Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Forest biology, ecology and technology

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.01.00  Biotechnical sciences  Forestry, wood and paper technology   

Code Science Field
B430  Biomedical sciences  Sylviculture, forestry, forestry technology 
B004  Biomedical sciences  Botany 
B001  Biomedical sciences  General biomedical sciences 
B003  Biomedical sciences  Ecology 
B006  Biomedical sciences  Agronomics 
S000  Social sciences   
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (37)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  02085  PhD Franc Batič  Plant production  Researcher  2002 - 2003  824 
2.  14869  PhD Gregor Božič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  515 
3.  08032  PhD Miran Čas  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  243 
4.  15493  PhD Matjaž Čater  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  315 
5.  06455  MSc Franc Ferlin  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  122 
6.  15492  PhD Andreja Ferreira  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  218 
7.  21242  PhD Tine Grebenc  Plant production  Researcher  2001 - 2003  505 
8.  18554  Andrej Hren    Researcher  2001 - 2003 
9.  17332  Jana Janša    Researcher  2001 - 2003 
10.  07948  PhD Dušan Jurc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  670 
11.  02491  PhD Maja Jurc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  567 
12.  13446  PhD Polona Kalan Carson  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  132 
13.  16067  PhD Andrej Kobler  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  291 
14.  05093  PhD Marko Kovač  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  358 
15.  07127  PhD Hojka Kraigher  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Head  2001 - 2003  1,350 
16.  17034  PhD Nike Krajnc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  966 
17.  17333  Robert Krajnc    Researcher  2001 - 2003  57 
18.  19721  PhD Gal Kušar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  180 
19.  15108  PhD Lado Kutnar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  814 
20.  11595  PhD Tomislav Levanič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  620 
21.  19027  PhD Robert Mavsar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2003  109 
22.  07890  PhD Mirko Medved  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  302 
23.  23448  PhD Nikica Ogris  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2003  1,243 
24.  19950  MSc Mitja Piškur  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  369 
25.  17334  Vesna Rajh    Researcher  2001 - 2003 
26.  11619  MSc Robert Robek  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  293 
27.  17335  Nina Rotar    Researcher  2001 - 2003 
28.  17336  Matej Rupel    Researcher  2001 - 2003  76 
29.  10264  PhD Primož Simončič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  711 
30.  01268  MSc Igor Smolej  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  147 
31.  17338  Zvonimir Stermšek    Researcher  2001 - 2003 
32.  17331  Magda Špenko    Researcher  2001 - 2003 
33.  17341  Irena Tavčar    Researcher  2002 - 2003  11 
34.  02492  Mihej Urbančič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  252 
35.  22592  PhD Urša Vilhar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  425 
36.  16330  PhD Sašo Žitnik  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  63 
37.  21137  Daniel Žlindra  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2002 - 2003  177 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0404  Slovenian Forestry Institute  Ljubljana  5051673000  12,411 
Due to its geological history, intersections of different biogenic, phyto- and zoogeographic regions, climatic conditions and topography, Slovenia is considered as one of the biodiversity 'hot-spots' in Europe. Conservation of biodiversity is to a large extent due to the well preserved forests, which cover 55% of the whole teritorry. The main problems to address in studies of forest biology, ecology and technology are based on complex studies of biodiversity and functional aspects of different constituents in forest ecosystems. Our advantage with respect to comparable research groups abroad are well preserved ecosystems, containing high biodiversity and an interdisciplinary organized group of researchers, capable of conducting systematical, physiological, genetical studies, studies of forest soils and vegetation, climatic, hydrological,, biomass studies, biogeochemical cycles, pollution, climatic changes and forest management impacts on forest trees and forest ecosystems. In our programme it would be difficult to divide clearly between the basical, applied and developmental research, since these form a continuous research process, contributing to conservation and understanding of the forests and forestry in Slovenia. Research projects comprise studies of biodiversity on the species, genetic and functional levels, inventarization of genetic diversity, development of methodology for research and conservation of forest genetic resources and of other organisms, especially symbionts and pathogens of forest trees, biotic and abiotic interactions, influences of forest management practices and technology on forest ecosystems, their social impacts and evaluation of environmental, forest management planning and economical influences on the forests. Special aspects of our studies are in vitalization of the rural environment and quality of life in urbanized areas. In these, categories of forest owners and their interactions with forestry, as well as safe forest technologies, are of great importance. With respect to the broad composition of the programme group, studying biological, ecological and technological parameters, our common upgrading is in complex economics of environmental and sociological impacts of forests and forestry. Developmental projects are based on the Forest Act and Programme for Development of Forests in Slovenia, the professional problematics raised by the Civil Forest Service and the public authorisations of the Slovenian Forestry Institute. The programme is based and developed with respect to the Convention on Biodiversity (1992), resolutions of Ministerial Conferences for the Protection of Forests (1991, 1992,1998), the Conference on Climate Change (1997) and the preparation of the National strategy for conservation of biodiversity in Slovenia.
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