Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The past of North-eastern Slovenia among Slovenian historical lands and in interaction with the European neighbourhood

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.01.00  Humanities  Historiography   
5.03.00  Social sciences  Sociology   

Code Science Field
H270  Humanities  Social and economic history 

Code Science Field
6.01  Humanities  History and Archaeology 
5.04  Social Sciences  Sociology 
North-eastern Slovenia, Slovenian historical regions, South-eastern Europe, cultural history, urban centres, history of migrations, secret services, contacts between cultures, Slovenian ethnic territory, history of relationships between sexes, history of Maribor
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 29, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  152  681  599  3.94 
Scopus  262  1,347  1,123  4.29 
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  22467  PhD Gorazd Bajc  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2020  385 
2.  51046  PhD Martin Bele  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2024  71 
3.  10728  PhD Darko Darovec  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2021  523 
4.  11361  PhD Darko Friš  Historiography  Head  2019 - 2024  647 
5.  10175  PhD Andrej Hozjan  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2024  472 
6.  30933  PhD Andrej Kirbiš  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2020  245 
7.  22637  PhD Miran Lavrič  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  361 
8.  11963  PhD Mateja Matjašič Friš  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2024  147 
9.  33696  PhD Aleš Maver  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2024  497 
10.  55939  Tadeja Melanšek  Historiography  Junior researcher  2021 - 2024  14 
11.  13353  PhD Dragan Potočnik  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2020  555 
12.  19632  PhD Andrej Rahten  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2024  577 
13.  30079  PhD Tone Ravnikar  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2024  267 
14.  19529  PhD Majda Schmidt  Educational studies  Researcher  2019 - 2023  412 
15.  52036  PhD Ana Šela  Humanities  Researcher  2019 - 2024  54 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2565  University of Maribor Faculty of Arts  Maribor  5089638050  32,505 
The intended research programme follows the directions of the previous programme groups (period 2009-2018) Political, cultural, economic, social and religious history of Styria, Carinthia and Prekmurje and its place in the Central European area as well as The past of North Eastern Slovenia and neighbouring regions of Austria, Hungary and Croatia, regarding conceptualization of theoretical foundations, with base of the project again being geographical area of the North- eastern Slovenia in the widest sense of this term. Thus the mentioned area remains at the heart of the entire programme’s research opus. The group is therefore going to try to dedicate itself to research questions, connected with geographical components and smaller units of the said area with even greater intensity. An important novelty in the forthcoming period will be a consistent linking of events in the treated are to development processes in other Slovenian historical regions from Carniola to Istria. The previous researches in the framework of the programme group have shown that numerous historical and social processes in the Northeast of the Slovene ethnic territory can’t be separated from the processes in other regions where speakers of Slovene dwelled. But this novelty doesn’t mean that the programme group is planning to stop emphasizing connections of the central area of its researches to the Central Europe on one and to the South-eastern Europe on the other hand.   Even more than before multiculturalism, questions of symbiosis, inclusion, tolerance and intolerance, social and ethnic minorities in different historical periods will be put in spotlight.   The programme group will, if confirmed, continue to research many various topics in most historical periods whereby a visible centre of gravity will remain on items of economic, political, social, religious and cultural history of the last five or six centuries, in sociological part also on present developments.  Local, regional and supraregional forms of activities of different parties and movements, formation of social, political and ideological concepts among populace of all ethnic communities, living in the mentioned area and in its neighbourhood, and the concrete forms of conflicts between them will form some of the focal points. In similar way and based on an interdisciplinary approach topics from recent past, from the period of independence movement and democratization in Slovenia, will be treated, again with the regional framework and connections to the processes in entire Slovenia and in Central Eastern Europe emphasized.   Economic history of the early modern age, history of the activities of secret services, and new aspects of diplomatic history remain important topics.  Sociological part of the group is expected to contribute even heavier to the research. The programme group is  planning to prepare and publish a comprehensive encyclopaedic dictionary with the working title Biographical Dictionary of North-eastern Slovenia, which would be an important novelty in Slovenian historiography.
Significance for science
The area of North-eastern Slovenia remains at the heart of the entire programme’s research opus. Despite of already completed scientific work it for his rich past also remains an inexhaustible source of research topics and problem fields. The group is therefore going to try to dedicate itself to research questions, connected with geographical components and smaller units of the said area with even greater intensity.   An important novelty in the forthcoming period will be a consistent linking of events in the treated area to development processes in other Slovenian historical regions from Carniola to Istria. But this novelty doesn’t mean that the programme group is planning to stop emphasizing historical peculiarities of the central area of its researches. These peculiarities are in part an important result of its connections to Central Europe on one and to the South-eastern Europe on the other hand. Hence, place of the treated area of the Slovenian Northeast in the mentioned processes, but also possible tensions, connected to them, will be made visible. In this regard especially the material, witnessing to contacts of the North-eastern Slovenia with territories of present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia or Italy on one and Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia or Bulgaria will be taken into consideration.   With its regional orientation our programme group tries to be a part of a strengthened trend of similarly oriented historical researches abroad (e. g. in Austria Harald Krahwinkler or Peter Wiesflecker, in Hungary e. g. Istvan Bariska, Eva Turbuly or Péter Tóth; in Croatia Petar Strčić, Miroslav Bertoša or Hrvoje Petrić). The second theoretical foundation of programme remains basically unchanged as well. Main aim of the research group  will remain its wish to throw light on lesser known or less researched topics from the political, cultural, social, economic and religious past of the mentioned geographical area. Nevertheless the project will follow some new directions, somehow connected to the partly changed focal point. In our third theoretical foundation we are willing to preserve a characteristic historiographical premise. This premise will still be based on a widespread tendency in historiography, called social history. We also won’t avoid another trend and tendency, the gender studies, which put roles and relations between the genders in focus. The mentioned currents are based on the fundamental works of Western European (especially French, but also British) historiography and interdisciplinary researches from the second half of the 20th century. Speaking about these methodological approaches, direction of our project towards regional treatment of historiographic problems could be a substantial comparative advantage, since included authors have excellent knowledge of conditions and available sources. But the success is on the other hand impossible without constant comparison with findings of similar humanistic and social sciences in broader European environment.   The main goal of the proposed programme is sure an even more intensive research of topics, which are outlined by the presented theoretical foundations. Selected topics make an entrance into the European scientific arena possible without further problems. With an appropriate personal structure our research will be dedicated to almost all historical periods.   But a visible centre of gravity will remain on items of economic, political, social, religious and cultural history of the last five or six centuries.   Local, regional and supraregional forms of activities of different parties and movements, formation of social, political and ideological concepts among populace of all ethnic communities, living in the mentioned area and in its neighbourhood, and the concrete forms of conflicts between them will form some of the focal points. In this regard particular attention will be dedicated to the period immediately after the both w
Significance for the country
The intensive treatment of lesser known and especially outstanding scientific topics will certainly be helpful for many regional, provincial and local factors in culture, education, science, tourism and in the preservation of natural and cultural heritage; the later will form part of the programme group’s researches to a considerable degree.  Some aspects of political, economic, cultural, social and religious history of different parts of the included area even weren’t object of scientific analysis so far. To shorten our point, the planned results of the programme group create concrete possibilities for the development of tourism, mass and individual recreation, trekking, and new forms of agriculture. That all can certainly be a way to creation of new working places, to successful execution of structural and development micro projects in different local environments and to concrete additional employing of individuals in many other activities, connected to the mentioned areas.
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
Views history