Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Use of flavour profiles for determination of quality and authenticity of fruit juices

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.00  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production   

Code Science Field
T430  Technological sciences  Food and drink technology 
fruit juices, flavour, authenticity, profiling, chemometrics
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (3)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18828  PhD Andreja Čerenak  Plant production  Researcher  2007 - 2010 
2.  21596  Marija Hribernik  Chemistry  Researcher  2007 - 2010 
3.  17916  PhD Iztok Jože Košir  Chemistry  Head  2007 - 2010 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0416  Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing  Žalec  5051762000 
Authenticity of food products, the representatives of which are also the fruit juices, is important from the point of producers, consumers and responsible authority departments. Food additives are commonly used in food productions to improve particular characteristic of food like taste, aroma or colour. In some cases the addition of exogenous compounds is used simply for the increasing of the production and improving of economic income, which usually affects the quality of the final product. Increasing knowledge and wish of consumers to consume healthy food products reflects in demands to producers to produce more natural products and decrease the addition of different additives in their products. In the same time this reflects in the need for continuous control of the quality of products and their constant quality during the period of storage. Mixing of different fruit juices and addition of wide range of additives is permitted, but it has to be appropriate marked and the information must be clearly evident to the consumer and regulatory. Never less all this reflects in the costs of production and final product price and in the competition in the market. This is actually the reason why the producers of high quality products want to protect themselves against disloyal competition and at the same time to establish appropriate quality systems in the production from the raw materials till the final products, which they demand to have the same level of quality all the time. In the present time fruit juices are produced on two different ways in modern technology. On the place. That means that the final producer produces the juice in its own production plant from the basic raw material (fruit). This is the case when the direct transport of raw materials into the production is possible. The alternative is when the first production steps (meshing, concentration…) are done on the location when the raw material is originally and it would be inappropriate to transport it because of high transport costs, volumes or it is simply originally short lasting fruit. In the first case the origin control is relatively simple since the producer is interesting mostly only on the quality. It is different in the second case when the producer actually buys the semi manufacture. In that case it is necessary to establish the control of quality parameters and the authenticity. Authenticity in that case means the control of the geographical origin and contain of possible additives, which are not wanted. The flavour is one of the basic parameters of quality fruit juices and the monitoring of its quality present the challenge to producers and researchers which wish to established the appropriate methodology for evaluation. In the proposed project we intend to develop the analytical methodology that will enable the analysis of flavour additives in fruit juices, constant quality of nature fruit juices flavour and its evaluation. Selected fruit juices are apple, peach, strawberry and orange juices.
Significance for science
Development of appropriate methodology for quality evaluation of flavor of fruit juices due to the complex nature of the samples remains a major challenge for researchers. Relationship of the planned method of recording and further processing by a combination of different chemometric techniques has shown the possibility of using relatively simple and widely available analytical procedures for solving such problems. With our work and results we have shown how such potential problems could be solved at the level of the average equipped analytical laboratory, which does not require special expensive or scarce research equipment. This is added value and useful contribution to the development of science in this area. At the same time our results and conclusions show new possibilities for using multivariate statistical methods in analytical chemistry and quality evaluation of food products. Thus, we have demonstrated and contributed to the understanding of the studied area since it became clear that it is possible to perform such work only in the form of a multidisciplinary approach to capture the various databases and use different evaluation methods. An important conclusion is also that, in addition to areas in which we used such approach, it is possible that the knowledge and understanding, without a major change, could be transferred as well in other areas of agri-food sector.
Significance for the country
Production of soft drinks and fruit juices in Slovenia has a long tradition and great reputation. The quality of goods of domestic producers has been and still is on a high level, comparable to the global level, and products also due to this fall into higher price bands. With the globalization of trade, increasing competition in the marketplace and the presence of unfair competition, the successful producers has to maintain and upgrade the level of quality achieved if they don’t want to lose market share gained. It should be noted that in this case not only the existence and development of fruit juice producers in in concern only but also the consequent relationship between producers and growers of fruit (agricultural sector), the basic raw material for juice. By maintaining and developing that kind of production we significantly contribute to the conservation of our natural and cultural heritage. With the development of appropriate analytical methodologies, which allow control of authenticity of fruit juices on the market, we indirectly help domestic companies, which rule is the development and marketing of their products of high quality and, consequently, higher added value. In this way we show them some of the possibilities of control, which in the case of semi-products is a potential target of frauds of high quality and the desired products with low quality. At the same time we also developed a tool that could serve the supervisory authorities in the country in carrying out their duties, controlling the quality of food products on the market. By detecting inappropriate declarations and raising awareness of consumers is also likely to make significant contributions to the protection and success of local businesses that comply with legislative requirements in this area.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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