International projects source: SICRIS

Transitioning to a waste-free production – international cryogenic+MQL machining activity

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  26559  PhD Franci Pušavec  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Head  2023 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031 
High-value manufacturers looking for a competitive machining advantage need better cooling and lubrication that does not require substantial machine tool refits. With CRYO-MQL, end-users get state-of-the art (i) liquid nitrogen (LN2) and (ii) liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2) as a machining coolant – combined with solutions to deliver minimum-quantity lubrication (MQL) to a cutting zone for applications demanding higher productivity (faster material removal, longer tool life), and enhanced quality. Developed through extensive fundamental research, LN2+MQL and CO2+MQL bring the patented methods of cooling and lubrication to end-use applications, enhancing developed solutions from TRL6 to TRL8. Demonstrated through pilots in the medical, aerospace, and steel-manufacturing industries, the realized KPIs and “technology-integration” solutions the CRYO-MQL offers, the end-users will be able to implement the technology (previously considered out of reach) in their plants easier than ever.
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