Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Characterization of fractal structures and scale-up parameters in their synthesis

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.02.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Chemical engineering   

Code Science Field
T350  Technological sciences  Chemical technology and engineering 

Code Science Field
2.04  Engineering and Technology  Chemical engineering  
crystal twins, multitple generation twins, fractal structures, hydrodynamics through CFD, adsorption and separation of biologic macromolecules
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (12)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  54374  PhD Urban Bezeljak  Biochemistry and molecular biology  Researcher  2021 - 2022  15 
2.  25788  PhD Boštjan Genorio  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  338 
3.  36330  PhD Vanja Jordan  Chemistry  Junior researcher  2018  18 
4.  39257  Tanja Lukan  Chemistry  Technical associate  2018 - 2019  16 
5.  52213  PhD Rok Mravljak  Biotechnology  Researcher  2019 - 2022  26 
6.  16327  PhD Matjaž Peterka  Biotechnology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  226 
7.  12728  PhD Aleš Podgornik  Chemical engineering  Head  2018 - 2022  720 
8.  27843  PhD Matejka Podlogar  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  290 
9.  53417  Tina Radošević    Technical associate  2019 - 2020  80 
10.  10083  PhD Aleksander Rečnik  Chemistry  Researcher  2018 - 2020  652 
11.  34349  PhD Aleš Ručigaj  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  145 
12.  37945  Jasmina Tušar  Biochemistry and molecular biology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  10 
Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0103  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology  Ljubljana  1626990  24,196 
2.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,767 
3.  3030  Center of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumentation and process Control  Ajdovščina  3660460  364 
Many important areas of research and technology, such as catalysis, separation processes, sensors, immobilized bioreactors, etc., requires materials exhibiting high specific surface area, high porosity and open porous structures with high accessibility. Ideally such material would have defined structure already at nanoscale but being flexible enough to be tailored for specific application. Learning from nature, once can realize, that such structures do already exist and that are rather common. They are formed through crystal twinning. Crystal twins are defined by geometric operation, where two or more crystals are in contact or do interpenetrate according to defined and repetitive rules, predetermined by their crystal lattice. Because of that, such structures do form in nanoscale, microscale or macroscale dimensions. In case of multiple generation twinning, they form self-similar structures. In fact, they are natural fractals, precisely geometrically defined by twinning laws. Despite variety of such natural structures scientist were only recently able to synthetize multi-generation twins in laboratory. This opens possibility for preparation of tailor made fractal structures based on twinning laws and therefore theoretical characterization of their properties is required for design of fractal structures with required properties.   During project several different fields of expertise will be combined to determine and synthetize optimal multiple-generations twin structures-shorter crystal fractal structures (CFS)- for particular application. Based on the knowledge of particular mineral atomic structure, possible contact twins and especially frequency of their occurrence will be determined. For most frequently occurring CFS their structural properties using fractal theory will be determined, while their hydrodynamic properties are planned to be estimated using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) tools in cooperation with Austrian partner. In parallel, synthetize of larger quantities of specific CFS will be performed and experimental results will be compare with theoretical predictions. Optionally, CFS would be functionalized to tailor their surface properties accordingly to test adsorption and separation properties for biological molecules of different size. Entire procedure is planned to be tested on several minerals what would result in general methodology for design and preparation of such structures for particular application
Significance for science
Outcomes of proposed projects will provide novel concepts in design of catalysts, cell scaffolds, immobilized enzyme bioreactors and separation media. Concept of fractal structure formation based on twinning law was so far not explored, therefore proposed topic is novel and original. Variability of possible geometries enable almost unlimited combinations in design and optimization for particular application, making proposed approach attractive in many areas of technology and research. Proposed theoretical concepts for derivation of optimal fractal structure geometry are also novel, as they combine symmetry operations on the crystals deriving from crystal structure lattice and morphology with hydrodynamics of formed structures. As such, one would be able to predict performance of fractal structures in particular flow-through applications in-silico.
Significance for the country
Outcomes of proposed projects will provide novel concepts in design of catalysts, cell scaffolds, immobilized enzyme bioreactors and separation media. Concept of fractal structure formation based on twinning law was so far not explored, therefore proposed topic is novel and original. Variability of possible geometries enable almost unlimited combinations in design and optimization for particular application, making proposed approach attractive in many areas of technology and research. Proposed theoretical concepts for derivation of optimal fractal structure geometry are also novel, as they combine symmetry operations on the crystals deriving from crystal structure lattice and morphology with hydrodynamics of formed structures. As such, one would be able to predict performance of fractal structures in particular flow-through applications in-silico.
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
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