International projects source: SICRIS

New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction

Circular economy, Business model innovation, Supply chain management, Service innovation, Technological innovation, Sustainable innovation
Researchers (33)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18442  Darko Bogataj    Technical associate  2018 - 2022 
2.  17982  Marko Brodnik    Technical associate  2018 - 2022  43 
3.  08373  MSc Franc Capuder  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  89 
4.  04259  Branko Cerut  Civil engineering  Technical associate  2018 - 2022  56 
5.  32327  Janko Čretnik  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  95 
6.  56291  Petra Drnovšek    Technical associate  2018 - 2022  11 
7.  18444  Sabina Drnovšek    Technical associate  2018 - 2022  68 
8.  11897  PhD Karmen Fifer Bizjak  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  293 
9.  14934  PhD Mateja Golež  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  230 
10.  54949  Anja Ilenič  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  28 
11.  17984  Bojan Iršič    Technical associate  2018 - 2022 
12.  40984  Veljko Janjić  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022 
13.  34442  PhD Mateja Košir  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  72 
14.  21593  PhD Stanislav Lenart  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  228 
15.  39821  Barbara Likar  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  109 
16.  37333  PhD Katja Malovrh Rebec  Energy engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  93 
17.  56577  PhD Lucia Mancini  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  184 
18.  56746  PhD Dragica Marinič    Researcher  2018 - 2022  83 
19.  25599  PhD Alenka Mauko Pranjić  Geology  Head  2018 - 2022  322 
20.  30957  PhD Kim Mezga  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  150 
21.  33103  PhD Sebastjan Meža  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  43 
22.  05930  PhD Ana Mladenović  Geology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  824 
23.  15549  Marija Nagode  Civil engineering  Technical associate  2018 - 2022  34 
24.  17972  Primož Oblak    Technical associate  2018 - 2022 
25.  36451  PhD Primož Oprčkal  Geology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  130 
26.  13700  MSc Mojca Ravnikar Turk  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  211 
27.  53691  Mihael Ravnjak  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022 
28.  39834  Franci Smrtnik  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  85 
29.  53386  Dragana Šolaja  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022 
30.  35413  PhD Mateja Štefančič  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  35 
31.  27508  PhD Janez Turk  Civil engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  217 
32.  31991  PhD Petra Vrhovnik  Geology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  153 
33.  32263  PhD Vesna Zalar Serjun  Geology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  131 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1502  Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute  Ljubljana  5866324000  9,988 
2.  2886  NIGRAD javno komunalno podjetje d.d. (Slovene)  Maribor  5066310  62 
The EU-28 total waste generation in 2014 was 2598M tones, the highest since 2004, 33.5% of which was from the construction sector, being also one of the larger consumers of inorganic raw materials. Construction activities are mainly localized in urban areas where by 2050 about 86% of the developed world is expected to live. CINDERELLA project aims to develop a new Circular Economy Business Model (CEBM) for use of secondary raw materials (SRM) in urban areas, connecting different industries, the construction sector and municipal services, decision makers and the general public with the support of CinderOSS, a “One-Stop-Shop” service, articulated in (i) an on-line ICT platform for tracking and modelling the urban waste-to-product flows, on-line marketing and sharing knowledge and information along the value chain (ii) production and marketing of (SRM) based construction products and (iii) building with SRM based construction products supported by building information modelling (BIM). Different streams of waste will be exploited in the project, i.e. construction and demolition waste, industrial wastes, heavy fraction from municipal solid waste and sewage sludge, mostly of them currently landfilled and/or incinerated. Their suitability for use for building materials will be demonstrated through large scale demonstration activities in Slovenia, Croatia and Spain while the ICT platform will be demonstrated in Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Poland, Italy and The Netherlands. The project will contribute to 20% reduction of environmental impacts along the value and supply chain, reducing virgin material exploitation and converting wastes to products. Sustainability of CEBM will be proven with the environmental, economic and social assessment through whole life (LCA, LCC and S-LCA). The pre-feasibility analysis of the proposed CEBM indicates an increase of recycling by 30% of CDW, 13% of industrial waste, 100% of heavy fraction and 25% of sewage sludge with a net profit of 18%.
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