Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Geochemical and structural processes

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.06.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Geology   
2.07.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Computer science and informatics   

Code Science Field
P5   Natural sciences and mathematics  P5  
P175  Natural sciences and mathematics  Informatics, systems theory 

Code Science Field
1.05  Natural Sciences  Earth and related Environmental sciences 
geology, petrology, mineralogy, tectonic, geochemistry, stable isotopes, geomicrobiology, biomineralization, mineralization of organic matter, global changes, sedimentary basins, environmental studies, aquatic ecosystems, mass transport, geochemical modelling, geogenic and anthropogenic pollutants, food web, natural and artificial materials
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (20)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  11447  PhD Meta Dobnikar  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2011 
2.  21372  PhD Matej Dolenec  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
3.  27655  PhD Sabina Dolenec  Geology  Researcher  2010 - 2012 
4.  06264  PhD Tadej Dolenec  Geology  Head  2009 - 2012 
5.  11229  PhD Uroš Herlec  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
6.  20407  Ema Hrovatin    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
7.  18607  PhD Simona Jarc  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
8.  24255  PhD Vanja Kastelic  Geology  Researcher  2010 
9.  34383  PhD Darja Komar  Geology  Junior researcher  2011 - 2012 
10.  07177  PhD Breda Mirtič  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
11.  26552  PhD Nastja Rogan Šmuc  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
12.  23426  PhD Boštjan Rožič  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
13.  20249  PhD Andrej Šmuc  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
14.  17146  Miran Udovč    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
15.  24253  PhD Timotej Verbovšek  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
16.  15900  PhD Marko Vrabec  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
17.  22449  PhD Mirijam Vrabec  Geology  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
18.  31991  PhD Petra Vrhovnik  Geology  Junior researcher  2009 - 2012 
19.  31990  PhD Lea Žibret  Civil engineering  Junior researcher  2009 - 2012 
20.  29632  PhD Petra Žvab Rožič  Geology  Junior researcher  2009 - 2012 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1555  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engeneering  Ljubljana  1627074 
The proposed investigations in the research program Geochemical and structural processes are of complex and advanced character. They are concerned with geological, petrological, mineralogical, sedimentological, palaeoecological, palaeoclimatological as well as with geochemical and isotopic studies related to: • the origin of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks as well as of ore genesis and the crystallization of rock forming and ore minerals • geochemical and biogeochemical processes in different environments (fractionation of stable isotopes (O, C, H, N and S in recent marine and fresh water environments) as well as in post sedimentary processes and of those of the supergene zone • the investigation of biotic and a-biotic events in Earth history associated with short-term and long-term global perturbations of geochemical and isotopic records as well as with biotic crisis and mass extinctions • basic research of biomineralization and calcification processes in marine benthic organisms and influence of environmental factors on mineral components of these benthos • tectonic evolution of Slovenian and neighboring regions and studies of active tectonic deformation and related stress field with an emphasis on determine earthquake potential and risk in Slovenia • the sources and fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon at the sediment/water interface in a shallow coastal area • the origin of sedimentary organic matter in the Adriatic, the influence of sedimentary biogeochemistry on the formation of hypoxic in coastal water and the food web structure of the ecosystem in the Adriatic Sea • geogenic and anthropogenic impact (heavy metals and other pollutants) on soil, water, sediments and biota • stable isotope structure of aquatic ecosystems • the behavior of building materials in simulated systems regarding the possibility of their use as secondary building materials, as substitute for material minerals aggregates • the genesis, transport and accumulations of gases in the tectonic active fractured zones and structures. The main topic is study of diagenetic processes in the Tertiary sedimentary basins, research in the organic matter (coals) • geomicrobiology (interactions between microbes and minerals) and environmental mineralogy
Significance for science
