International projects source: SICRIS

Electrical Power System’s Shield against complex incidents and extensive cyber and privacy attacks

Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0124  IskraEMECO, Energy Measurement and Control  Kranj  5045193  87 
2.  3572  COMSENSUS, komunikacije in senzorika, d.o.o. (Slovene)  Dob  3986551000  180 
3.  4051  Elektro Ljubljana, Public Enterprise for Distribution of Electrical Energy  Ljubljana  5227992000 
PHOENIX aims to offer a cyber-shield armour to European EPES infrastructure enabling cooperative detection of large scale, cyber-human security and privacy incidents and attacks, guarantee the continuity of operations and minimize cascading effects in the infrastructure itself, the environment, the citizens and the end-users at reasonable cost. PHOENIX will realise 3 strategic goals: (1) Strengthen EPES cybersecurity preparedness by employing security a) “by design” via novel protective concepts for resilience, survivability, self-healing and accountability, and b) “by innovation” via adapting, upgrading and integrating a number of TRL5 developments to TRL7-8 and validating them in real-live large scale pilots; (2) Coordinate European EPES cyber incident discovery, response and recovery, contributing to the implementation of the NIS Directive by developing and validating at national Member States and pan-European level, a novel fully decentralized inter-DLTs/blockchain based near real-time synchronized cybersecurity information awareness platform, among authorized EPES stakeholders, utilities, CSIRTs, ISACs, CERTs, NRAs and the strategic NIS cooperation group; (3) Accelerate research and innovation in EPES cybersecurity by a novel deploy, monitor, detect and mitigate DevSecOps mechanism, a secure gateway, privacy preserving federated Machine Learning algorithms and establishment of certification methodologies and procedures through a Netherlands-based Cybersecurity Certification Centre. PHOENIX consist of a prestigious consortium of 25 partners (+1 third party), supported by the CERT-RO, covering all required expertise including energy (RES) generation/VPP, TSO, DSOs, aggregators, retailers, prosumers, end-users, technology providers, SMEs. PHOENIX validation will take place in 5 large scale pilots covering the complete value chain from generation to consumption, including cross-border experiments and cascading effects to other critical infrastructures.
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