Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.16.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mining and geotechnology   

Code Science Field
T340  Technological sciences  Mining 
T270  Technological sciences  Environmental technology, pollution control 

Code Science Field
2.11  Engineering and Technology  Other engineering and technologies 
geotechnology, mining, underground constructions, waste management, secondary raw materials, environmental protection
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (10)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  03612  PhD Bojana Dolinar  Civil engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  251 
2.  14399  PhD Jože Kortnik  Mining and geotechnology  Researcher  2011  381 
3.  09644  PhD Jakob Likar  Mining and geotechnology  Head  2009 - 2012  1,886 
4.  14094  PhD Borut Macuh  Civil engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  351 
5.  00143  PhD Franc Runovc  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2009 - 2012  157 
6.  04475  PhD Stanislav Škrabl  Civil engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  440 
7.  03038  PhD Ludvik Trauner  Civil engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  493 
8.  15886  PhD Goran Vižintin  Mining and geotechnology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  489 
9.  15482  PhD Leopold Vrankar  Mining and geotechnology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  40 
10.  11755  PhD Željko Vukelič  Mining and geotechnology  Researcher  2012  325 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0797  University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture  Maribor  5089638011  12,957 
2.  1555  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engeneering  Ljubljana  1627074  19,970 
Mining and geotechnology are two related fields; the first being primarily oriented towards mineral production, the other applying the science of mining for the remediation and environmental activities. What both fields have in common is characterisation of coarse disperse systems of solid phase. Due to an ever increasing importance of environmental protection issues, and with implementing new geotechnological techniques, geotechnology encompasses a large field which has become relevant to mineral production as well. e.g. the studies of replacing fly ash with a stabiliser in electro power stations, which is the product of exhaust gas purification in the Šoštanj electro power station. Another example is a new technology of mixing, transporting and depositing of waste and the use of energy with minimal impacts on the environment. The concept of environmental protection and characterisation of dispergated systems are combined with studies on the impact of magnetic processing of water supplies for industrial and household use. The research into stress deformation changes in natural and synthetic materials (i.e. in dispersed systems) in the Earth crust are underpinned with analytical and numerical analyses and laboratory measurements in situ and in laboratories, where we study the correlations between physical and mechanical properties of materials. A complex approach in studying the changes in rocks and soils is closely related with the distribution of measured and calculated stress values and geological structure on the one hand, and technological activities on the other. Geotechnology deals with the systems which occur on the surface of the earth or under the surface. This also involves the management of waste materials which occur as secondary raw materials and need mechanical pre-processing. Underground waters play an important role in the majority of geotechnological problems. There is hardly any geotechnological activity which does not involve the problems of underground waters. Thus geotechnological activities have large impact on underground waters from the ecological engineering point of view. It is important to protect water resources, particularly in Karst terrain and in farming fields which represent major water resources in Slovenia.
Significance for science
Contribution to the science development in terms of the assumed objectives has been achieved in modeling various processes in a variety of natural and artificial environments, with emphasis on the integration of multiquadric - MQ functions in the layers of the method, which enabled the construction of a more efficient procedure, which was stabilized by means of flexible greedy algorithms. Also constitutive model of multiple caved-in and recompressed hanging wall ground layers regarding to multiple sublevel coal exploitation, was done. The usefulness of this model has been tested in some cases applied to sublevel coal mining with 3D numerical model introduced the complex geotechnical conditions with regarding to geometrical and geological geotechnical conditions. In the last few years there have been carried out research simulations of broken coal extraction in the longwall open space used 2D and 3D numerical models. The aim of this research work is to establish threshold values of volume exploited crushed coal through the concentrated extraction of coal from upper part of the longwall. That is very important result which has direct influence on practical application in the goal to prevent waste ground flow in to the longwall production space. Also in the validation of instruments for recording the horizontal-vertical spectral ratios of microtremors we describe a new procedure, where the influence of the transfer function on the HVSR curve by the tested system can be evaluated with a two references system, without any a-priori knowledge regarding the transfer functions of any of the systems. Knowing the self-noise of seismometer is important in seismic station design, especially for the detection of weak earthquakes, a new method is presented for the self-noise estimation of a seismometer using a single, side-by-side, reference instrument and taking into consideration the misalignment in the orientation in the three-dimensional space of both seismometers.
Significance for the country
The results of the research program have of great importance for the mining industry, and thus indirectly to the quality and security of continue supply thermal powerplant with coal. Similar results are useful for the transfer of knowledge in a similar environment, covering the construction of underground structures in general and construction of various geotechnical structures in different ground layers on and below the ground surface. Based on the models, which were developed and tested by research group members, they can be reasonably used in the rationalization and optization construction procedures of various civil and mining structures. The results, which were obtained, have also practical importance for the design and installation of seismic observatories on the theritory of Republic of Slovenia, because those areas are very often subject of frequent earthquakes and other seismic phenomena.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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