International projects source: SICRIS

Innovative school education methodologies and tools for guaranteeing social inclusion of young carers

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  15257  PhD Valentina Hlebec  Sociology  Head  2017 - 2020 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0582  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences  Ljubljana  1626957 
A proportion of young people across Europe carry out a significant role in caring for their ill and/or disabled family member. These young people are defined in the literature as young carers (YCs), that is “children and young persons under 18 who provide or intend to provide care, assistance or support to another family member” (Becker, 2000). In particular, being an adolescent YC is recognised as a risk factor for social exclusion, with higher absenteeism and drop-out rates from education and low employability, as well as social life, with fewer social contacts, social stigma and bullying. Despite the relevance of the phenomenon, teachers and school staff are usually not aware of the frequency of similar situations and are not able to identify YCs in their class. Furthermore, most EU countries have no specific policies or dedicated health and social services that can work in synergy with schools for this purpose and sustain YCs in education and social inclusion more in general. The failure in identifying YCs and tailoring education at school to their needs leads to several negative consequences. These effects concern the possibility that YCs can learn and work productively at school, integrate with other peer pupils, maintain a regular frequency of classes, reach learning goals and finalise formal education of high school. The project “Innovative School Education Methodologies and Tools for Guaranteeing Social Inclusion of Young Carers” (EDY-CARE) will have the main goal to empower teachers and other school staff (e.g., school nurses, psychologists, social workers, management) in upper secondary education (ISCED-3 level) to recognise adolescent YCs (16-19 years old) in classes and maximise their learning opportunities. The specific objectives of the EDY-CARE project will be: 1) to develop an assessment tool that could help teachers and school staff to identify YCs (Intellectual Output 1) 2) to develop and test a package of educational methodologies with teachers, school staff and their classes with YCs (Intellectual Output 2); 3) to produce a handbook providing guidelines and recommendations on how teachers and school staff can work at best with YCs (Intellectual Output 3); 4) to develop a massive open online course (MOOC) for training teachers and school staff on the YCs phenomenon, their needs and preferences (Intellectual Output 4); 5) to develop a mobile application (app) for enhancing the communication between teachers and school staff with YCs (Intellectual Output 5) The participating teachers, school staff and students will benefit from EDY-CARE, first by recognizing better young carers and second by raising awareness about YCs situation and possible negative outcomes of care involvement for YS participation at school, educational achievement and later entrance on labour force market among teachers and other school staff. The training package for teachers and school staff will ensure long term impacts of project outcomes on school environment. Educational methodologies, assessment tool and handbook could be used by the teaching staff for recognising young carers, learning what to do to support them in schools and how to link them with other available services at local level. The e-learning course available in form of MOOC will make the training available to the largest possible number of teachers and school staf in partner countries, as well as in other European countries. Finally, the mobile app will strengthen the relationships among teachers, school staff and YCs and will become an easy-to-use tool publicly available for exploitation.
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