Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Applied Electromagnetics

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.12.01  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electric devices  Electromagnetic transformers 

Code Science Field
T190  Technological sciences  Electrical engineering 

Code Science Field
2.02  Engineering and Technology  Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering 
Electromagnetic field, electric machines and drives, wind power, household appliances, ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic materials, magnetic powders and fluids, hyperthermia, Curie's temperature, grounding, transient impedance, dynamic soil ionisation model, inverse problem, FEM, optimisation.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 29, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  413  5,092  4,525  10.96 
Scopus  555  6,804  6,103  11 
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  10827  PhD Jurij Avsec  Energy engineering  Researcher  2020 - 2024  665 
2.  28428  PhD Miloš Beković  Electric devices  Researcher  2020  158 
3.  15341  PhD Amer Amor Chowdhury Haque  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2020 - 2021  319 
4.  56897  Jernej Frangež  Electric devices  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024  15 
5.  17151  Viktor Goričan    Technical associate  2020 - 2024  187 
6.  20452  PhD Miralem Hadžiselimović  Electric devices  Researcher  2020 - 2024  443 
7.  04530  PhD Anton Hamler  Electric devices  Researcher  2020 - 2024  583 
8.  12623  PhD Marko Jesenik  Electric devices  Head  2020 - 2024  307 
9.  23119  PhD Peter Kitak  Electric devices  Researcher  2020 - 2024  225 
10.  38213  PhD Miha Ravber  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2022 - 2024  48 
11.  28424  PhD Sebastijan Seme  Energy engineering  Researcher  2020 - 2024  433 
12.  14738  PhD Bojan Štumberger  Electric devices  Researcher  2020 - 2024  512 
13.  00277  PhD Igor Tičar  Electric devices  Retired researcher  2020 - 2024  342 
14.  38215  PhD Mislav Trbušić  Electric devices  Researcher  2020 - 2024  79 
15.  02077  PhD Mladen Trlep  Electric devices  Former/secondary head  2020 - 2022  515 
16.  33515  PhD Katja Vasić  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2022  110 
17.  26076  PhD Peter Virtič  Electric devices  Researcher  2020 - 2024  272 
18.  53587  PhD Jakob Vizjak  Electric devices  Junior researcher  2020 - 2023  11 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0796  University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  Maribor  5089638003  27,990 
The proposed Research Programme (RP) consists of three segments, which are interconnected, and all related to the common theoretical starting point. In the first segment of the RP, the foreseen research activities are focused on the field of Magnetic Properties` Measurements in material and their dependence on the external influences. We will develop new measurement procedures that will enable the measurement procedures of non-standard and as small as possible forms of samples. For groups of superparamagnetic powders, as well as fluids, we shall develop measuring systems which will ensure complete thermal separation of the sample and environment, especially from the excitation system, which is a strong thermal source. The measurement procedures will be analysed by numerical calculations of the magnetic and thermal field using the FEM. This method will also be used in the design and development of applications where superparamagnetic materials will be present. The second segment of the RP will be devoted to the research in the field of electromagnetic converters, i.e. electric machines in general sense, while the main concern will be focused on the specific segments of electric machines used in the following important systems: main drive systems and auxiliary systems for electric traction; small wind power generation systems; drive systems for heating ventilation and air conditioning; high-efficient industrial drive systems; household appliances. Climate changes and significant efforts for decreasing of greenhouse emissions in transport, power generation and consumption demand usage of more innovative electromagnetic converters. Innovative design of electric machines should follow the next main targets: high energy efficiency during energy conversion, reliability of operation, controllability, simplicity, rugged construction, low production price and recyclability of used materials. In this segment of the RP we are going to deal with the process of the ionization/deionization (I/D) in the soil, which starts with sufficiently large discharging currents. Therefore, the dynamic model of this process will be included in the mathematical model. We will use an improved dynamic model that includes, next to the area where I/D take place, and, in addition, a so-called sparking area, which is not a part of standard model. Because the relative permittivity of the soil is between 1 and 40 and more, depending on the amount of moisture content, it is also necessary to consider the displacement current in the calculation. We can assume that the value of the permittivity changes in the soil where the I/D process takes place, in the same way as the electrical resistivity. Therefore, the focus of the work in this segment of the programme will be on the determination of this functional dependence and influence in combination with the I/D process on the characteristic parameters of grounding.
