Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Disfukcionalnost posameznih clanov in odnosov v odvisnih druzinah (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.09.00  Medical sciences  Psychiatry   

Code Science Field
B650  Biomedical sciences  Psychiatry, clinical psychology, psychosomatics 
family - chemichal dependency -adolescents
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (5)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12969  PhD Zdenka Čebašek Travnik  Psychiatry  Researcher  2000 - 2002  347 
2.  12939  PhD Maja Rus Makovec  Psychiatry  Researcher  2000 - 2002  245 
3.  20365  PhD Karin Sernec  Psychiatry  Researcher  2000 - 2002  228 
4.  05262  PhD Slavko Ziherl  Psychiatry  Head  2000 - 2002  363 
5.  02703  PhD Martina Žmuc Tomori  Psychiatry  Researcher  2000 - 2002  547 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1620  University Psyhiatric Hospital  Ljubljana - Polje  1191004000  3,497 
Main goals of the research are to analyze relevant psychosocial status of individual members and their actual and transgenerational relations in families with symptomatic adolescents ((licit or illicit drug / dependency) and in families with symptomatic parent (drug abuse /dependency). One independent variable is generational status of identificated patient (psychoactive substance abuse): families with adolescent as identificated patient and families with one of the parent as identificated patient. Second independent variable is high probability of drug abuse in family - addicted family and low probability of drug abuse in family (non - addicted family). Data from control group will be compared with data of experimental grops to detect eventual protective and risk factors in addicted and in non - addicted families. Method of the research: there will be two experimental groups and a control group. In the first experimental groups adolescents (14-19years old )who are treated because of licit and illicit drug dependency at Drug abuse treatment centres in Slovenia and their parents will be included, and in the second experimental group patients, who are treated because of alcohol dependency at Alcohol dependency units in Slovenia, their parents and their children , aged 14 - 19 will be included. The probability of drug dependency will be identified by the SASSI instrument - adult form and AUDIT for parents and by The SASSI instrument - adolescent form and by quantitative questions about drug use for adolescent. Families , in which adolescents or thir parents will meet our criteria for drug dependency will be excluded from the control group. Instruments: comprehensive questionnaire will be constructed; it will be defferent for parents and adolescents. Questionnaire for parents: it will embrace socio-demographic questions and research specific questions (vulnerability of primary family - chemical dependency and mental disorders, questions about parents suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts), questions about eventual recent and past traumatic experiances (divorce, death, loss of job, chrornically diseases...) Evaluation of partnership and evaluation of family climate will be assessed by summative scores (semantic differential). Parents will estimate their disciplining style on 5-degree scale. Zung''s Self-rating Depression Scale, Rosenberg''s Self-esteem Scale and SASSI (to detect psychoactive substance use) will be also applicated. Questionnaire for adolescents: it will embrace common sociodemografic questions, question about school success, question about eventual psychiatric treatment, there will be screening questions regarding suicidal and eating disorders risk; they will estimate parents'' disciplinning style on 5-degree scale; evaluation of parent''s partnership, family conflicts, emotional support and evaluation of family climate will be assessed. Adolescent form of SASSI, Rosenberg''s Self-esteem Scale and Zung''s Self-rating Depression Scale will be applicated. The participation in the research will be anonymous and voluntary. The approuval of Ethic Commission at Minstry of Health for the research has been obtained.
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