International projects source: SICRIS

GEAR: Global Education and Active Response for the Protection of Human Rights, Inclusion and Democratic Values in Intercultural Societies

Researchers (4)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18631  MSc Franja Arlič  Economics  Technical associate  2016 - 2018 
2.  28195  PhD Veronika Bajt  Social sciences  Head  2016 - 2018 
3.  24767  MSc Mojca Frelih  Social sciences  Researcher  2016 - 2018 
4.  50926  PhD Maja Ladić  Political science  Researcher  2016 - 2018 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0366  Peace Institute  Ljubljana  5498295000 
The goal of the GEAR project is to contribute to intercultural understanding through cooperation of CSOs with formal education systems, teachers and students, and encourage exchange, improvement and up-scaling of existing best practices of global, civic and intercultural learning among schools at local, regional, national and transnational levels. Its general objective is to prevent violent radicalisation and to promote democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and active citizenship. The project is proposing to build on the existing programs for social inclusion and civic/intercultural education of youth and teachers implemented by the project partners, programs developed both by schools and CSOs. Some of these individual programs have a long tradition of implementation at national levels in each country, but they will be enhanced and upgraded in accordance with the actual needs and expanded transnationally, as well as enabling a transnational exchange of existing successful practices among partners and teachers in different countries.
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