Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Further research of Raspberry bushy dwarf virus, newly discovered virus of grapevine

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.00  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production   

Code Science Field
B006  Biomedical sciences  Agronomics 
B390  Biomedical sciences  Phytotechny, horticulture, crop protection, phytopathology 
RBDV, electron microscopy, genome research, grapevine, sequencing
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (5)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  15489  PhD Irena Mavrič Pleško  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2007  381 
2.  08755  PhD Mateja Poljšak-Prijatelj  Microbiology and immunology  Researcher  2004 - 2007  234 
3.  19143  Irena Šest    Technical associate  2004 - 2007  11 
4.  05672  PhD Gregor Urek  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2007  739 
5.  03853  PhD Mojca Viršček Marn  Plant production  Head  2004 - 2007  419 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0381  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine  Ljubljana  1627066  49,221 
2.  0401  Agricultural institute of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5055431  20,301 
In 2002 RBDV was found in Slovenia on red raspberries, some autochthonous wild Rubus species and on grapevine grafts showing typical virus symptoms. This was the first finding of RBDV outside the genus Rubus. Several grapevine varieties, important in Slovene and word production, were found to be infected. Since this is a first finding of RBDV on a new host it is necessary to obtain as much data as possible. In the frame of the proposed project new data will be obtained using electron microscopy and molecular methods. For the differentiation plant virus species and strains one of the important demarcation criteria is the coat protein (CP) sequence. Based on available data we are expecting differences also in the movement protein (MP), therefore we are planning to determine first the complete sequences of CP and MP, and later, within the possible range, also the rest of the grapevine isolate genome. Decoration and immuno-sorbent electron microscopy will be evaluated for its suitability for RBDV isolate differentiation. If appropriate, it could be used as additional method for taxonomic differentiation between RBDV isolates and strains. Using transmission electron microscopy we will observe differences between infected and healthy plants on ultrastructural level. Immunolocalization will be used for detection and localisation of RBDV in infected tissues and cells and enable us to see it in the cell for the first time. Information obtained during this research will be used for development of sensitive and reliable methods for virus detection even in situation, when it is present in very low concentration, and for differentiation between virus strains. Information about virus distribution, especially in shoot tip, will allow us to economically plan the techniques for virus elimination from important grapevine varieties.
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