Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Nanostructured polymeric implants in medicine

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.05.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanics   

Code Science Field
T152  Technological sciences  Composite materials 
Nanostructured polymeric materials; Intelligent behavior; Time-dependent mechanical properties; Multimodal polyamid implantation material; Biocompatibility; Bone reactions; Osseointegration mechanism; Histomorphometry; Radiographs; Dental implantation; Sterilization; Endosseous; Clinical trials; Biomechanics; Animal study
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  29180  Peter Boscarol    Technical associate  2008 - 2011 
2.  04316  PhD Igor Emri  Mechanics  Head  2008 - 2011  1,282 
3.  18248  PhD Urška Florjančič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2008 - 2009  239 
4.  02125  PhD Dušan Grošelj  Stomatology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  165 
5.  32638  Petra Jakovac  Interdisciplinary research  Technical associate  2010 - 2011 
6.  33733  Sebastian Korošec  Stomatology  Technical associate  2010 
7.  04879  PhD Ljubo Marion  Stomatology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  168 
8.  24559  PhD Anatolij Nikonov  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2008 - 2009  266 
9.  29212  Pavel Oblak    Technical associate  2008 - 2011  80 
10.  07126  PhD Vojko Pavšek  Mechanics  Researcher  2008 - 2009  58 
11.  30273  Boštjan Pohlen  Stomatology  Researcher  2008 - 2009  44 
12.  07087  PhD Aleksander Rotter  Neurobiology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  50 
13.  33012  PhD Ivan Saprunov  Mechanics  Junior researcher  2010 - 2011  55 
14.  19156  PhD Marina Štukelj  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  2008 - 2011  226 
15.  13685  PhD Manica Ulčnik Krump  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2008 - 2009  93 
16.  24558  Jana Zajc    Technical associate  2008 - 2009  31 
17.  28608  PhD Barbara Zupančič  Computer intensive methods and applications  Junior researcher  2008 - 2011  183 
18.  28191  MSc Aleš Zver  Energy engineering  Researcher  2008 - 2011  33 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0381  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine  Ljubljana  1627066  49,221 
2.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  30,047 
The project deals with the first stage of the development of a new generation of nanostructured polymeric implants in medicine. The fundament of the proposed project is patent-protected knowledge about the laws of material structure formation at different thermo-mechanical boundary conditions during polymer processing stage, acquainted by our research group. Based on this knowledge was, in the collaboration between Project Applicant’s research group and German corporation BASF, developed a new generation of multimodal, e.g., intelligent polyamide (I-PA) materials which are chemically identical to PA materials, which are already used in medicine. Mastering the processing technology for nanostructured I-PA materials represents a potential and the necessary condition for development of a new generation of nanostructured polymeric implants and other medical resourses, such as dental implants, different protetics products, medical screws, etc., as heart surgery applications, or in orthopedy, dental kirurgy, etc. In the first step we shall verify how the changing of structure in new nanostructured polyamide (I-PA) materials at the nano-, micro- and macro scale influences the resistance of the material to sterilization, its biocompatibility and ability of osseointegration. It has not been known yet, wheter the biocompatibility and osteointegrability depend only on the chemical structure of the material or also on the material structure on the molecular and higher observation level. Our goal is to adjust the material structure in such a way that the physical properties of an implant will be optimal according to osseointegration biochemical processes. We should emphasise that osseointegration biochemical processes are different than the formation processes and teeth growth during the growing up period of a human. With our research we do not imitate a tooth, but we search for the structure which is going to be compatible with the structure in which an implant is placed. This new structure should enable optimal integration of the implant and the surrounding tissue. In contrast to ceramic and metal implants, the time-dependent physical properties of nanostructured polymeric implants may be changed by several orders of magnitude. Besides, we may tailor these properties gradually across the implant volume. New implant materials, first intended for dental surgery applications, will combine the characteristics of a biodegradable material – on the surface – and at the same time exhibit – in the core – an extended durability adapted to the purposes of particular implant application. The gradual structure of new implants will ensure optimal mechanical properties (e.g., physiological mobility similar to the tooth in the bone, resistance to the bite force and other occlusion forces), suitable attachment of soft tissues and growing into the bone with chemical bond between the surface of the material and the surrounding tissue, and will act as a depot for retarded release of various active substances into soft or hard biological tissues. Completely new approach to implantological protetics and to the relation polymer – oral tissues promises new scientific results and presents the basis for new clinical methods of kirurgy-protetics medical treatment of partial or complete loss of teeth. Within the proposed project we try to establish the sinergy effect of the basic research in the field of time-dependent material mechanics and dental medicine, that will be fulfilled by the development of implant technology process and by development of dental kirurgy technique. By integrating mentioned elements we create the integrative approach to the development of the new 'high-tech' product.
