International projects source: SICRIS

Language guidance tool for improving language knowledge

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  34055  PhD Mojca Kompara Lukančič  Linguistics  Head  2019 - 2022 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2790  University of Primorska, Faculty of mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies  Koper  1810014009 
In line with EU language policy and its efforts to promote mobility and intercultural understanding, language acquisition and multilingualism represent important elements of the EU’s language policy, promoting the knowledge of 2 languages in addition to the mother tongue. In line with the linguistic background of the EU policy the project “LanGuide” is focused on internationalised education, growing use of digital learning, and supporting the creation of flexible learning pathways in line with users’ needs and objectives. Referring to this, the objectives of the project “LanGuide” are to build an open access students/teachers/administrative staff centered guidance tool for improving language knowledge and supporting the acquisition of language knowledge through the language guidance tool. Within the project we will promote the internationalization of the higher education programmes and the usage of up-to-date IT technologies. The project LanGuide joins 6 project partners coming from five linguistic and geographical parts of Europe. The project partners gather 6 universities specialised in language acquisition and software development. Within the project activities we will joint develope a common methodology for the preparation of guidelines focused on language for specific purposes (LSP). The developed methodology will be implemented in the preparation of language resources, covering 3 levels of difficulty, for preselected LSP fields for English. The developed resources will be included in the language guidance tool software and mobile app. In the final part of the project, resources for preselected LSP fields for the languages of the project partners will be included into the software and mobile app. Among the project activities we mention also the preparation of the webpage of the project and the online publication of a monograph, gathering at one place the project activities, implementation and results. The methodology used in carrying out the project is divided into the realisation of the project activities and is mainly focused onto the preparation of a common methodology that will be used for the preparation of guidelines focused on the acquisition of language for specific purposes (LSP) for different fields, difficulty levels and languages. The universal methodology will be applied on English language and the languages of the participating countries. After the preparation of the methodology, inclusion of resources into the language tool there will be a testing phase where the target and control group are involved. The result of the project is the preparation a software and mobile app for language guidance for English and the languages of the project partners. Among the project results we have to mention also the website that will be designed jointly by all participants and will be hosted on the website of UP (Slovenia), the preparation of resource materials for English and the languages of the project partners, and the preparation of a universal methodology for further development and implementation of the project. The impact of the project is the actual usage and promotion of the language tool (software and mobile app) by target groups (HE institutions, teachers, students, administrative staff) on local, regional, national and international level. Among the long term benefits we recall the universal methodology that can be applied to varied languages and LPS fields, as well as the sustainability of the materials, methodology, software, app and monograph, all freely available on the website of the project.
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