Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Researches in the History of Music in Slovenia

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.08.00  Humanities  Musicology   

Code Science Field
6.04  Humanities  Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 
history of music, Slovenian music heritage, sources for music research, musical works, musicians, institutions, analysis and contextualisation, music migrations, gender studies, digital musicology, cultural history
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on June 28, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  95  61  55  0.58 
Scopus  106  101  83  0.78 
Researchers (16)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12243  PhD Matjaž Barbo  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
2.  23445  PhD Katarina Bogunović Hočevar  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2023 
3.  32866  Tonja Čakš    Technical associate  2023 - 2024 
4.  53501  Jana Erjavec  Musicology  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
5.  31215  PhD Klemen Grabnar  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
6.  53698  Lucija Herga    Technical associate  2022 - 2024 
7.  13137  PhD Metoda Kokole  Musicology  Head  2022 - 2024 
8.  55886  Ivana Maričić  Musicology  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
9.  58023  Monika Marušič  Musicology  Junior researcher  2023 - 2024 
10.  54843  PhD Marko Motnik  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
11.  13612  PhD Aleš Nagode  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
12.  19622  PhD Svanibor Pettan  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2023 
13.  21771  PhD Gregor Pompe  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2023 
14.  32212  PhD Nejc Sukljan  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
15.  27509  PhD Katarina Šter  Humanities  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
16.  29393  PhD Maruša Zupančič  Musicology  Researcher  2022 - 2024 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000 
2.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  15 
The programme presented here is a continuation of the sole musicological long-term and continuous research scheme in Slovenian musicology covering the necessary basic research topics for all historical periods linked to the national musical heritage as well as investigating areas more broadly associated with European music. The members of the P6-0004 programme group work continuously on long-term tasks such as editorial work on the critical musical edition (Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae), the journal De musica disserenda and the series Slovenian Music Heritage, especially a new sub-series of e-books on The Sources for the History of Music in Slovenian Lands. Two new digital platforms are to be implemented and developed: Relational Database of Musicians (built on the web-based search environment tool Nodegoat) and Digital Platform for publishing music (digital music editions following MEI and TEI). The attention of the programme group in the proposed funding period is oriented towards a specific three-fold task. First, previously neglected topics or gaps in knowledge that require basic research and demand urgent scholarly attention are a priority. Second, new work is required for selected areas because the emergence of new sources and new information calls for an update and revision. Third, these activities will be implemented by using new technologies within the field of the Digital Humanities. The selected tasks of individual researchers are broadly organised into six work-packages (WPs). WP1 - Music and locus: revealing collections and places: the collections to be the main focus are held by the Archdiocesan Archives in Maribor, the abbey church in Celje, and the parish church at Ptuj. Research into past musical life in the largely multicultural and multilinguistic border zones of Trieste/Trst and Gorizia/Gorica - until now neglected by Slovenian musicology - is to be initiated. WP2 - New knowledge and filling in lacunae in the history of church music: Slovenian church music in the 19th century and the role of women in church music, the uses and reuses of plainchant after the Middle Ages, and ecclesiastical confraternities are to be the main. WP3 - The role of music in the monastic orders: research will centre around the musical life of women in monastic orders, especially the Dominicans, and the Carthusian female branch. WP4 - Migrations of musicians, musical repertoires and musical thought: revisited will be aspects of the life and works of J. Handl-Gallus and D. Lagkhner, re-examined selected theoretical manuscripts of G. Tartini and research on a little-known composer, J. R. Suppan. WP5 - The Slovenian lands and the phenomena of opera: with special attention to the 19th century and an overview of this phenomenon in Slovenia. WP6 - Instrumental genres of the 19th century: to be studied are primary materials of the Philharmonic Society of Ljubljana, the development of genres and the role of immigrant musicians, especially violinists.
Significance for science
Scholarly research into the history of music has in recent times enjoyed a great increase. New technologies and an exponentially growing amount of freely available data, including previously scarcely obtainable digitalised primary materials, encourage new findings and call for new interpretations to complete and gradually change our existing knowledge of our musical past. The proposed research activities represent a portion of this international scholarly undertaking, its main objective being to upgrade the knowledge and to enhance the understanding of the history of music in the (central) European regions. The proposed research activities intend to: contribute to an enhancement of knowledge about central European musical and cultural history, look for new definitions and understandings of musical life during specified periods, stimulate a re-thinking of established musicological and aesthetical concepts and open the door to new ideas and research directions. Special attention will be given to the development of Slovenian musicological terminology on the one hand and accessibility of results to wider readership (bilingual or English and German texts). Besides uncovering new and yet little-known topics relating to European music connected to the Slovenian lands and producing new factual results - which will represent a significant step forwards to fill in the blanks in our present knowledge of our cultural past - the proposed research programme also intends to integrate tools provided by digital technologies into its research methodologies. This approach is still a relatively new feature within the Slovenian musicology. Representations of the research results with the help of digital technology nowadays enable greater accessibility than ever before to scholars as well as the lay public all over the world. In conjunction with the implementation of the national and European open-access policies in scholarship, they open up new possibilities for expanding public awareness of the cultural heritage connected with the Slovenian lands.
Significance for the country
As a scholarly undertaking, the proposed research initiatives within the P6-0004 programme form part of the wider international scholarly exploration of (central) European music history. Yet they possess at the same time a cultural dimension, since they deal with music as an essential part of Slovenian cultural history. All the proposed research topics relate in some way to the Slovenian territory and its cultural history - their presentation will illuminate not only the music but also its cultural environments. It must be stressed that the series Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae constitutes an integral part of modern Slovenian (and, potentially, world) culture on account of its impact within the wider community. Many musicians (choirs, ensembles, soloists) perform music edited in the series that would otherwise be unavailable: these editions not only achieve the protection and active preservation of the Slovenian and European cultural heritage, but also contribute tangibly to living, modern culture. In this spirit, the proposed programme will likewise seek to impact broader cultural development with the promotion of musicological work and its products before a wider audience. The programme will thus offer applications accessible to a wide range of consumers: (1) various popularising divulgatory texts; (2) materials and programmes for public concert performances of selected repertoire will be prepared for the cycle of concerts Harmonia concertans: Early Music at the New Square, trying out different strategies of popularisation (for example, by combining with events such as pre-concert talks); (3) the organisation of experimental music workshops aimed at popularising the performance of selected musical genres.
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