Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Genotoxic and late effect of treatment on somatic cells of patients with testicular tumor

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.04.00  Medical sciences  Oncology   

Code Science Field
B520  Biomedical sciences  General pathology, pathological anatomy 
testicular tumour, structural chromosomal aberrations, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (7)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  20658  PhD Cvetka Bilban-Jakopin  Medical sciences  Head  2003 - 2005  62 
2.  15973  PhD Božidar Casar  Physics  Researcher  2003 - 2005  127 
3.  12224  PhD Borut Kragelj  Oncology  Researcher  2003 - 2005  81 
4.  09762  PhD Hotimir Lešničar  Oncology  Researcher  2003 - 2005  125 
5.  08751  Elga Majdič  Oncology  Researcher  2003 - 2005  57 
6.  17174  Vesna Sgerm - Robič  Oncology  Researcher  2003 - 2005  18 
7.  07750  PhD Matjaž Zwitter  Oncology  Researcher  2003 - 2005  386 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0302  Institute of Oncology Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5055733000  15,912 
We observed that, before treatment, the amount of chromosomal aberration in the patients with testicular tumor and in the control group is the same. However, after applying different treatment modalities, we noticed that the mitotic activity of lymphocytes, genome as well the number and type of chromosomal aberrations were changed. Six months after the completed treatment, the mitotic activity of lymphocytes was practically restored to normal, whereas the values of chromosomal aberrations were different, depending on the treatment modality applied, yet still high in comparison to the initial ones. We resolved that the period of six - months is too short to allow genome normalization. From the cyto-mutagenic point of view, the irradiation had stronger effect on the genome that the treatment with cytostatics, which was mainly due to highly increased values of unstable chromosomal aberration. In irraddiated patients, there werw at least two reasons for a faster - normalization of cytogenetic condition; (1) only a part of the organ was exposed to genotoxic agents and, (2) after irradiation, a considerably high number of unstable chromosome changes occurred that are incompatible with the cell survival. The questions that arise from the above findings are as follows: What will be the genome picture in the patients five years after the completed treatment. Wath percentage of local recurrences is anticipated after different treatment modalities with taking into account the stage of the disease before treatment. Is there a correlation between the number of chromosome changes and recurrence or between a new primary and genome picture. What is the reproduction function of the patients with testicular tumor. We presume that the repeated examination of the genome, clinical examination of the patients, diagnostic imaging, biochemistry and blood count and tumor marker may provide the answers to the above questions.
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