Geochemical and structural processes represent the essential part of evolution of geological environment. They are important section of many cycles controlling changes that directly influent on mankind. For that reason geochemical and structural investigations are widely represented in all parts of science. The evolution of the global ecosystem since the early Precambrian is punctuated by a series of abnormal global geochemical events, which commonly, but not always, coincide with biotic changes and time-stratigraphic boundary. A number of possible explanations for the causes of these global geochemical perturbations, biotic crisis and mass-extinctions have been proposed including intense volcanic activity, sea-level changes associated with glacial periods, changes in seawater chemistry, an extraterrestrial impact(s) and various related factors. The study of coupled biogeochemical cycles of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in the sediments, at the water/sediment interface, biota and in the surrounding marine environments (fish farms, input of untreated municipal wastewater) will promote better understanding of the ongoing interactions between physical/chemical properties and primary bioproduction fluctuations. The importance for the development of science is understanding the mechanisms governing the mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals in agricultural soil. Mechanisms of mineral dissolving are a sustained project of European Union. Characterisation of mortars, renders, pavements and paint layers indicates the extension of certain knowledge and migration paths of inhabitants of the time when materials and knowledge migrated with them. This data enable us to reconstruct historical development of the Europe. Tectonics of the Dinarides and along the entire eastern rim of the Adriatic collision zone is still poorly understood due to the lack of modern studies. We aim to provide new data and answers to the following outstanding problems: - What is the active kinematics of the Adriatic microplate? - What are the structural styles of active deformation? - What is the structural, temporal and paleostress evolution of the Dinaric orogen? - What is the role and geodynamic explanation for post-thrusting tension, which could be due to extension in the Pannonian domain or produced by orogenic collapse? From the geodynamic point of view, the presence of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in Pohorje Mountains serves as important indicator for subduction of kontinental lithosphaere into the enormous depths. The expected results will make an important change in the present knowledge about tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the Alps. Results will essentialy support the understanding of the present structure and composition of the lithosphaere and lithosphaeric mantle in Slovenia region. The research of flysh sequences are of regional importance. The thorough research of the Dinarides represents the one of the first research of this type in the mentioned region. On the basis of these research will be possible to minutely determine ages of paleogenic sequences and correlate them with global geological events. Thoroughly defined sedimentary evolution accompanied with detailed geochemical research will enable reconstruction of chronology of local tectonic events, detailed research of regional Paleogene tectonic regime and reconstruction of climate changes, evstatic changes and changes in chemistry of Paleogene ocean waters. Karstic and fractured aquifers represent one of the most explored fields of research, especially in hydrogeology. The concept of fractal flow dimension as a geometric parameter of flow in these aquifers is still new and inadequately studied; therefore any research of this parameter represents a contribution to science. In addition, integration of these methods with geochemical, stratigraphical, sedimentological and structural research opens further fields of investigation.
Significance for the country
Advanced understanding of geochemical and structural processes is an essential base for better expertise of Slovenia region and the main goal of our research group. It provides the fundamental data needed for protection and preservation of natural geoheritage and cultural heritage. Providing basic geological data necessary for permanent social and economic evolution of Slovenia in different fields: mining, civil engineering, seismic hazard, avalanches, architectural stones and artificial materials, is our second research aim. Gaining all neccessary knowledge about sensitivity of geoenvironment for stressful events (antropogenic pollution, natural hazard) on the basis of geochemical and structural data is our third and at the same time the most important goal. Previous investigations serve as good basis for successful continuation of environmental research. The programme includes important elements for strategic evolution of Slovenia. Good understanding and knowledge about geological structure of Slovenia will serve as essential base for social and economical evolution, mostly in parts that include road constructions, civil engineering, landslides engineering, exploitation of natural materials, discovering and use of architectural (building) stones, evaluation and improvement of living environment. High importance of social and economic development was quickly discovered already in the previous research period. For providing the best possible utilization of basic research and knowledge, cooperation in broad social and economic field was established. With including external collaborators from different scientific fields (road building, civil engineering, ecology, nature protection) in our research group the direct interdisciplinary joint research and cooperation was successfuly enabled. The ongoing research results will contribute to the knowledge of geological evolution of Slovenia and provide the missing data for wider European region. With proper age determinations, and extensive studying of orogeny, mineralogy, mineral deposits, rock types and soils the basic geological part of natural heritage will be expanded and updated.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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