Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Geography of Slovenia

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.12.00  Humanities  Geography   

Code Science Field
5.07  Social Sciences  Social and economic geography 
geography, physical geography, human geography, regional geography, environmental protection, geographic information systems, thematic cartography, natural and cultural heritage
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on June 25, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  262  2,565  2,167  8.27 
Scopus  526  4,441  3,433  6.53 
Researchers (30)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  24301  PhD David Bole  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
2.  27510  PhD Mateja Breg Valjavec  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
3.  30791  PhD Rok Ciglič  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
4.  54767  Špela Čonč  Geography  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
5.  17544  Meta Ferjan    Technical associate  2022 
6.  33273  PhD Mateja Ferk  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
7.  08467  PhD Matej Gabrovec  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
8.  35035  PhD Matjaž Geršič  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
9.  35706  PhD Maruša Goluža  Humanities  Junior researcher  2022 
10.  13179  PhD Mauro Hrvatin  Humanities  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
11.  56601  Staša Koderman    Technical associate  2022 - 2024 
12.  21464  PhD Blaž Komac  Geography  Head  2022 - 2024 
13.  32206  PhD Jani Kozina  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
14.  50215  PhD Matej Lipar  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
15.  52012  PhD Erik Logar  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
16.  23513  PhD Janez Nared  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
17.  08294  PhD Drago Perko  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
18.  29392  PhD Katarina Polajnar Horvat  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
19.  28438  PhD Nika Razpotnik Visković  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2023 
20.  30164  PhD Petra Rus  Geography  Technical associate  2022 - 2024 
21.  55882  Marko Senčar Mrdaković  Geography  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
22.  16050  PhD Aleš Smrekar  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
23.  26379  PhD Mateja Šmid Hribar  Humanities  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
24.  56874  Lenart Štaut  Geography  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
25.  32703  PhD Daniela Alexandra Teixeira da Costa Ribeiro  Geography  Researcher  2023 - 2024 
26.  34591  PhD Jernej Tiran  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
27.  37557  Anja Trobec  Geography  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
28.  17073  PhD Mimi Urbanc  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
29.  33837  PhD Manca Volk Bahun  Humanities  Researcher  2022 - 2023 
30.  22245  PhD Matija Zorn  Geography  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000 
Geography of Slovenia is a pure research program, which the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute has been carrying out since its foundation in 1946 when the systematic study of Slovenian glaciers began. Through its long-term funding mechanism, the Geography of Slovenia research program comprehensively explores geographical processes and phenomena, Slovenian landscapes, and their spatial characteristics. In the new period the Program will focus on exploring and understanding both long-term and current geographical processes and phenomena. At the horizontal level, our research will comprise a comprehensive study of Slovenian regions and landscapes and their position in the wider geographical environment and contexts, while at the vertical level we will study a combination of natural and social elements. In the next program period, our research will be enhanced through four converging approaches: horizontal and vertical research and research from the perspective of centrality and peripherality. We will study topics that fully match the priorities of both the wider research community and the social environment, and we will focus on the main thematic areas: 1. Physical geography, including natural hazards as a response to the challenges of climate change; 2. Human geography, including regional planning to address the challenging spatial problems of contemporary society; 3. Regional geography, including geographical names to analyze regional geographical elements in order to contribute to a less conflicting spatial and social development; 4. Environmental protection, including protected areas to contribute to a better understanding and conservation of particularly vulnerable (i.e., peripheral) landscapes. 5. With reference to geographic information systems, where emphasis will be on thematic cartography, we will support other thematic areas by applying state-of-the-art spatial research methods, including the use of remote sensing. Through the research approach applied, the research group will respond to the contemporary challenges in an inclusive manner, facilitating the development of the selected areas of geography. In addition, by releasing publications in Slovenian and disseminating the latest international geographical research findings in Slovenia, we will cultivate geographical terminology, and, by publishing our research results with foreign publishers and in international journals, we will promote the international transfer of Slovenian knowledge. The Geography of Slovenia program will contribute to a better understanding of the geography of Slovenia as a whole and its regions in terms of both their relative centrality and peripherality. Thus, it will help shape new geographical theoretical concepts and methodological tools, which will increase the importance of geography and Slovenia's spatial capital.
Significance for science
Research Program Geography of Slovenia is a long-term funding of basic research of the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute research group. It explores Slovenian landscapes and regions, and their spatial characteristics in a comprehensive way. In the next program period, the Program will be upgraded, in the light of the development of modern geographical science, and thus, contribute to the creation of new knowledge on the basis of two convergent approaches. The research program will bet on scientific excellence by exploring current and socially relevant themes and by working with various institutions in various fields. It will promote the transfer of knowledge and, through interdisciplinary integration in the bilateral and international space, support the horizontal and vertical mobility of researchers. Given the current performance of the Program Research Group, we can ensure that, based on a Program that will co-finance these activities, we will be involved in a number of national and international research projects. We will continue with the organization of traditional scientific symposia and other scientific meetings, especially in the framework of international associations, thus allowing a scientific discussion within the science and public. We will train young researchers, and the program will support cooperation in foreign and domestic scientific exchanges and cooperate with higher education institutions when transferring scientific knowledge.
Significance for the country
The program will work with other public and private institutions, State and local governance bodies, where it will contribute to the rational use of space and limited natural resources of the regionally diverse Republic of Slovenia. Our research of vulnerable peripheral landscapes will enable the preservation of a cultural landscape, while the research of centrality is important from the point of view of mitigating climate change and increase in safety against natural hazards, including the use of environmentally friendly technologies. This will help to use the spatial capital or create effective policies and measures to overcome the current situation in society, the economy and culture in Slovenia and its regional and local subunits. Our geographic research will be direct spatial activities, such as settlement and infrastructure construction, the spatial perspectives of the economy and the use of natural resources. The research program will contribute to the protection of Slovenian natural and cultural heritage, the establishment of an inclusive society by recording areas with special natural or social conditions, reducing spatial conflicts and eliminating differences in quality of life between regions, cities and rural areas, protection against natural and other disasters, limiting consequences of overtourism and awareness of people on the importance of landscapes as the spatial capital of the state. The Program will contribute to an internal balanced understanding of the development of central and peripheral regions and cities and rural areas, and will take care of greater connectivity and more efficient integration of Slovenia into international scientific, social, economic and cultural flows. The acquired knowledge will be disseminated to the public and managers with popular and media posts, including state-of-the-art social media, and through membership in national and international institutions, chambers of chambers and committees, such as the Government Commission for the standardization of geographical names based on our establishment, and the European Science and Technology Group at the UNDRR.
Views history