Significance for science
Research in the field of Applied Electromagnetics, combined with newly discovered electromagnetic phenomena and newly developed materials, is extremely intense on a global level. Many segments of this area are still unexplored, and new ones are opening, such as: ? Superparamagnetic materials in the form of powders or magnetic fluids in terms of characterization, modelling and behaviour in a magnetic field, and search for new fields of applications. The usefulness of magnetic fluids is already widespread, from use in medicine, to use in non-destructive test, sensors, etc. New areas are also opening, where the possibility for their use can be seen. ? New magnetic materials for electromechanical converters and construction solutions adapted to them, with the aim to increase the capacity and efficiency of the converters and to make their production cheaper, to develop special electromechanical converters for use in electric and hybrid vehicles, smart homes and smart cities. ? Dynamic soil ionization models at very fast atmospheric discharges into the soil through grounding systems, the influence of the electromagnetic field on the surroundings at discharges, and the development of the appropriate protection of electric power and other facilities. Research work and the expected scientific and applicative results of the Programme Group in these fields will definitely be a step forward in the development of science and the profession in the mentioned areas, and also wider areas, both in the domestic and also global level. All research results will also be published, both at conferences and also in publications of different types and levels, with special emphasis on JCR journals. This orientation of the Programme Group is also confirmed by its results in the past. Thus, during the period of the current programme, from 2014-2019, we published 112 articles, which are classified according to COBISS in the group 1.01 (The original scientific articles), 78 articles are in journals with an Impact Factor (JCR) and even 40 in journals from 1 (A1), of which 7 are in the group that COBISS defines with A'' - exceptional achievements. We published 118 articles at scientific international conferences.   We confirm our scientific and research work in contacts with recognised scientists and researchers and their laboratories, which also enables the flow of our knowledge on a wider global level. Our involvement in international projects also enables a concrete two-way transfer of knowledge between institutions.
Significance for the country
Research in the frame of the new programme will help to increase the competitive ability of the Slovenian Electrical industry with products with higher added value. This is absolutely necessary for the Slovenian Electrical industry, which is very quality and export oriented. If it wants to remain competitive in a global space, it must absorb as much knowledge as possible, and use it in the innovative process. Therefore, the basic goal of the research programme Applied Electromagnetics is to produce as much useful knowledge as possible and to transfer it from its laboratories to the industrial environment. The programme has definitely succeeded in this in the past. However, such production is enabled only on the basis of the basic and applied research. Therefore, basic research has an important part in the programme, which is then related to application and development projects. Our results are especially useful for industry in the following areas:  ?Electro motors, electromechanical converters, ?Switching techniques, power systems, ?Measuring techniques, research of electro technical materials, ?Electric household appliances, ?Use and development of magnetic fluids, ?Electromechanical converters in the Automotive industry of electric and hybrid vehicles, and vessels and small wind power plants, ?Production of energy-efficient products intended for export, ?Construction and development of new lightning and grounding systems, ?Protection against electromagnetic fields` influences on the environment. We can see additional possibilities of the programme in more intensive cooperation at the domestic professional engineering meetings and organisation of various workshops in the scope of Programme Group for the wider professional public, and, with that, the possibility of influencing the domestic profession and also the raising of technical culture and the development of engineering practice in Slovenia, and the correct informing of the lay public about the electromagnetic field impact on the surroundings. An important contribution of the Programme Group members is also at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study Programmes at University of Maribor, both at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (FEE&CS), and at Faculty of Energy Technology (FET). As holders of subjects, they are responsible for the pedagogical and research development at these fields, and play an important role in the education of the engineering personnel in Slovenia. In the period 2014-2019, they participated as mentors or co-mentors in 254 diplomas of the first and second levels of study in the Bologna Study Programme, and in four Doctorates.
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