International projects source: SICRIS

UnionMigrantNet and Cities Together for Integration

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  20685  PhD Jure Gombač  Ethnic studies  Head  2019 - 2022 
2.  11240  PhD Marinka Lukšič-Hacin  Ethnic studies  Researcher  2019 - 2022 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000 
The project aims at exchanging and transferring knowledge, experiences and (best) practices on integration between 9 UnionMigrantNet (UMN) members and 8 local authorities from five EU countries, namely Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Slovenia. Building on the already existing European network of trade unions providing services to third country nationals (TCNs), the project will seek at enhancing the network by fostering partnerships with local authorities, key actors in the reception and integration of TCNs. The project will be based on three main pillars: • National integration activities where UMN members and local authorities will undertake targeted measures aiming at fostering TCNs integration in the labour market. National integration activities will be based on specific needs of the TCNs’ community and the local environment. • Mutual Learning Programmes (MLP). Up to 8 exchanges between local authorities and UMN members involved in the project in five EU countries will be undertaken to learn on how they respectively provide assistance, information and trainings to the migrant population. Where possible MLPs would be further formalised by the signature of long-term partnership agreements by the UMN members and the local authorities involved in the exchanges. • Update of the UMN portal to smooth access for TCNs by improving the on-line access to UMN structures and enhance the digital networking of contact points and local authorities. Besides, new IT tools will be developed in order to improve the exchange of information among contact points' operators and local authorities as well as UMN visibility in the social media. The portal will facilitate the dissemination of know-how and (best) practices among the network and beyond. Various transnational events will be hold, namely a network-building and a final dissemination conference, both organised by the ETUC.
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