Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The Role of High risk Human Papilloma Viruses in the Detection of Cervical Cancer

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.04.00  Medical sciences  Oncology   

Code Science Field
B520  Biomedical sciences  General pathology, pathological anatomy 
Cervical Cancer, High risk Human Papilloma Viruses, cervico-intraepithelial neoplasia
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  17171  MSc Milan Baškovič  Oncology  Researcher  2002 - 2004 
2.  17170  Sonja Bebar  Oncology  Researcher  2002 - 2004 
3.  10330  PhD Nikola Bešić  Oncology  Researcher  2002 - 2004 
4.  02687  PhD Albert Peter Fras  Oncology  Researcher  2002 - 2004 
5.  04399  PhD Maja Primic-Žakelj  Oncology  Researcher  2002 - 2004 
6.  08991  MSc Vida Stržinar  Oncology  Researcher  2002 - 2004 
7.  09764  PhD Marjetka Uršič Vrščaj  Oncology  Head  2002 - 2004 
8.  17173  Aleš Vakselj  Oncology  Researcher  2002 - 2004 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0302  Institute of Oncology Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5055733000 
In some countries, the incidence of cervical cancer was not declining sufficiently in the last two decades, despite well organised screening programs. After 1993 we have been observed an increase in cervical cancer incidence in Slovenia.The fact is that invasive cancer of the cervix is too often detected in women who regularly take part in screening programs. Therefore, any effort for improving outdated screening methods is most welcome and appreciated. High risk Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) are involved in the occurrence of more than 99% squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix uteri. Two improved methods that are assessed as suitable for testing HPV in view of their appropriate sensitivity, specificity and predictive values are Hybride Capture II (HC II) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Many authors maintain that high risk HPV testing is of major importance in women with atypical squamous cells of undeterminated significance (ASCUS) or mildly dyskaryotic squamous cells, determinated also as PAP II. The detection of high risk HPV in these women may help to detect women with preexisting cervical-intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and may become most useful in decision-making for further diagnostic procedures. The negative predictive value of ASCUS and absence of high risk HPV exceeds the value of 95%. It means that we could exclude the risk for pathologic changes of the cervix uteri in 9 of 10 women in whom no high risk HPV were detected. We presume that the data on the presence of high risk HPV are sufficient indication for the gynaecologists of those patients with ASCUS or mildly dyskaryotic squamous cells to perform other examinations because of the risk of pathological changes in addition to more frequent cytology tests of cervical smear as in many cases. The aim of our research is to evaluate the presence of high risk HPV in women with PAP II and to determine the value of high risk HPV determination for the detection of CIN.
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