Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Dynamic behaviour of devices in hydraulic piping systems

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.13.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Process engineering   

Code Science Field
T140  Technological sciences  Energy research 
hydraulic piping system, device, transient regime, dynamic behaviour
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (5)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  03923  PhD Anton Bergant  Process engineering  Head  2004 - 2007  392 
2.  16218  Marko Pečar  Process engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2007 
3.  16219  MSc Erazem Polutnik  Process engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2007  19 
4.  07978  Esad Sijamhodžić  Process engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2007  12 
5.  03544  PhD Iztok Žun  Process engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2007  540 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  30,047 
Modern hydraulic systems operate over a broad range of operating regimes. A temporal change of flow velocity in the system induces either an increase or a decrease in pressure. Hydraulic transients in piping systems may involve large pressure variations, local cavity formation, distributed cavitation, hydraulic and structural vibrations and mass oscillations. In particular, the occurrence of liquid column separation may have a significant impact on subsequent transients in the system. Large pressures with steep wave fronts may occur when vapor cavities collapse and the practical implications are therefore significant. Surge control devices are installed in the system to avoid or attenuate liquid column separation. This project investigates an air valve as a surge protection device. The objective of column separation investigations with no surge protection device is to identify transient cavitating flow regimes and to study extreme pressure pulses in large-diameter pipelines. Most column separation investigations have been perforemd in small diameter laboratory apparatuses. There is no clear explanation about the effect of pipe size on the cavitational phenomena. An improved column separation model will be developed and verified with measurements in a large-diameter test rig. The aim of investigations with air valve as a surge protection device is to identify the dynamic response of the valve to the transient cavitation conditions. The events of air admission and subsequent air release are followed by the air valve closure with pressure surges. Recently a lot of work has been devoted to the dynamic performance characterisation of a number of system devices (check valve), this is not the case for air valves. Until today air valves are modelled with steady flow characteristics. A new mathematical model for air valve boundaty condition will be developed taking into account the results from original laboratory measurements.
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