Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Cultural Memory of Slovene Nation and State Building

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.01.00  Humanities  Historiography   

Code Science Field
H003  Humanities  History and Arts 

Code Science Field
6.01  Humanities  History and Archaeology 
Slovenia, nation-building, state-building, cultural memory, history, myths, symbols, rituals, commemorations
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  53252  Arnela Abdić    Technical associate  2019 - 2020 
2.  31643  PhD Matej Avbelj  Law  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
3.  22467  PhD Gorazd Bajc  Historiography  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
4.  34049  PhD Tina Bilban  Philosophy  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
5.  12070  PhD Jožica Čeh Steger  Humanities  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
6.  10728  PhD Darko Darovec  Historiography  Head  2018 - 2021 
7.  37533  PhD Manca Erzetič  Philosophy  Researcher  2019 - 2021 
8.  11361  PhD Darko Friš  Historiography  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
9.  54390  PhD Marjan Horvat  Sociology  Researcher  2020 
10.  10175  PhD Andrej Hozjan  Historiography  Researcher  2020 - 2021 
11.  11259  PhD Dean Komel  Philosophy  Researcher  2018 
12.  11963  PhD Mateja Matjašič Friš  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2021 
13.  33696  PhD Aleš Maver  Historiography  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
14.  31006  PhD Marko Novak  Law  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
15.  35237  PhD Žiga Oman  Historiography  Researcher  2018 - 2020 
16.  19632  PhD Andrej Rahten  Historiography  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
17.  04999  PhD Dimitrij Rupel  Political science  Retired researcher  2020 - 2021 
18.  29337  PhD Polona Tratnik  Philosophy  Researcher  2018 - 2021 
Organisations (5)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2565  University of Maribor Faculty of Arts  Maribor  5089638050 
2.  2404  Nova revija - Institute of Humanist Studies  Ljubljana  2156059 
3.  2629  New University, European Faculty of Law  Nova Gorica   2146916 
4.  3270  New University, Faculty of Slovenian and International Studies  Ljubljana  6383629 
5.  3344  Institute IRRIS for Research, Development and Strategies of Society, Culture and Environment  Marezige  6292577 
Within the project we will implement interdisciplinary research of different aspects (historical, literary, cultural, philosophical, legal, artistic, etc.) of formation of Slovenian ethnic and national identity and the state. The so far existing knowledge in this field needs to be enlightened and re­interpreted with contemporary theoretical and methodological approaches, which deal with the formation of ethnic identities and national states, i.e. nation-building and state building process. We will investigate the cultural production (historical, political and literary texts, visual art, music, film, mass media etc.) in their relations to the spirit of time. These influences will be studied according to the methodological concepts of cultural memory, cultural transfers and transculturality, which articulates culture in the sense of intertwinement, and according to the theory of symbolic construction of national identity, which defends a thesis that identity is being constructed and preserved in the process of comparison and interaction with members of other groups. We will additionally strengthen the consciousness about necessary “construction” or “production” of reality through different types of texts and about the intertwinement between the heritage (text) and the interpreter. We originate from a hypothesis that symbols, myths, images, memories and communication are crucial for forming the identity of community and individuals, thus special attention will be given to researching their representation and construction in the sense of their integrational role in connecting communities. With theme analysis we will identify the representations of historical myths that play key role in forming community identity. We will analyze the “breaking” events, which all have rebellious character, and the historical figures through their historiographical re-interpretations and study them through the most important milestones of the Slovenian collective memory with comparative interdisciplinary approach. Attention will be given to different national-integration projects that occurred on Slovenian territory in 19th and 20th C. and were, as in other parts of Europe, reproduced through school text books and historical syntheses and culture. The research will follow the reconstruction of historiographical experience of some of the most important “memorial places” (from Christianization, peasant revolts, reformation to National Liberation Struggle and independence in 1991), their representations and interpretations, particularly within myths, linked to national identity. Special attention will be given to selecting the past, which depends of the actual social and political needs. This is a particularly sensitive subject for the nations, which are still in the process of building a nation, as is Slovenian nation, which makes interventions into the collective memory extremely sensitive. The project group will contribute original studies important for the Slovenian historiography and relevant for the understanding of complex concepts, such as “ethnical identity” and “nationalism”, that cannot be understood merely by partial interpretations. Moreover, the project group will carry out pioneer research of Slovenian state formation in the 80’s and 90’s of the 20th century and in this way contribute to the development of historical science. The research will therefore help to gain a more precise knowledge and comprehension of the period of Slovenian independence that up till now has not been installed in the frame of the long-term history. Today, hardly anyone understands it as a part of a more complex process and sees it as an occurrence in itself. An international network of researchers and research institutions will be formed that will collaborate in different forms of dissemination of research results.
