International projects source: SICRIS

Safer driving behaviour for last-mile-delivery professionals through digital and multidisciplinary training

Research activity

Code Science Field
T280  Technological sciences  Road transport technology 
Researchers (5)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  53162  PhD Chiara Gruden  Traffic systems  Researcher  2023 - 2024  46 
2.  56482  Laura Brigita Parežnik  Civil engineering  Researcher  2023 - 2024  20 
3.  19111  PhD Marko Renčelj  Traffic systems  Researcher  2023 - 2024  557 
4.  16170  PhD Matjaž Šraml  Traffic systems  Researcher  2023 - 2024  483 
5.  10867  PhD Tomaž Tollazzi  Traffic systems  Head  2023 - 2024  914 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0797  University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture  Maribor  5089638011  12,957 
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