Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Mental health difficulties among migrants: experiences of recognition and treatment

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.07.00  Social sciences  Criminology and social work   

Code Science Field
5.04  Social Sciences  Sociology 
migration, mental health, refugees, migrants, recognition, treatment
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 28, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  64  371  337  5.27 
Scopus  74  514  466  6.3 
Researchers (9)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  26502  PhD Martina Bofulin  Anthropology  Researcher  2021 - 2024  165 
2.  27511  PhD Sanja Cukut Krilić  Sociology  Head  2021 - 2024  256 
3.  32108  PhD Nataša Dernovšček Hafner  Psychology  Researcher  2023 - 2024  381 
4.  50581  PhD Maja Gostič  Psychology  Researcher  2023 - 2024  98 
5.  52454  Anela Klemenc Bešo    Technical associate  2021 - 2024  18 
6.  11849  PhD Dušanka Knežević Hočevar  Anthropology  Researcher  2021 - 2024  344 
7.  56186  Dino Manzoni  Psychology  Researcher  2023 - 2024  51 
8.  15883  PhD Lilijana Šprah  Psychology  Researcher  2021 - 2024  498 
9.  29360  PhD Mojca Vah Jevšnik  Ethnic studies  Researcher  2021 - 2024  178 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000  62,734 
Due to an increasing social relevance of international migration at national and global levels and increasing restrictiveness of migration policies as a significant source of uncertainties and distress that migrants experience, it is not surprising that scientific as well as political interest in the topic of migration and mental health has risen in the last few decades. The topic has been addressed both in epidemiological studies of prevalence and risk factors as well as in research that has addressed also the socio-political context both in countries of emigration and immigration that can have an impact on the experience and coping with such distress. In this respect, the aim of the proposed project is to ensure a better informed explanation of mental health of migrants than the one evidenced by extant public health and epidemiological evidence. Therefore, the main activity of the project will be a qualitatively designed field work research between stakeholders and professional workers in the field of migration and/or mental health and among migrants themselves. The aim of the research among migrants is to research how socio-political circumstances that define the position of migrants in the new countries, such as, for example the increasing securitisation and restrictiveness of migration policies, the processes of precarisation of labour and employment, discrimination and stigmatisation of migrants, difficulties in socio-economic integration, etc., have an impact on the uncertainties and distresses of individual migrants, how they understand, explain, experience and make meaning of them and which obstacles they perceive in access to relevant professional services and last but not least, how they cope with such distress and uncertainties. The results will be a basis for practical results of the project – a manual for recognition in treatment of mental health difficulities among migrants for professionals in health and social care and a multilingual leaflet for migrants on the topic of mental health difficulties. In the conceptual sense, the proposed project draws mainly on the tradition of critical social work and culturally informed psychiatry that places mental distress in the context of structural inequalities, suffering and differences in social power, but also agency, skills and active coping with distress. In this sense, the research will offer a reflection on the prevailing categories of illness and symptomatics that may not be relevant for particular individuals, but may bear a decisive impact on the modes of looking for help and support. In this way, we are also reflecting on the prevailing concept of cultural competence as reflections of the users’s supposed specific ethnic background by focusing on intersectional factors that influence the experience of and modes of coping with mental distress. In this regard, special attention will be afforded to institutional practices that can lead to mistrust towards professional services.
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