Significance for science
Project contributes to the knowledge heritage of two different fields; i.e., the field of time-dependent materials, and medical field, specifically, dental implantology. From the point of view of time-dependent material mechanics results contribute to understanding the effect of inherent structure of material on time-dependent behavior of the implant. Inherent structure depends on the initial kinetics of material and thermo-mechanical boundary conditions, which the material is exposed to in the process of solidification. We analyzed, what are the options and limits of changing time-dependent properties, that characterize functionality and durability of the implant, by changing initial kinetics of the material and thermo-mechanical boundary conditions. In the medical field the activities are focused on seeking such material structures, that ensure suitable biocompatibility and osteointegrability of the material. It has not been known yet, wheter the biocompatibility and osteointegrability depend only on the chemical structure of the material or also on the material structure on the molecular and higher observation level. Completely new approach to implantological protetics and to the relation polymer – oral tissues promises new scientific results and presents the basis for new clinical methods of kirurgy-protetics medical treatment of partial or complete loss of teeth. Managing of knowledge stated above presents technological penetration in the field of new materials and medicine, which opens the door to the development of different implants or other medical resourse, such as dental implants, different protetics products, medical screws, etc., as heart surgery applications, or in orthopedy, dental kirurgy, etc.
Significance for the country
Development of the new generation of nanostructural polymer implants firstly means the revolution in the field of dental implantology and presents techno-economic opportunity for Slovenia. New generation of the I-PA implants will be produced using the new technology, which gives more options for financial success, since the new technology may be completely sold to the one of the leading companies in the field of medical supplies, or implant production may be kept in the native environment, and let marketing, for example, to the one of the leading companies. One of the possibilities is also to make an agreement with the companies, for us to keep the production, and for the foreign company to take over the salesment, where we get the exclusivity for the Alpe-Adria region, where we are in charge for the salesment. This kind of arrangement gives us a chance to organize medical supported tourism in Slovenia (for example in the Pomurje region), with the ultimate goal that Pomurje region becomes, such as Switzerland, well-known for its superior medical services, i.e., implant-protetics method, that bases on the use of the new generation of nanostructural implants. New implant-protetics method (development of which is not the subject of proposed project, but presents the next step to achieve the global goal of the project), will be simplier, faster, cheaper, it will enable the patent creation, and will be more concurrent than existent implant systems made of titanium or circonium. There is a high possibility, that our approach is useful also for the development of the materials for guided bone regeneration from the traumatology field, from the field of maxilofacial kirurgy, orthopedy, and paradontology. Besides that new materials may give the opportunity to be used as the substrates for the long-term depo-release of different substances, wheter in the soft or in the hard biological tissues. Namely, polyamide materials have exceptional capability of moisture absorption (they can absorb up to 4-5 vol. % of moisture). The results of previous investigations, carried out by the project applicant in the collaboration with German concern BASF show that by modifiying the material structure we may influence the kinetics of absorption/desorption (i.e., the rate of bonding/releasing the moisture containing a drug). This offers the conditions for the development of a new generatuin of implants, suitable for different medical applications, which may serve as a depot for drugs to be inserted directly into location where they should act. The project represents an important step in the realization process of forming economically successful 'spin-off' company, which will generate an added value comparable with the top-most leading companies in the world.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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