Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Stomatognathic System

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.02.00  Medical sciences  Stomatology   

Code Science Field
B730  Biomedical sciences  Odontology, stomatology 
unilateral functional crossbite, improper chewing pattern, temporomandibular disorders, acrylic resin, dental enamel, dental adhesive, glazing agent, polishing, porosity, surface roughness, demineralization, erosion, hardness, polychlorinated biphenils, tooth development, rats, environmental pollutants, bone, dentine, humans, In Vitro, dental polishing, surface properties, microscopy electron scanning, normal periimplant flora, periimplantitis, oral abscess
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  03369  PhD Nenad Funduk  Stomatology  Researcher  2007  143 
2.  10442  PhD Nataša Ihan Hren  Stomatology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  311 
3.  15470  PhD Janja Jan  Stomatology  Head  2007 - 2009  277 
4.  08224  PhD Igor Kopač  Stomatology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  166 
5.  10745  PhD Milan Kuhar  Stomatology  Researcher  2008 - 2009  111 
6.  04879  PhD Ljubo Marion  Stomatology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  168 
7.  00965  PhD Maja Ovsenik  Stomatology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  493 
8.  13315  PhD Ecijo Sever  Stomatology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  22 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0312  University Medical Centre Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5057272000  78,520 
1. Effects of organochlorine pollutants polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on dental tissues and bone development The objective of the proposed research is to employ morphometric and biochemical analysis to investigate the effect of two structurally diverse polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (non-planar PCB-155 and planar PCB-169) on biochemical serum parameters and development of dental tissues and bone of suckling rats exposed in early postnatal period. Mothers will be administered with PCB congeners intraperitoneally after delivery and their offspring continuously exposed during lactation period. With our study we wish to contribute to better understanding of the adverse effects of organochlorine pollutants in exposed populations. 2. Accuracy of working length determination in clinical endodontics The factors that influence the accuracy of working length determination with the impedance measurement techniques will be investigated to make the clinical endodontic treatment more successful. 3. Functional and morphological - occlusal aspects in children treated for unilateral posterior crossbite Posterior crossbites have been reported to be one of the most prevalent malocclusions of the primary dentition in Caucasian children and if left untreated, may lead to craniofacial asymmetry, temporomandibular joint disorders and improper chewing pattern. The aim of the study is to find the correlation between unilateral functional crossbite and improper chewing pattern using the Electrognatic method Cosig 2. Improper chewing pattern is expected in children with unilateral functional crossbite. 4. The effect of different polishing instruments on the surface roughness of prepared dentine This in vitro study will measure the reproducibility of dentine roughness on the metal cast through technological procedures and to compare the effects of particular polishing instruments on roughly cut dentine. 5. Inflammation in the oromaxillary region Treatment of the edentoulism with dental titanium implants is standard method, the loss of the implants is the consequence of periimplantitis. The aim of our study is to establish the normal bacterial flora around the dental implants, bacterial causatives and pathogenetic characteristics of periimplantitis. 7. Periodontal conditions and the risk of carotid disease Considering the prevalence of the periodontal disease, it may well be that periodontal disease contributes as an infection related risk factor to the development of atherosclerosis including its complications such as the myocardial infarction and the brain stroke. The examinations of clinical periodontal data are planned for 30 patients with carotid disease and 30 control patients after an ultrasound exam of the carotid arteries in the Department of Neurology. From this study we expect the results suggesting that periodontitis may play a role in the formation of the atheromas.
Significance for science
Ad 1. The study elucidated the influence of the structure of individual PCB congeners on health adverse effects, and showed that it is essential to be aware of other potential pathways than only the AhR-mediated toxicity. Ad 2. Accurate root canal length determination is a crucial factor for successful root canal treatment. The study provided insight into the principles of operation of electronic apex locators, determined optimal measuring parameters of the impedance ratio method, and evaluated its accuracy. The factors that influence the accuracy of working length determination with the impedance measurement techniques were investigated. Ad 3. We developed the method for the chewing cycles analysis. The chewing cycles were analysed in two projection planes and on the time scale. All the chewing cycles were included in the analysis. For that reason the results were accurate. We proved the success of the unilateral posterior crossbite therapy with the nonremovable palatal plate with the central screw and occlusal platoes.The number of recidives was low, the duration of therapy was short and costs were low. This scientific achievement will improve the doctrine of the unilateral posterior crossbite therapy. Ad 4. The results have an impact on understanding the importance of tooth polishing and suggest the selection of the most appropriate polishing instrument in fixed prosthodontic. Ad 5. By the research and knowledge of development of inflammatory changes to the odontogenic cysts, to the peri-implantitis and in the end to the big bone defects we could improve our chances to their treatment and prevention. Our research work of these lesions on their basic level is rare in known scientific literature. Ad 6. The results of this research work contribute to our understanding of the roles of natural and artificial diffusion barriers in the de/remineralization processes in dental enamel. Ad 7. The results of our study show that periodontal disease is a possible risk factor of carotid artery atherosclerosis which might predict the cerebrovascular ischemic events. Another evidence based approache to prevention of ishemic strokes is thus offered. The study also show that patients with increased risk for ischemic stroke can be identified in dental office by means of panoramic radiographs.
Significance for the country
Ad 1. With our study we contributed to better understanding of the adverse effects of organochlorine pollutants in exposed populations, also in Bela krajina, where we found that a higher prevalence of developmental defects of enamel was caused by PCBs. The findings will provide the basis for public health prevention of adverse effects of organochlorine pollutants on human health. Ad 2. The study provided insight into the operating principles of commercial electronic apex locators. It determined how to improve the accuracy and predictability of working length determination in clinical endodontics and thus help to improve the success of endodontic treatments in Slovenia. The conclusions could also drive further advancements of the measurement technique. Ad 3. The results of the research additionally clarified the influence of irregular orofacial functions in Slovenia on the development of unilateral functional cross-bite, particularly with regard to the irregular function of mastication. Based on the results of this study, early treatment is recommended to normalize the masticatory chewing cycle pattern to ensure normal growth and development of the orofacial system. Ad 4. Based on the research new recommendations for the slovenian dentists are proposed for the design and techniques of tooth preparation for all-ceramic restorations. Modern materials and techniques used have different biomechanical properties, and they demand different clinical marginal preparations. Ad 5. Our results influence beside on the development of Slovenian science and postgraduate studies of young researchers also on the development of Slovenian clinical practice. We apply basic knowledge on clinical treatment of orofacial inflammations and on treatment of bone defects which are common consequences of these bone lesions. Ad 6. Based on the research new methodology of preparation of dental enamel and hard acrilic surfaces has been used in Slovenia since 2008. The new methodology is clinically used for ethedentulous and partially edentulous patients. Ad 7. We found out 31% neurologically asymptomatic slovenian subjects exhibiting on analog radiographs radiopacity in carotid artery bifurcation area. Detecting a calcified carotid artery atheroma on a panoramic radiograph and periodontal disease diagnosis is of major significance because patients with such sclerotic plaques should be referred to appropriate physician and ishemic strokes could thus be prevented.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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