International projects source: SICRIS

Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process

Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2716  Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana  Ljubljana  2341913000 
2.  3230  KNAUF INSULATION, d.o.o., Industrija termičnih izolacij, Škofja Loka (Slovene)  Škofja Loka  5591503 
DRIVE 0 aims to come to a decarbonization of the EU building stock and to accelerate deep renovation processes by enhancing a consumer centred circular renovation process in order to make deep renovation more attractive for consumers and investors, more environmental friendly.This by combining the need for a circular building industry with the identification of specific local or national drivers to trigger and to motivate end-users for deep renovation, supported by an anthropology based and environmentally friendly approach to make it costumer-centred and respectful of local geo-material areas, by following 4 steps: 1. Developing proven deep renovation products and concepts for example from several recent EU projects, further to circular renovation products and concepts based on local available materials and components, with emphasis on easy to install Plug & Play prefab solutions for envelope elements and building services.2. Developing attractive consumer centred business models based on circular renovation concepts supported by digitalization and gamification.3. Providing occupants with attractive and understandable information on total building performances in use. 4.Providing stakeholders evidence of performance of the developed solutions by local study and demonstration cases initiated by ‘local drivers’.The objectives are: 1: To develop proven Plug & Play prefab deep renovation solutions for building elements and building services towards circular renovation products. 2: To provide consumers and potential investors of deep renovation projects with attractive and understandable information of real total performances (energy use, indoor environment and well-being). 3: To demonstrate circular renovation solutions in combination with local drivers in live demonstration cases. 4: To foster new consumer centred business models for circular circular renovation concepts. 5: To roll out the concept on a wider EU scale by involving EU interest groups.
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