Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Jedrska kvadropolna resonanca in šibka magnetna polja (Slovene)

January 1, 1999 - December 31, 2003
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.02.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physics   
2.06.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Systems and cybernetics   

Code Science Field
P180  Natural sciences and mathematics  Metrology, physical instrumentation 
P250  Natural sciences and mathematics  Condensed matter: structure, thermal and mechanical properties, crystallography, phase equilibria 
P260  Natural sciences and mathematics  Condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic and optical properties, supraconductors, magnetic resonance, relaxation, spectroscopy 
B130  Biomedical sciences  Physiological biophysics 
B140  Biomedical sciences  Clinical physics, radiology, tomography, medical instrumentation 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (7)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12628  PhD Rok Hren  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  265 
2.  11892  PhD Zvonko Jagličić  Physics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  736 
3.  08274  PhD Vojko Jazbinšek  Physics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  204 
4.  20270  PhD Andrej Jeromen  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  78 
5.  04317  PhD Janko Lužnik  Physics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  223 
6.  02558  PhD Janez Pirnat  Physics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  226 
7.  00208  PhD Zvonko Trontelj  Physics  Head  2001 - 2003  596 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0101  Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics  Ljubljana  5055598000  20,279 
The planned research is an expansion of our previous investigations. It can be divided into three groups: a) Magnetic-resonance-spectroscopic methods in condensed matter with a special interest in phase transitions. In the last period pure NQR, our established research method for the study of local electric environment of the probe nucleus together with the lattice dynamics, is complemented by several techniques implicating extremely sensitive magnetic field sensor - SQUID. Using the new tool our research is expanded to the magnetic properties of new organic magnets and molecular magnets and their phase transitions at very low temperatures. The sensor has been successfully tested for the study of nuclear magnetization and our investigations will advance in that direction too. b) SQUID sensors enabled investigations of electrophysiologic processes in the living matter. The smallest electric current causes magnetic field, which can be noninvasively detected with a sensor of sufficient sensitivity. Such experimental data complement the existent comprehension of some process often obtained from the invasive measurements of electric potential. With this kind of research of simple, initially only single cell living systems (chara corallina), we were the first who have shown that biomagnetic measurements are possible in plant cells as well as supplementary electrophysiological measurements. On the other side, we contribute to the recognition of the biomagnetic measurements in the clinical laboratories of cardiac and brain research. Our work is done principally on experimental data analysis, model studies and specialized computer software development. c) SQUID magnetometers are superconductive devices, which operate at low temperatures. For classical superconductors typical operating temperature is 4 K whereas a high temperature SQUID operates at 77 K and even higher. Our attendant cryotechnic practice developed a useful application. A variety of small cryosystems have been made, contacts with industry established, and we hope for a fruitful cooperation in future when we expect small cryosystems to be frequently hybridized into new cryoelectronic components.
Most important scientific results Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
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