Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of quasi-periodic deformation patterns in viscoelastic structures

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.05.01  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanics  Analytical mechanics 

Code Science Field
2.03  Engineering and Technology  Mechanical engineering 
Periodic deformation patterns; viscoelasticity; transient phenomenon; out-of-equilibrium patterns; finite strain theory; active remodeling; load function; elastic limits; numerical modeling;
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (11)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  52619  Matej Bogataj  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020 
2.  24560  PhD Miha Brojan  Mechanical design  Head  2020 - 2023  414 
3.  54915  Tomaž Brzin  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020 - 2023 
4.  36726  PhD Matjaž Čebron  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020 - 2022  76 
5.  54895  Enej Istenič  Mechanical design  Researcher  2021 - 2023  10 
6.  50821  PhD Tadej Kocjan  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020  47 
7.  57154  Aljaž Robek  Mechanical design  Researcher  2022 - 2023 
8.  13088  PhD Viktor Šajn  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020  152 
9.  32031  PhD Urša Šolinc  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020  28 
10.  16148  PhD Tomaž Videnič  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020  99 
11.  53904  Jan Zavodnik  Mechanical design  Researcher  2020 - 2023  40 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  30,047 
The traditional analysis of stress-strain states in engineering systems is associated with the prediction and prevention of undesired failure of the functionality due to exceeding the stress or strain limits. Currently, many advanced applications are being developed on the basis of theoretical and experimental discoveries beyond these limits - in the nonlinear regime. The deformation shapes and mechanisms, such as various periodic patterns with favorable physical properties, metastable states, jumps between deformation modes, etc., enable innovative functional properties that can be used for actuation or control. In these systems, the deformations are not purely elastic if the materials exhibit a viscoelastic behavior. Although the viscoelasticity of materials is known, structures are usually modeled as elastic (in limits) even in rigorous mechanical models of organogenesis, simply because of the extreme computational complexity (discussed in the project proposal). The major goal of the proposed research project is to investigate the interaction of viscoelastic material and the theory of large deformations during drying/swelling/growth of engineering and natural systems. We will show that if the active deformation process (e.g. growth) is much faster than viscous relaxation, the system can be driven out of equilibrium and exhibit various deformation patterns that are unattainable for purely elastic structures. For this purpose we will first develop a prototypical theoretical model to investigate the influence of viscous deformation components on the deformation state of a structure. Secondly, we will describe the transient deformation phenomena during the transition from the shorter to the longer time limit and identify the influencing parameters that keep the structure in a local energy minimum or "freeze" it in an out-of-equilibrium state. In the final phase of the project we will develop a computational model to investigate the influence of curvature on the development of the deformation pattern on real spatial viscoelastic structures. Rigorous analytical and numerical tools will be developed on the basis of a thermodynamically consistent visco-hyperelastic material model within the finite strain theory. Several different load functions will be applied to flat and curved systems. To solve highly nonlinear systems of differential equations we will use the finite element method. Since the mechanics of active deformations is not implemented in standard commercial packages, we will integrate specifically developed algorithms like dynamic relaxation, continuation method etc. into the configurable AceFEM and FEniCS packages. Since the viscoelastic system is time-dependent and the method of dynamic relaxation itself introduces a pseudo-time, the computational complexity of the problem will be greatly reduced by only a few adjustments of the method. Our theory will be validated by macroscopic precision model experiments on viscoelastic material samples. A combined principle of objective-oriented and discovery driven research will be applied. The research will be carried out in the Laboratory for Nonlinear Mechanics (LANEM) under the supervision of the project leader, dr. Miha Brojan (head of LANEM) and in close collaboration with dr. A. Košmrlj from the Princeton University, dr. B. Brank from UNI-LJ and Assist. dr. K. Jawed from UCLA. The LANEM laboratory is well equipped with the research infrastructure to carry out the proposed research and to complete the objectives. Nevertheless, we will collaborate with the group of dr. Brank during the first phase, regarding the application of the nonlinear Mindlin-Reissner shell theory to FEM. Analogies from biology to test our theory on will be discussed with dr. Košmrlj, whereas dr. Jawed will be consulted for the application of our theory to soft robotics.
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