Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Organizations in Ageing Societies

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.04.00  Social sciences  Administrative and organisational sciences   

Code Science Field
5.06  Social Sciences  Political science 
Ageing, Social Innovation, Digitalization, Learning Organization, Management and Organization, Knowledge Management, Automation, Post-covid Economic Recovery, Green Innovation, Sustainable Development.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 29, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  172  2,707  2,577  14.98 
Scopus  201  3,800  3,618  18 
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  56964  Ana Bartol  Economics  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
2.  39180  PhD Simon Colnar  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2022 - 2024  148 
3.  08627  PhD Vlado Dimovski  Economics  Head  2022 - 2024  1,540 
4.  37929  Sandra Đurašević    Technical associate  2022 
5.  18780  PhD Marko Ferjan  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2022 - 2024  1,218 
6.  35390  PhD Barbara Grah  Economics  Researcher  2022 - 2024  141 
7.  23013  PhD Robert Kaše  Economics  Researcher  2022 - 2024  416 
8.  36717  PhD Anamarija Kejžar  Criminology and social work  Researcher  2023 - 2024  228 
9.  16007  PhD Tomaž Kolar  Economics  Researcher  2022 - 2023  342 
10.  26330  PhD Tatjana Kozjek  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2024  276 
11.  53494  PhD Ajda Merkuž  Economics  Junior researcher  2022 - 2023  38 
12.  19765  PhD Darja Peljhan  Economics  Researcher  2022 - 2024  374 
13.  23028  PhD Sandra Penger  Economics  Researcher  2022 - 2024  771 
14.  31354  PhD Judita Peterlin  Economics  Researcher  2022 - 2024  395 
15.  29073  PhD Iztok Podbregar  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2022 - 2024  810 
16.  23029  PhD Aleša Saša Sitar  Economics  Researcher  2023 - 2024  265 
17.  29872  Tadeja Žabkar Lebič    Technical associate  2022 - 2024 
18.  26208  PhD Jana Žnidaršič  Economics  Researcher  2022 - 2024  300 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0584  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB)  Ljubljana  1626922  43,672 
2.  0586  University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences  Kranj  5089638018  10,623 
There is a strong need in developed countries for a more comprehensive and novel management and policy design to enhance the ageing workers role and performance in future organizational systems and to develop a new organizational approach and investment policies towards Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0. This will be followed by the program group research activities as well as by disseminating the program group results among the partners of the EU projects H2020-MAIA and Interreg SI4CARE, led by Prof. Dr. Dimovski. Our proposed research program will follow theoretical goals and contribute to four key themes of our research work 1) ageing, 2) digitalization, automation and innovation, 3) post-covid recovery at the individual, team and organizational level, and 4) green innovation and sustainable development. Within the scope of ageing, we will develop and identify factors that influence the ageing society and enhance the creation of added value for the development of a digital, sustainable, inclusive, and resilient economy of the future, at national and international level, with a view of raising the quality of life. In line with digitalization, automation, and innovation we will explore how modern solutions in this fields can contribute to the transition towards a society of active ageing, sustainability, health, social inclusion at different levels in order to successfully transition to Industry 5.0. With the topic of post-covid economic recovery we contribute towards strengthening social rights for all generations, in line with the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030 and the EU Pillar Social Rights: Health and Safety at Work, and to develop multi-criteria models for decision support systems. Our fourth contribution is towards green innovation and sustainable development as we aim to define and strategize future leadership and organizing practices and contribute to broadening the base for the EU Green Deal 2050. We will aim to develop solutions with applied value for science, business, social partners and the wider societal perspective, with a view to implementing gap filling in the field of ageing populations and a digitally empowered European society. In the proposed program, we are bringing together several different scientific areas: (a) management and organization, including innovation management, human resources management, knowledge management, (b) life-time education and training, including organizational learning and learning organization, (c) occupational safety and health, (d) reliability engineering, (e) digital technologies, (f) actuarial science, (g) the risk drivers in the competing risk/multiple decrement models of transitions from being active to different stages of care dependency and improved pension, social and health insurance legislations, and (h) multicriterial optimization supporting decisions in planning, management, and control in organizations. Our efforts are in line with existing SDG goals.
