Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Southeast Europe and Republic of Slovenia in the Light of Actual European Territorial Processess

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.12.02  Humanities  Geography  Social geography 

Code Science Field
S230  Social sciences  Social geography 
Slovenia, Evropa, Southeast Europe, development, geopolitical region, geopolitical interests, stability and security, society, people, state,
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (5)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08371  PhD Milan Bufon  Geography  Head  2004 - 2007 
2.  06391  PhD Anton Gosar  Geography  Researcher  2004 - 2007 
3.  25030  PhD Simon Kerma  Geography  Researcher  2005 - 2007 
4.  24614  PhD Gregor Kovačič  Geography  Researcher  2006 - 2007 
5.  24995  PhD Filip Tunjić  Geography  Researcher  2004 - 2006 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1510  Science and Research Centre Koper  Koper  7187416000 
The purpose of this applied research is to discuss some of politico-geographic questions concerning the regionality of Southeast Europe and the perspectives of Republic of Slovenia in the context of the creation of the New European Geopolitical Structure. The research will embrace a knot of geographical, historical, cultural, demographical extensions and viewpoints of stability and security. The actual European processes - integration and disintegration, regionalisation and individualization, europeisation and balkanisation - already quite clear design the geopolitical specialitis and characteristics typical for the Europe as for the region called Southeast Europe. These characteristic are Europe's core and geopolitical and geostratgical faultlines, frontier areas, system of pseudo-states and quasi-states (limitrophs). Slovenia will by its accession to European Union structure become its edge state facing to the new geopolitical construct named "Western Balkans". As the state with elements of Centraleuropean and Mediterranean, Southeuropean and South-Slavic identity, Slovenia will be fallen into position of Gateway state between European union and the questionable region "Western Balkans", and will simultaneously become the edge-state of the frontier area, precisely, at the convergence space of the three religious-civilizations - Western Christianity, Easter Christianity and Islamic Mohammedanism. In this context a very important element is the functioning of the new territorial border of the European Union, the future Schengen external border, and its impacts on the social environment. In these frameworks we need to identify and scientifically seek good and bad sides of the new position, role and possibility of the Republic of Slovenia, and to offer the findings to social and political practice. A lot has been written dealing with the issues mentioned above, but there are relatively few studies lightening the problems scientifically and founding conditions for a long-term scientific evaluation of processes, relations and activities in this part of our strategic developmental environment, and around it. Our research will contribute to fill a lacuna in understanding of the actual development of the area (region), and contribute to knowledge of basic characteristics of actual European processes, and likewise, of perspectives of Southeast Europe, and Slovenia. The research is based on methods accepted in politico-geographic scholarship and divided into individual phases. At the starting point the source material will be collected, followed by its analyse, followed by presentation of the results in the form of scholarly articles During the research we will cooperate with institutions, especially from the states of Southeast Europe and also Austria, and experts who are engaged in exploring similar subjects or whose specific research areas include projects of related character.
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