Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.01.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Civil engineering   
5.04.00  Social sciences  Administrative and organisational sciences   

Code Science Field
T220  Technological sciences  Civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, offshore technology, soil mechanics 
AEC, civil engineering, construction informatics, construction information technology, computer integrated construction, finite elements method, robotisation, engineering construction, construction management, project management, risk management, semantic web, web services
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  10562  PhD Boštjan Brank  Civil engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2008  479 
2.  18683  PhD Tomo Cerovšek  Civil engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2008  843 
3.  17759  PhD Matevž Dolenc  Civil engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2008  259 
4.  05805  PhD Janez Duhovnik  Civil engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2008  270 
5.  20326  PhD Andreja Istenič  Educational studies  Researcher  2006 - 2008  328 
6.  27996  Anton Kajzar    Technical associate  2006 - 2008 
7.  27688  PhD Robert Klinc  Civil engineering  Junior researcher  2006 - 2008  191 
8.  20247  MSc Jure Kostanjšek  Civil engineering  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  236 
9.  06702  PhD Iztok Kovačič  Civil engineering  Researcher  2004 - 2008  96 
10.  02668  MSc Vid Marolt  Civil engineering  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  41 
11.  10440  PhD Aleš Mihelič  Mechanics  Researcher  2004 - 2008  109 
12.  27689  Damjan Murn  Computer intensive methods and applications  Technical associate  2006 
13.  24096  PhD Tomaž Pazlar  Civil engineering  Junior researcher  2005 - 2008  121 
14.  23457  PhD Etiel Petrinja  Civil engineering  Junior researcher  2004 - 2006  18 
15.  14014  PhD Aleksander Srdić  Civil engineering  Researcher  2005 - 2008  329 
16.  19728  PhD Vlado Stankovski  Computer science and informatics  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  299 
17.  08375  PhD Žiga Turk  Civil engineering  Head  2004 - 2008  542 
18.  20432  Jurij Velkavrh    Technical associate  2004 - 2008  54 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0792  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering  Ljubljana  1626981  26,217 
We define e-construction as the building-construction sector where information and communication technologies are used in order to increase the efficiency, product quality and safety. The aim of the research programme is to develop these technologies, to study the consequences of their use and to incorporate them into practical engineering work in the following fields: -Computer supported modelling, which enables better precision of construction analyses and implicate safer and more economic products. -The use of e-technologies enables re-thinking of the industry organization; it enables better organisational, risk and knowledge management and will move construction industry closer to other knowledge based industries. -The use of e-technologies is fundamentally changing the way of engineering communication as well as documentation which is increasingly more digital-based and semantically rich. Introduction and implementation of e-technologies also demands sufficiently qualified user.
Significance for science
Numerical modelling: planned results that are important for the development of numerical analyses of structures are the following: (1) new approach to numerical search for optimal form of shell structures reinforced with space trusses. The major parameter for the analyses is so colled project element, which was proved as effective and robust approach; (2) models for shell structures will be tested and evaluated and are especially approapriate for shell structure with space stress and deformation state, and are suitable for the implementation of complex material models. Conceptual modelling: we will contribute to shift, from structural to semantic interoperability, especially in the field of product and process modelling methodologies and formal representations. The semantic modelling of complex entities that are present in our environment will generate new knowledge about modelling of large systems, construction processes in building lifecycle, through provenience and trust. Knowledge transfer. The innovative model of knowledge transfer on a micro and macro level with a special emphasise to the ICT based professional development models for virtual organisation and learning will be developed. The virtual environments efficiently link organisational and private sphere of individual for formal and informal learning.
Significance for the country
The program is inline with the Strategic agenda of European Technological Platform and covers the following major fields of the platform: (1) value added services; (2) industrializaiton; (3) Digtial models; (4) intelligent construction and building; (5) interoperability; (5) support for collaborative work; (6) knowledge sharing and increase in productivity; and (7) support with the information and communication technologies and transfer into practice. The program is inline with the Slovenian Development Strategy that encourages global competitiveness, innovation, use of ICT, learning, training and investments into R&D. Similar role has ICT in national R&D programme and reforms under Lisbon strategy. Research program eConstruction applies this horizontal priorities related to the use and advancement of ICT to construction sector.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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