Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Chronological Survey of Monotheistic Religions in the Northeast Adriatic Region

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.06.00  Humanities  Culturology   

Code Science Field
H190  Humanities  Non-Christian religions 
H180  Humanities  History of the Christian church 
Comparative religiology and culturology, history of monotheistic religions, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Inter-religious relations, monotheistic religions of northeastern Adria
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08371  PhD Milan Bufon  Geography  Head  2004 - 2006 
2.  21338  PhD Anja Zalta  Culturology  Researcher  2004 - 2006 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1510  Science and Research Centre Koper  Koper  7187416000 
The research project explores a rather current issue concerning the survey of three monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - in the northeast Adriatic region. Apart from historical tracing of migrations from different geopolitical locations and observation of changes resulting from migrations of peoples to or over this territory, the research also investigates into the history of ideas of the three religions, their cultural intertwining and personal relations as well as the images of the "Other" in time and space. Such approach demands knowledge of each of the three traditions, tracing of historical relations among the three monotheistic religions and analysis of personal relations in the past and in the present. Fore grounded is the history of their placement in the northeast Adriatic region and their basic characteristics, with a special emphasis on investigation of their "local" image - the placing of their principles and practices in the experience and understanding of the then and the current autochthon population, which would enhance both the existing insufficient and partial understanding of the complex relations woven among monotheistic religions in this area, as well as add to our knowledge of the deeper archetypal and cultural-historical factors directing formation of contemporary social and cultural identities in Slovenia and neighbouring regions. The project intends to study and evaluate the current state of research and interpretations as well as questions from the fields of contemporary history, religiology, sociology etc.; consult the existing material with and emphasis on what has so far not been studied, and provide a critical analysis and application of key concepts and theoretical paradigms of the field, thus making an impact on further understanding of the European cultural history development and contribute to the very understanding of European Jewish, Christian and Muslim tradition at the geographical location of northeast Adriatic.
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