Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of an Efficient and Effective Public Administration System in the Republic of Slovenia and in Relation to the EU

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.04.00  Social sciences  Administrative and organisational sciences   

Code Science Field
S111  Social sciences  Administrative law 
S140  Social sciences  Public law 
S170  Social sciences  Political and administrative sciences 
S180  Social sciences  Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic systems, economic policy 
S189  Social sciences  Organizational science 
S175  Social sciences  Polemology 
Public administration, European Union, public administration reform, administration systems, European legal order, social regulation, Economic efficiency and efficient functioning of public administration, public sector economics, modern management models, new public management, comprehensive quality management, public administration IT efficiency, information and communication technologies, information society, e-government, e-documents, public administration IT development, electronic administration
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  23677  PhD Boštjan Berčič  Law  Junior researcher  2005 - 2006  100 
2.  24047  Domen Cukjati  Computer intensive methods and applications  Junior researcher  2006 - 2007  26 
3.  03958  PhD Srečko Devjak  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2004 - 2008  647 
4.  00032  PhD Janez Grad  Computer intensive methods and applications  Researcher  2004 - 2007  420 
5.  25781  Boris Gramc  Economics  Junior researcher  2005 - 2007  43 
6.  05297  PhD Tone Jerovšek  Law  Researcher  2004 - 2006  667 
7.  28239  PhD Tina Jukić  Administrative and organisational sciences  Junior researcher  2008  167 
8.  19293  PhD Maja Klun  Economics  Researcher  2005 - 2008  879 
9.  23676  PhD Polonca Kovač  Law  Researcher  2006 - 2008  1,555 
10.  20479  PhD Alenka Kuhelj  Law  Researcher  2005 - 2008  307 
11.  04030  PhD Zdravko Pečar  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2005 - 2008  288 
12.  05020  PhD Stanka Setnikar-Cankar  Economics  Researcher  2004 - 2008  590 
13.  19329  PhD Janez Stare  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2006  696 
14.  16302  PhD Ljupčo Todorovski  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2007 - 2008  448 
15.  02262  PhD Mirko Vintar  Computer science and informatics  Head  2004 - 2008  420 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0590  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration  Ljubljana  1627163  8,929 
The programme group sets forth the main annual goals, guidelines and starting points with a view to following them as closely as possible during the year. In looking for the organizational, technological, institutional and methodical solutions, the group intends to rely foremost on the experience of other European countries. It is therefore carefully examining other countries’ solutions and adapting them to the national environment. Like in other European countries, in Slovenia the smooth functioning of public administration represents an essential condition to progress of the society and its citizens. This progress must provide quality services, efficiency, and successful management. The opposite would mean an inefficient use of budget resources and a poor example of management for the private sector. The programme group is therefore oriented to research on and development of the public sector through administrative-legal (systemic) aspects and public-financing and business aspects, as well as administrative-IT aspects. Public-financing and business aspects: Within the established aims for efficiency measures and public sector efficiency and also at the same time in order to develop appropriate indicators, new instructions for budget proposals were formed by the working group at the Ministry of Finance. The new appendix on budget preparation contains instructions for budget users which should, when stating interpretations of budget items, clearly define the aims and indicators to be used for the measurement of achieving the intended aims. In cooperation with the working group within the Ministry of Public Administration, standards of efficiency were developed: the time needed for approximately 350 administrative services and approximately 150 other administrative tasks performed in administrative units. These standardized services comprise the entire range of work except for expert-technical and administrative tasks. Administrative-legal (systemic) aspects The part related to the study of relations between the government administration and the individual as a member of the above-mentioned national society and also at the same time a member of civil society has already been accomplished. The question of whether the administration protects the interests of individuals and other legal persons, or whether it protects only public benefits that remain unconnected to the interests of the civil society, has been examined primarily from the standpoint of connection and adjustment of the legal and social structures in the EU, due to Slovenia's accession to the European Union. The individual's role has gained importance with the arrival of the "new" European citizenship, in addition to the national Slovene citizenship, as the individual is now included in not only the decision-making structure on the national level but also on the supra-national, European level, giving him greater relevance and a stronger position in the national framework as well. Administrative-IT aspects The programme group conducts its research in three directions, focusing particularly on the development of e-government. Within the area of the first direction it continues to study the position and the state of development of e-government in several of the more important segments of the public sector, such as the government, ministries, parliament, administrative units and the municipalities. The project group has been involved in this research since 2001. However, a new direction is represented by research begun in 2005, which focuses on the study of expectations and satisfaction of e-government users. The research is formulated broadly. The represented samples were analyzed for expectations and satisfaction of citizens, companies and non-government organizations, as well as for the satisfaction of government employees themselves. The research was carried out using field surveys, regular paper-and-pen surveys, and telephone polling of select
Significance for science
The core of the research programme implemented was oriented towards developing new models, indicators and methods of performance measurement for business entities in the public sector, as well as measuring the effects of various measures and solutions, such as the effects of new European or national regulation on companies’ administrative costs and public administration itself, the effects of eliminating administrative barriers and the effects of developing e-business. With some of the new models it has developed, such as the “active life event portal” model, the programme group significantly contributed to the further development of the scientific field that is the focus of our research. In addition to the development of new models of e-business in public administration, the group also worked intensively on the models for measuring administrative costs. Slovenia has already introduced the SCM (Standard Cost Model) as a method for measuring companies’ administrative costs, a model that has also been adopted at the EU level. However, since Slovenia is required to contribute to the reduction of administrative burden in the framework of the European plan to reduce administrative burdens by 25% by 2012, the programme group worked not only on the implementation of this model in Slovenia, but also on the extension of the existing model so that it will be used in the future for public administration as well. At the same time, the group was engaged in developing the model for measuring the effects of e-Government, because all the existing models known are either partial or measure only the supply side of e-Government (such as the CapGemini model). Our group, on the other hand, developed a multiparameter decision model for measuring the effects of e-Government, which can be applied ex-ante or ex-post to determine the effects of any e-services in the public sector.
Significance for the country
Slovenia is currently at a significant crossroads. The current crisis has clearly demonstrated that our public sector costs are extremely high and that their reduction will be the key factor in improving our economy’s competitiveness in the future. We believe that the research group’s studies and their findings have actively and notably participated in these endeavours, and that virtually every one of its solutions is important not only for the development of science, but also for the future development of the public sector as a whole. Increasing public sector efficiency depends on new management models, on qualitative and quantitative performance indicators, and on models for measuring the effects of new policies, activities and solutions that are being introduced in the public sector. Among the solutions developed we would like to highlight a few solutions that we believe are the most important in this regard. The development and implementation of the model for reducing administrative costs and burdens, in which our programme group participated, is directly involved in the goals of the European directive; namely, that by 2013 administrative costs and burdens shall be reduced by 25% in EU member states. The development of the model for measuring the effects of e-Government is one of the key instruments for improved further development of e-Government; the results achieved so far in this respect leave a lot to be desired. The model developed by the programme group has already been tested and has proven its applicable value; as a result we are already cooperating with the Ministry of Public Administration to prepare a project for its implementation, which is planned for 2009. In addition, the members of the programme group participated in the preparation of a series of new normative acts, the development of an adapted model for assessing excellence in the public sector, as well as in the preparation of Slovenia’s development strategy through 2013.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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