Significance for science
To the Slovenian historiography the project delivers theoretical and methodological innovations, as well as an analytical practice, which are part of the current research in humanities and social sciences, with a special emphasis on the concept of interdisciplinary history. The majority of researches have been focused on studying individual  historical periods, while systematic research of a long-time period has not yet been attempted. The research considers valuation of concepts within a long-time period based on the study of selected transitional periods and the transformations of cultural memory in the times of modernization and later in the era of mass media. The research is important for knowing and valuing Slovenian culture and cultural heritage. It will contribute to the development of citizen and European historical consciousness in the region, which will contribute to the consolidation of a successful modern state. It will contribute to critical evaluation of Slovenian history, acceptance of plurality of viewpoints and cultures that exist in this territory. Along with globalization trends and European integration processes, the re-evaluation of socio-political and identity forms of existence is a challenge for humanities and social studies, which clearly demands new strategic directions and concepts or, as Koselleck would argue, from contemporary to the past for the future. The results will be included in the education process at university level and will be useful for school lessons due to its connection to the Slovenian state and history. We will contribute to a stronger connection between culture, science, and education, in order to raise the quality of studies and teaching. The educational process will be enriched by developing innovative historiographical approaches and their application to school programs. The results will be additionally useful in lifelong learning. We will complete and scientifically process the up until now insufficiently valued types of historical sources, e.g. memoires, journals, private collections and legacies, photographic material, etc. We will also contribute to the development of Slovenian scientific terminology. The project group will contribute original studies important to the Slovenian historiography and relevant for the understanding of complex concepts, such as identity and nationalism, nation-building, and state-building etc., which cannot be understood merely by partial interpretations. Therefore, for the purpose of epistemological modernization of historiography, the first important and responsible task will be to execute a systematically and critically reflective analysis of the course of nationalization of cultural memory during the 19th and 20th c., similar to Koselleck’s or J. and A. Assmann’s work focusing on the German territory, which has been made decades ago. Moreover, the project group will carry out pioneer research of Slovenian state formation in the 1980s and 1990s. The research will supplement the existing knowledge and contribute to its worldwide relevance.
Significance for the country
To the Slovenian historiography the project delivers theoretical and methodological innovations, as well as an analytical practice, which are part of the current research in humanities and social sciences, with a special emphasis on the concept of interdisciplinary history. The majority of researches have been focused on studying individual  historical periods, while systematic research of a long-time period has not yet been attempted. The research considers valuation of concepts within a long-time period based on the study of selected transitional periods and the transformations of cultural memory in the times of modernization and later in the era of mass media. The research is important for knowing and valuing Slovenian culture and cultural heritage. It will contribute to the development of citizen and European historical consciousness in the region, which will contribute to the consolidation of a successful modern state. It will contribute to critical evaluation of Slovenian history, acceptance of plurality of viewpoints and cultures that exist in this territory. Along with globalization trends and European integration processes, the re-evaluation of socio-political and identity forms of existence is a challenge for humanities and social studies, which clearly demands new strategic directions and concepts or, as Koselleck would argue, from contemporary to the past for the future. The results will be included in the education process at university level and will be useful for school lessons due to its connection to the Slovenian state and history. We will contribute to a stronger connection between culture, science, and education, in order to raise the quality of studies and teaching. The educational process will be enriched by developing innovative historiographical approaches and their application to school programs. The results will be additionally useful in lifelong learning. We will complete and scientifically process the up until now insufficiently valued types of historical sources, e.g. memoires, journals, private collections and legacies, photographic material, etc. We will also contribute to the development of Slovenian scientific terminology. The project group will contribute original studies important to the Slovenian historiography and relevant for the understanding of complex concepts, such as identity and nationalism, nation-building, and state-building etc., which cannot be understood merely by partial interpretations. Therefore, for the purpose of epistemological modernization of historiography, the first important and responsible task will be to execute a systematically and critically reflective analysis of the course of nationalization of cultural memory during the 19th and 20th c., similar to Koselleck’s or J. and A. Assmann’s work focusing on the German territory, which has been made decades ago. Moreover, the project group will carry out pioneer research of Slovenian state formation in the 1980s and 1990s. The research will supplement the existing knowledge and contribute to its worldwide relevance.
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
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