Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.10.00  Social sciences  Sport   

Code Science Field
S273  Social sciences  Physical training, motorial learning, sport 
The theory of performance and athlete conditioning systems, transformation processes, training control, biomechanics, expert modelling, dimensions of athletes' biopsychosocial status, expert systems
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  06161  PhD Stojan Burnik  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  499 
2.  04954  PhD Milan Čoh  Sport  Head  2004 - 2008  880 
3.  04955  PhD Ivan Čuk  Sport  Researcher  2004 - 2008  1,067 
4.  13752  PhD Mojca Doupona  Sport  Researcher  2005 - 2008  671 
5.  14970  PhD Frane Erčulj  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  601 
6.  12289  PhD Aleš Filipčič  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  326 
7.  08395  PhD Bojan Jošt  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  435 
8.  18217  Silva Jošt    Technical associate  2005 - 2008  11 
9.  24379  PhD Tanja Kajtna  Psychology  Researcher  2005 - 2008  643 
10.  04111  PhD Otmar Kugovnik  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  283 
11.  18220  Bogdan Martinčič    Researcher  2004  57 
12.  19815  PhD Primož Pori  Educational studies  Researcher  2005 - 2008  648 
13.  11028  PhD Janez Pustovrh  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  362 
14.  20755  PhD Matej Supej  Sport  Researcher  2005 - 2008  352 
15.  07861  PhD Jože Štihec  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  775 
16.  18224  Stanislav Štuhec    Technical associate  2005 - 2008  128 
17.  22502  PhD Goran Vučković  Educational studies  Researcher  2006 - 2008  359 
18.  03465  PhD Milan Žvan  Sport  Researcher  2004 - 2008  645 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0587  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport  Ljubljana  1627040  19,074 
The substance of the research programme is based on the theory of performance and athlete conditioning systems. This theory has been studied within several scientific disciplines (system analysis and cybernetics, biomechanics, physiology, psychology, philosophy, sociology, motorology, ecology, medicine etc.). The core subject in the study of the theory of performance and athlete conditioning systems focuses on establishing the model factors of athletes' performance (substantive and formal-logical system references, dimensional and positional configurations, the validity of the performance models, possibilities and conditions for their transformation, transformation process management). The substantive and theoretical hypothesis of the research programme is reflected through model facts which define the sphere of athletes' competitive and potential performance as well as the modelling of transformation processes whose methodological core is based on a systemic-cybernetic approach providing the rationale of modern sports science. The increasingly stiff competition seen in modern sport requires ever more intensive scientific and research work in the fields of the introduction and use of new methods and technologies enabling the optimal objective planning, applying and controlling of the training process. The research programme consists of the following thematic modules: - Study of the partial potential and competitive performance of athletes or sport teams in selected sports. - Formation of new methods for guidance, selection and specialisation in individual sports as well as studying their efficiency and applicability. - Study of the area of basic and special motor abilities as well as their relationships with other sub-areas of athletes' psychosomatic status in selected sports. - Development of kinematic and dynamic procedures for objectively evaluating the parameters of specific movement structures in individual sports. - Study of the functional, structural and tactical characteristics of individual sports. - Study of the efficacy of various programmes and methods in motor and tactical learning. - Study of the efficacy of methods, means and programmes designed for developing selected basic, special-motor and functional abilities from the aspect of optimising transformation procedures. - Introduction and adaptation of new research technologies and the study of their efficacy in predicting athletes' results. - Computer application of the SMMS programme for the longitudinal monitoring of athletes' measurement results. - Upgrading of the methodology and technology applied to the study of external and internal loading of athletes in polystructural sports by means of optical vision. - Development and application of new transformation procedures which will be based on the results of scientific and research work.
Significance for science
The research activities of the ‘Kinesiology of Monostructural, Polystructural and Conventional Sports’ programme team aimed to investigate the athletes' preparation system and to develop expert tools and new technologies for planning, implementing and controlling of the training process in selected sports. In the field of athletics, we developed innovative diagnostic procedures, technologies and methods for objectivisation of specific movement structures. The new OptoJump technology was used to investigate kinematic parameters of the locomotor speed in sprinters, long jumpers and hurdle runners. Based on a good knowledge of stride frequency and length and the contact and flight phases, the planning and controlling of athletes’ training in the area of technical preparation becomes more efficient. Using the high-frequency video cameras, we conducted a series of kinematic analyses and studies of the technique of sprint stride, start, block acceleration, high jump and triple jump. The results of the 3D analysis showed a high degree of reliability and an important predictive value of the kinematic and dynamic parameters in explaining of competitive results. In co-operation with our external partners we developed the Kin-Shot 3D kinematic programme, which not only generates kinematic results but also calculates forces through inversion dynamics and energy parameters. The programme was adapted to suit predominantly rotational movements (rotational shot put technique) and is based on polar coordinates in relation to the rotation of the shoulder and hip axes. In co-operation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering we have developed the thermovision method which is used for diagnosing changes in athletes’ muscular system. The method is based on significant changes in temperature fields, depending on the degree and type of athlete’s loading. A fast thermovision camera (Thermosensorik), which records in the infra-red area between 3 µm and 5 µm, was used to establish the temperature field of the thigh muscles with different types of loading. A comprehensive research on the electromyographic (EMG) activity of muscles in vertical and drop jumps was conducted in the Biomechanical Laboratory of the Peharec Polyclinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Pula, Croatia. This study is important in terms of investigation of neuromuscular activation and human movement control in specific sports situations. The research findings were presented at three world congresses on sports biomechanics (ISBS – Ottawa, 2004; Peking, 2005; and Belo Horizonte, 2007) Over the past four years, we published 24 scientific and 11 expert articles. One of the candidates was awarded a doctoral degree; we were invited to lecture at three international conferences. The book entitled ‘Biomechanical diagnostic methods in athletic training’ is currently in print and, as an expert tool, it will facilitate the understanding and modelling of athletes' technical preparation.
Significance for the country
The past five years saw a series of extraordinary achievements of Slovenian athletes in the international arena (Peter Mankoč, Sara Isaković, Iztok Čop, Petra Majdič, Matic Osovnikar, Primož Kozmus, Brigita Langerholc, Marija Šestak, Aljaž Pegan, Mitja Petkovšek and other). These athletes achieved outstanding results at the Olympic Games and the World and European Championships, thus promoting Slovenia in the best possible way. These achievements are indisputably underpinned by the high-quality scientific work of the programme team members who provided the necessary expert support to coaches and other stakeholders in resolving practical problems.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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