Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Single-flux-quantum controlled charge configurational memory (CCM) devices

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.02.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physics   
2.09.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electronic components and technologies   

Code Science Field
1.03  Natural Sciences  Physical sciences 
2.05  Engineering and Technology  Materials engineering 
memory device, quantum computer, cryocomputing, charge density wave
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 27, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  643  15,007  12,305  19.14 
Scopus  638  15,350  12,643  19.82 
Researchers (13)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  37785  PhD Bojan Ambrožič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2021 - 2024  111 
2.  33317  PhD Denis Golež  Physics  Researcher  2023 - 2024  107 
3.  19274  PhD Viktor Kabanov  Physics  Researcher  2021 - 2024  376 
4.  17288  Davorin Kotnik    Technical associate  2023 - 2024 
5.  11241  PhD Tomaž Mertelj  Physics  Researcher  2021 - 2024  352 
6.  04540  PhD Dragan D. Mihailović  Physics  Head  2021 - 2024  1,226 
7.  52054  PhD Anže Mraz  Physics  Junior researcher  2021 - 2022  43 
8.  55215  PhD Ivan Spajić  Chemistry  Researcher  2023 - 2024  11 
9.  34608  Damjan Svetin    Technical associate  2021 - 2024  73 
10.  25379  Damjan Vengust  Physics  Technical associate  2021 - 2024  228 
11.  53743  PhD Rok Venturini  Physics  Junior researcher  2021 - 2023  51 
12.  50514  PhD Jaka Vodeb  Physics  Researcher  2021 - 2024  72 
13.  21558  PhD Andrej Zorko  Physics  Researcher  2023 - 2024  302 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,734 
2.  3050  Center of excellence on nanoscience and nanotechnology - Nanocenter, Ljubljana  Ljubljana  3666255  1,788 
The focus of the project is to design, construct, demonstrate and characterize the operation of a new type of a quantum memory device targeted for application in cryogenic controllers and error-correction circuits in quantum computers. It is based on a patented, award-winning hybrid device called a parallelotron (pTron), comprising a non-volatile ultra-efficient charge configuration memory (CCM) memristive element and a superconducting nanocryotron (nTron) driver in parallel to the CCM. The purpose of the nTron driver is to allow the CCM device to be triggered and controlled by one or a few flux-quantum-level signal outputs from superconducting flux quantum (SFQ) circuits. The experimental research program is designed to follow theoretical predictions and will include everything from nanofabrication of superconducting NbTiN nanowire nTrons, TaS2-based CCMs and hybrid pTron devices. The goal of the project is to understand the basic physics of operation, optimize fabrication techniques and design parameters, present systematic measurements of performance and finally, to produce a demonstration chip that can be used to evaluate the pTron device in cryocumputing applications.
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