Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Modern Concepts of Management

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.02.00  Social sciences  Economics   

Code Science Field
S189  Social sciences  Organizational science 
S190  Social sciences  Management of enterprises 
S214  Social sciences  Social changes, theory of social work 
S215  Social sciences  Social problems and welfare, national insurance 
modern concepts of management, quality, age management, leadership, safety and argonomics, production management, organisational learning, E-life style
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08627  PhD Vlado Dimovski  Economics  Head  2007 - 2010  1,540 
2.  04575  PhD Vitold Flaker  Criminology and social work  Researcher  2007 - 2010  766 
3.  27721  PhD Bojana Mesec  Criminology and social work  Researcher  2007 - 2010  241 
4.  23028  PhD Sandra Penger  Economics  Researcher  2007 - 2010  771 
5.  31354  PhD Judita Peterlin  Economics  Researcher  2009  395 
6.  11977  PhD Borut Rusjan  Economics  Researcher  2007 - 2010  292 
7.  23019  PhD Miha Škerlavaj  Economics  Researcher  2007 - 2010  715 
8.  26208  PhD Jana Žnidaršič  Economics  Researcher  2007 - 2010  300 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0584  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB)  Ljubljana  1626922  43,672 
2.  0591  University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Social Work  Ljubljana  1627147  10,407 
Managers play a key role in the restructuring and transformation of economic structures in transitional countries. It is, therefore, not surprising that they are at the centre of attention for experts and other stakeholders as well. This project outlines modern concepts of management in Slovenian public and private sector as the possible explanation for achieving higher quality of life within Slovenian society. Changes of new knowledge management and knowledge based economy have enormous significance for regional economic and social development in Slovenia, enabling social inclusion of all generations. Implementation of modern concepts in management practice can collide with demographic change circumstances and tight labor market, where the potential of entire human resource needs to be put in profitable use, if the economic prosperity and sustainable social security are guaranteed. Encouraging also the aging labor force to prolong the working life and greater involvement of women is closely connected with implementation of modern management concepts. Managing the aging labor force is an additional imperative and age management is absolutely one of the most challenging concept in modern management theory and practice in Slovenia. While there is a growing body of knowledge dealing with the management of strategic corporate change in public and private organizations within recent demographic constrains - there are still significant gaps in implementing modern concepts of management into strategies. The aim of this project is to broadly consider, discuss and research the modern concepts of management, including age management, learning organization, authentic leadership, e-life style, quality and production management, in Slovenia at the beginning of the 21st century.
Significance for science
The work of our project group excells in connecting different interdisciplinary scientific fields in the range of management and organization and focuses on modern concepts of management. Scientific attribution is based on the latest findings of our own and foreign theoretical and empirical research in the field of organizational learning, knowledge management, innovation, knowledge network, culture of learning, authentic leadership, quality management, age management etc. Our work improves the above mentioned field of research through publications in journals SCI/SSCI rang. members of the project group are regular presenters at international scientific conferences and publish original scientific articles and monografies.
Significance for the country
Findings contribute to the quality improvement and improvement of employee management with the main concern to all generations of employees, that is of importance to both private and public sector. At the same time, the publications of our research group raise the level of knowledge and competence at the level of individuals and overall in Slovenian business environment in the fields of authentic behaviour, organizational learning, knowledge network, age management, quality management and innovation with the goal of achieving dynamic and competitive economy based on knowledge. Research findings of our project group directly strengthen the research effort of Slovenia and shape the research capacity in the field of modern management concepts. We estimate that presented scientific accomplishments directly influence the development of Slovenia in the sense of knowledge management and dealing with demographic changes and can be transformed into new products, processes and services within public and private sector of Slovenia with the main goal of achieving long-term balance between business progress and stable welfare state. The purpose of all our research and activities is therefore to build competitive advantage of individuals, slovene businesses and state of Slovenia - based on knowledge about modern concepts of management.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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