influenced on forming and educating suitable expert teams. This is about assuring new theoretical and research accomplishments in daily practice, where nursing care and medicine have fundamental part.
Significance for science
The study of factors of quality of life in patients with different chronic, cancer and degenerative diseases are carried out all over the world. There are also ongoing analyses of factors which influence the quality of life of healthy population, growth, and development of children, and aging processes. Analysis of factors which influence the quality of life among healthy and ill population is extremely important and influences the possibility of discovering new medical findings which have an indirect effect on the development of applicative research as well as development of fundamental research field. Joint researchers’ work of the University Medical Center Maribor and Medical Faculty University of Maribor will influence the expansion and deepening of knowledge in the segments of pediatric, gynecologic-oncology, intern, gerontological, nutritional, infectious, and rehabilitation disciplines, implementation of new findings into lectures at undergraduate and postgraduate study of medicine and other medical sciences and also have bigger response in clinical practice. The mission of the program group “Bio-psycho-social model of quality of life” is to develop excellence and recognition of studies performed in our national environment, and its recognition at national as well as European and global level. The research program continues the basic research line, which is assessment of quality of life of healthy and ill population especially from the medical point of view. Participation within EU projects was very successful as we as partners intensively collaborated in the following EU programmes: Seventh Framework Programme : Coeliac Disease Management Monitoring and Diagnosis using Biosensors and an Integrated Chip System, LQ-CELIAC – Improving the life quality of celiac disease patients living in the Slovene Hungarian border area, Mediterranean Network of Coeliac Disease – MEDICEL and ESPGHAN Working Groups. We will continue the colaboration with all partners in the next period. We strive for even more intensive cooperation with other research groups in Slovenia. The collaborators of Medical faculty, University of Maribor and UKC Maribor investigate the quality of life of the population on primary, secundary and tertial health care level. The effect of nutrition and lifestyle factors on health and quality of life of children, adults, and the elderly in Slovenia represents a large field of currently ongoing research. During the last century it has become clear that life expectancy is prolonging. The number of elderly in EU and Slovenia is increasing and 21% of population is older than 65 years. Till 2020 we expect that quarter of inhabitants will be older than 65 y. The aging of population also contributes to a larger number of people with different degenerative disorders and weakened immune system which significantly influences the quality and course of life of the elderly. Health care of elderly people today represents 80% of total medical burden for the whole population. Care for health and quality of life is the main concern of the society and individuals. Unlike past focus on a disease and disease processes which often limited an individual on the level of cells, tissues, and organs, the bio-psycho-social model defined an individual as a bio-psycho-social being where not only the question of illness but also the question of health depends on the mutual effect of different factors. For that reason, studying the quality of life has, therefore, become a priority in modern medicine and health care. Evaluation of different factors of quality of life among different population groups from the perspective of bio-psycho-social model is a continuation of research of our program group also in the following period.
Significance for the country
Knowledge on the quality of life of healthy people and patients with different chronic diseases in important since we are able to start quite early with preventive measures concerning the prevention of disease occurrence, decreasing different clinical manifestations of a disease, illnesses, and also mortality due to incorrect nutrition. Thus we can influence and lower the mortality and number of illnesses due to malignant diseases. Indirect data on the quality of life contribute to expansion of knowledge and healthy eating habits, healthy lifestyle, possibilities for preventing the development of a disease and other preventive measures. It is a matter of ensuring a transfer of new theoretical and research achievements into everyday clinical practice. We expect the results that will be applicable for development of new clinical/health practices with the use of telemedicine methods. Learning about healthy lifestyle and nutrition can reaches its purpose only by determining the actual needs in a population and realization of suitable health and nursing care. Research findings will be useful for designing and improving educational work at faculties for health sciences and medical faculties, i.e. by: 1. Developing further theories and practices by medical schools (improving undergraduate and postgraduate educational process). 2. Implementation of new learning methods which are adapted to the research subject of the programme and specific target groups in all the phases of education and also lifelong learning. 3. Improving work and efficiency at primary and secondary health care of population 4. Improving work of medical and paramedical staff in the environment of all discussed groups. Of large importance is also the evaluation of requirements and needs for screening methods in early childhood and adult period, medical care of population regarding the improvement of quality of life and healthy eating habits as well as designing models for activating and rehabilitation of the elderly in temporary and permanent living environments. Correct planning and execution of medical care of the entire population means less costs in health care, less hospitalizations, and lower number of complications and morality. Early detection of an illness in childhood, following growth and development of children, influencing healthy eating habits has an effect not only in childhood but also long-term effect in adult period.Healthy, creative population of adults enables each country progress in the economic, social, and cultural sphere as well as in developing democratic relations. Effective comunication and education of adults in the context of lifelong learning employing the ICT technology and infrastructure has proved to rise the quality of life and integration of adults into society. Training young researchers in research methodology (within undergraduate studies and their preparation for individual research and publication in international magazines, larger recognition of Slovenia in international scientific research environment. The content of studies is mostly clinically and public health oriented and therefore the results represent an important part also in clinical practice
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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