Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Prognostic indexes in the evaluation of quality of dialytic treatment and survival rate of the patients with acute renal failure as a part of multi organ failure

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.06.00  Medical sciences  Cardiovascular system   

Code Science Field
B560  Biomedical sciences  Urology, nephrology 
prognostic indexes, acute renal failure, survival rate, treatment, hemodialysis
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (10)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  01971  MSc Miha Benedik  Metabolic and hormonal disorders  Researcher  2002 - 2004  250 
2.  01972  PhD Andrej Bren  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2002 - 2004  507 
3.  10649  PhD Jadranka Buturović-Ponikvar  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2002 - 2004  1,010 
4.  01977  PhD Aljoša Kandus  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2002 - 2004  553 
5.  20954  Mida Kandus    Researcher  2002 - 2004 
6.  06393  PhD Bojan Knap  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2002 - 2004  370 
7.  06203  PhD Marko Malovrh  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2002 - 2004  353 
8.  01987  PhD Rafael Ponikvar  Cardiovascular system  Head  2002 - 2004  788 
9.  10579  PhD Alenka Urbančič  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2002 - 2004  81 
10.  08767  Janez Varl  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2002 - 2004  142 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0312  University Medical Centre Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5057272000  78,520 
Recent advances in tecnology and technique of the treatment of critically ill patients with acute renal failure (ARF) as part of multi organ failure (MOF) did not substantially changed high mortality rate of the patients which ranges from 40% to more than 80%. The most important reasons for that situation has been advanced age and comorbidity of the patients before the admission to the hospital and high quality of hospital treatment which has enabled critically ill patients to survive long enough to develop and clinically reveal ARF. In 1985, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation classification system (APACHE II) was introduced as a severity of the disease classification system, which was used especially in intensive care units (ICUs) to evaluate severity of the disease of patients and to predict their outcome. Later, evaluation of number of failing organs and organ systems has become also useful and accurate prognostic index. Critically ill patients with ARF as part of MOF which were trated in Univ. Med. Center in Ljubljana have been treated either with intermitent hemodialysis and every day extended hemodialysis or continuous hemofiltration therapies in order to maintain normal or at least acceptable fluid balance, normal concentration of electrolytes and acceptable concentration of serum urea and creatinine. According to recent studies mortality rate of those patients in our hospital reached 57% in children and 81% in adults. In the prospective clinical investigation, patients, who will need dialytic therapy because of ARF, will be evaluated using APACHE II scoring system and prognostic index, based on organ failure, patient*s age and comorbidity. The greater the score, the lower the possibility to survive. Survival rate could be increase if patients with greater chance to survive would have been treated with the most efficient dialytic therapy. All patients, without exceptions, will be given optimal dialytic therapy, as was our policy in the past.
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