Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Application of X-ray analytical techniques

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.04.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Chemistry   

Code Science Field
P300  Natural sciences and mathematics  Analytical chemistry 
X-ray fluorescence, elemental analysis, aerosols, environment, water, mineral raw materials, sediments
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  02587  PhD Peter Kump  Physics  Head  2005 - 2008  241 
2.  10677  PhD Marijan Nečemer  Chemistry  Researcher  2005 - 2008  351 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,767 
The project is planned to develop a sensitive analysis of aerosols by X-Ray fluorescence. The proposed technique has some obvious advantages as compared to other routine chemical instrumental techniques. It is a fast, sensitive, nondestructive multielemental analysis with simple sample preparation by depositing aerosols on filter as a substrate. The analytical system together with the appropriate aerosol sampler is also possible to upgrade into an automatic system for the analysis of a quantity and composition of dust particles in the air. A sufficiently sensitive analysis of aerosols, which would enable control of hourly changes in the mass and composition of dust particles would be realised by considering and applying the newest technological achievements in X-ray spectrometry and applying a specific geometry in excitation and detection of X-ray fluorescent radiation. Additionaly, the efforts will be made to develop an appropriate computer software for quantitative analysis of solid samples. For this purpose a special approach to the correction of matrix effects, which is different from approaches used in the available commercial quantification software, will be applied. In this way the same system will beside aerosols analyse also many other, also solid samples, like river sediments and sediments from water purification plants, input and output mineral materials in technological processes, technological and waste water, products of waste incinerates, etc.
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