Significance for science
The focus of our research program is to study organizational and environmental factors (ageing, digitalization, post-covid resilience, and greening) that influence the reactions of contemporary organizations, which will be studied from different perspectives. The program group is continuing to base its research and is continuing with researching the following conceptualization of our research framework: (1) advancing the development of scientific research field of organizational learning and learning organization, emphasizing the perspective of ageing workforce, (2) defining the typology of leadership and organizational learning in the digitally empowered society, deriving from the theory of multiple intelligences, growth mindset, expansive learning and novel value-based leadership approaches, such as authentic leadership, servant leadership, and sustainable leadership, (3) conceptualizing the role of ageing studies in knowledge management and learning styles, (4) examining the links between managerial practices and the development of different components of digitally empowered organizations, (5) developing innovative HRM approaches, focusing on active and healthy ageing through digitalization, and supporting technologies including the collaborative robots for new business models and career development, (6) mobility of human resources and work from home, (7) perception research of social rights, for all generations, (8) supporting health and safety at work through digitally empowered citizenship and work-life balance and post-covid recovery, (9) finding the elements of future organizations' performance management, (10) including results in the multistate transitions matrices and dynamic decision support systems based on MRP skeleton and simulation procedures. With our research, we will aim to add our scientific contribution to the following overarching theories and specific scientific constructs: (1) Authentic Leadership Development Theory, Learning Organization, Organizational Learning Theory, and Organization Design Theory, (2) Knowledge Based-view of the Organization and Knowledge Management Theory, (3) Contingency Theory, (4) Consumption experience co-creation theory, (5) Theory of multiple intelligences and Sustainable leadership development theory, (6) Multistate transition modelling from domain 70+ to innovations on domain 55+, Methods for the value creation and evaluation of social innovations, and Improving latency and quality of products in silver economy, (7) Positive organizational scholarship and Individual employee characteristics; (8) Social chronology framework and Multi-team systems theory. Our research program group will further draw research findings from the results achieved in this program from projects led by members of our program group where other members are also involved. Namely, ARRS projects J6-9396: Development of social infrastructure and services for community based long-term care and J5-1784: Creating social value with age-friendly housing stock management in lifetime neighborhoods, local applied projects like Analysis of existing possibilities for establishing the concept of smart villages and Smart Silver Village Concept: as part of the Project Smart Village for Tomorrow, and COST projects where our researchers are Management Committee members or are participating in the project in different roles: COST Action CA17125: Public Value Capture of Increasing Property (PuVaCa) and COST Action CA16206: Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars (EMPOWER-SE). Based on these results we shall contribute to the applied project, important for Slovenian Government: V6-2041: Intergenerational coexistence in rural areas, development of social infrastructure to prevent social exclusion and alleviation of social pressures in rural areas. By including project results that are in line with modern management and organization principles, we shall integrate our findings into practice and transfer knowledge to interested stakeholders. In addition, we will focus on developing and transferring state-of-the-art solutions within the scope of the European projects SI4CARE and MAIA to the Slovenian academic sphere and offer guidance with examples of good practice to decision makers at the national and municipal level. The members of this research program are also involved in study programs at different universities, where they will share the aforementioned results among graduate, postgraduate and doctoral students.
Significance for the country
It has long been recognized that the European Union, including Slovenia, is not globally competitive on the basis of natural resources or low prices, but only on the basis of knowledge. This is more important than ever in a time of post-covid recovery, ageing of digitally empowered society, and green research. The program group will contribute through its research work to disseminate and provide cutting-edge expertise in the fields of ageing, digital society, post-covid recovery and green research, with the aim of linking these fields in order to develop practical, actionable roadmaps and best practices. The proposed research program is a multidisciplinary, integrative program that brings together and links scientific challenges and economic initiatives, encompassing all the key strategic agendas for the future of Europe and Slovenia. In this way, our program has a significant impact on the dissemination and integration in the fields of science, economy and socio-cultural activities, in a way that aims to fill the gap in the multidimensional and integral envelope of the four core themes proposed for study. The originality of the proposed program lies in its integrative approach, linking the antecedents of management, organization, economics, leadership, ageing societies, rapid technological progress, digitalization and the economic, political and social aspects of post-covid recovery, in order to have an integrative impact on the holistic treatment of the given research questions and the establishment of a vision and a new framework for a socially inclusive ageing society of the future. The potential impact in terms of socio-cultural activity will contribute to digitally empowered, socially included and actively engaged individuals, as well as to a faster circular economy recovering in a post-covid situation. Through our work, we will pursue the of goals of sustainable development, especially focusing on: (3) Health and Well-being, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, and (12) Responsible Production and Consumption. It is clear that confronting growing inequality and divergence in Europe represents the greatest challenge to overcome. New research results on corporate governance, knowledge and innovation management as well as organizational learning will contribute also to develop the needed human capital in Europe and in Slovenia. Together with further developed decision support systems, where some results of this knowledge could be included, and the fresh impetus of investments in social infrastructure will contribute to many social development goals and enrich the human capital in Europe and in Slovenia. As exposed in the EU document Boosting Investment in Social Infrastructure in Europe European Economy Report of the High-Level Task Force on Investing in Social Infrastructure, the overall gap between rich and poor is the largest in 30 years, and this is adversely affecting not only the EU's population, but also its wellbeing, social cohesion and economic growth. It is especially critical for very old adults with low pensions. Social concerns are therefore important because they have direct financial implications. The corporate governance, knowledge and innovation management as well as organizational learning, together with modern decision support systems are needed as much as long-term social investments, especially in regions at the lower end of the diverging economies, and it should benefit people on lower incomes in the interests of promoting upward convergence. Social innovations could contribute to these goals. Better social policies and social infrastructure resulting from these policies, lead to greater resilience and more long-term convergence, growth and wellbeing.
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