International projects source: SICRIS

Supporting deep-tech based innovative market players to uptake opportunities, upgrade performance and upscale their business

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3906  ITC - Inovacijsko tehnološki grozd Murska Sobota (Slovene)  Murska Sobota  6028896000  155 
For the EU deep-tech startup scene to grow sustainably and achieve its potential impact, access to real market problems and test beds is required. Driven by real market needs, or as STARTUP3 defines it, Key Performance Areas, the project builds and facilitates an open and collaborative ecosystem for high impact deep-tech innovators and corporates and acts as a cross-border/sectoral market-maker. The project aims to generate, take up, ensure market penetration and further capitalize on the growth and impact potential of profound research by providing access to dynamic and 3-phase across the board growth support framework UPTAKE-UPGRADE-UPSCALE.The catalysation is aimed at creating synergies across the Europe, networking, raising understanding of the benefits of deep-tech technology and stimulating their uptake - Cluster Missions and Clusters-Corporate Assembly.The STARTU3 consortium is a fusion between geographically scattered Clusters (POLE SCS, LITC, ITC) international innovation and Tech-transfer specialists (INO and EKT), SME focused on upscaling research and technology (AGENSO), startup studio (HOLA-UP).
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